Creating SGG Payload Processing Extendable Lookup Values
You also have to create an extendable lookup value to define how usage and event payloads will be processed.
Payload processing configuration information is captured in the SGG Payload Processing Configuration (D1-SGGPayloadProcess) extendable lookup.
Values for this extendable lookup are defined by the following:
Value: A unique code for the extendable lookup value. This value will be referenced as a batch control parameter value.
Description: A description of the lookup value
Status: The current status of the value. Set this to “Active”.
Processing Details: This section defines details for payload processing, including
Payload Handler Class Name: The Java class name for the processing handler to be used. See Payload Handler Classes and Parameters below for more information.
Head-End System: The head end system for which the configuration will apply. Select from the drop-down list.
Populate Raw: A checkbox that indicates if the payload data is populated as raw data.
Payload Processing Result Type: The type of payload to which the configuration applies. Options include:
Device Events
Initial Measurements
Initial Measurements and Device Events
IMD Seeder BO (Interval): The seeder business object used to create interval initial measurements. The base package includes the “IMD Seeder” (D1-IMDSeeder) business object for this. Applicable only if the Payload Processing Result Type is “Initial Measurements” or “Initial Measurements and Device Events”.
IMD Seeder BO (Scalar): The seeder business object used to create scalar initial measurements. The base package includes the “IMD Seeder” (D1-IMDSeeder) business object for this. Applicable only if the Payload Processing Result Type is “Initial Measurements” or “Initial Measurements and Device Events”.
Device Event Seeder BO: The seeder business object used to create device events. The base package includes the “Device Event Seeder” (D1-DeviceEventSeeder) business object for this. Applicable only if the Payload Processing Result Type is “Device Events” or “Initial Measurements and Device Events”.
Filter IMD: A checkbox that indicates if initial measurements should be filtered. Applicable only if the Payload Processing Result Type is “Initial Measurements” or “Initial Measurements and Device Events”. See Filtering Payloads below for more information.
Filter Device Events: A checkbox that indicates if device events should be filtered. Applicable only if the Payload Processing Result Type is “Device Events” or “Initial Measurements and Device Events”. See Filtering Payloads below for more information.
Dynamic Parameters: A list of parameter names and values that support additional processing rules, based on the specified Payload Handler Class. See Payload Handler Classes and Parameters below for specific parameters supported by each adapter.
User Exit Interceptors: Defines custom Groovy Library Scripts to be executed via user exit calls when parsing and transforming incoming usage and device data in custom and non-standard formats. User exit interceptors are defined as follows:
Payload Processing User Exit Type
Groovy Library Script
Groovy Library Method
On Get Parser
Parsing script
On Get Transformer
Transforming script
On Result List
Handler script
See Adapter Development Kit Custom Payload Processing for more information about the On Get Parser and On Get Transformer User Exit Interceptors. See Mapping Additional Fields for information about the On Result List User Exit Interceptor.
On Get Parser and On Get Transformer User Exit Interceptors are applicable only when the Payload Handler Class Name is set to com.splwg.d1.domain.sgg.dg.processing.PayloadHandlerViaUserExits.