Configuration Deletion

Use the Configuration Deletion portal to review and delete configuration entities that were previously imported and are no longer needed. Refer to Importing and Applying a Migration for an overview of the import process.

Navigate using Admin > Implementation Tools > Configuration Deletion. You are brought to a portal where you can define a set of import data sets as representing a complete imported configuration and delete entities that were previously imported but not included in the reference set.

The following zones are visible on the Main tab:

  • Configuration Summary. This zone summarizes the number of imported entities by maintenance object that are included in a selected set of import data asets that represent a complete imported configuration. Selecting a maintenance object lists potential entities for deletion.

  • Entities to Delete. This zone lists potential entities for deletion, i.e. entities of the selected maintenance object that were previously imported but not included in the reference data set. You may select and delete entities from this list.