Upload Statistics Activities
Upload statistics activities are activities that contain statistics related to the processing of usage and device events sent from a head end system.
There are three types of upload statistics activities:
Payload Statistics: Contains statistics related to a specific payload (file) containing one or more initial measurements or device events.
Payload Error Notification: Contains details concerning processing errors encountered in an individual payload (file) containing one or more initial measurements or device events.
Payload Summary: Contains processing summary statistics for an individual payload (file) containing one or more initial measurements or device events. Payload Summary used to update related payload statistics upon the completion of payload processing.
Upload statistics activities are created during processing of payload files as follows:
When processing begins for a payload, a Payload Statistics activity is created to record the process.
•If an error occurs during processing, a Payload Error Notificationactivity is created.
•When payload processing is complete, a Payload Summaryactivity is created, which in turn, updates the Payload Statistics activity with details concerning the processing of the payload, including (the start and end time of the processing, the total processing time, the number of initial measurements or device events processed, and the number of initial measurement or device event errors (if any).
Suppressing Upload Statistics Activities
Creation of upload statistics activities can be suppressed through the use of the following dynamic parameters in the SGG Payload Processing Configuration Extendable Lookup:
suppressPayloadErrorNotification (Note: If this set to false, the error description will be written into the application log file.)
See Common Parameters in Payload Handler Classes and Parametersfor more information about these parameters.