To Do List
This page lists To Do entries of a given type that are either Open (e.g., not assigned to a specific user) or are assigned to you.
Refer to the To Do Management portal for a page that provides many more filters to narrow down the results. In addition, it provides more data in the results and allows the user to adjust the priority of To Do entries.
Note:Restricted by role. Only those entries assigned to a role to which you belong may be seen on this page. Refer to To Do Entries Reference A Role for more information.
We recommend familiarizing yourself with the topics described in The Big Picture of To Do Lists to fully appreciate how To Do entries are managed by the system.
Use Menu > To Do > To Do List to open this page.
Description of Page
This page contains a grid that summarizes the To Do entries of a given type on which you can work.
The Info section contains a concatenation of the To Do Type's description and the user's name.
The area beneath Info provides you with options that control which To Do entries appear and the order in which they are displayed. The following points describe the various options:
Use Sort By to define how you want the To Do entries sorted. The following options are available:
Assigned Date - On or After. This option sorts the To Do entries in chronological order (based on the date the entry was assigned to you) starting from the input Date. If you choose this option, the system assumes you want to start from the earliest To Do entry. If you want to start from a date other than the earliest To Do entry, enter the desired Date and click the adjacent search button.
Assigned Date - On or Before. This option sorts the To Do entries in reverse chronological order (based on the date the entry was assigned to you) starting from the input Date. If you choose this option, the system assumes you want to start from the today's date. If you want to start from a date other than today's date, enter the desired Date and click the adjacent search button.
Create Date - On or After. This option sorts the To Do entries in chronological order (based on the date the entry was created) starting from the input Date. If you choose this option, the system assumes you want to start from the earliest To Do entry. If you want to start from a date other than the earliest To Do entry, enter the desired Date and click the adjacent search button.
Create Date - On or Before. This option sorts the To Do entries in reverse chronological order (based on the date the entry was created) starting from the input Date. If you choose this option, the system assumes you want to start from the today's date. If you want to start from a date other than today's date, enter the desired Date and click the adjacent search button.
Extra Information. This option sorts the To Do entries by the value of the Extra Info.
Use Extra Info to choose data related to the To Do Entry that should be used to sort the To Do entries. This information is displayed in each entry's Extra Information column.
Note:Extra Info. Each To Do types's available Extra Info is defined on the To Do Type Sort Keys. Also note that each To Do type's available Extra Info differs based on the configuration of the To Do Type.
Use Filter by to restrict the To Do entries based on their status. The following options are available:
All. This option shows all entries that are Open or Being Worked On.
Being Worked On. This option shows all entries that are Being Worked On (and assigned to you).
Open. This option shows all entries that are Open.
The grid that follows contains the To Do entries that match your criteria. The following information appears:
Click the Select All button to select all entries displayed in the grid. Click the Clear All button to remove the selections in the grid.
Use the checkbox if you want to mark specific entries as Completed or Being Worked On using the Complete or Assign buttons at the bottom.
A Comment icon Comments icon appears if there are comments on the To Do item and a Log Entry icon Log Entry icon appears if there is a log entry of type Forwarded, Sent Back or User Details on the To Do item. This column appears if at least one To Do has either comments or a special log entry.
Entries are further sorted by their Priority. Highest in priority are listed first.
Create Date/Time contains the date and time the To Do entry was created by the system.
Click the Create Date/Time hyperlink or either of the special icons to navigate to the To Do entry page.
Click the number of Related entries hyperlink to navigate to the To Do Search query to list potentially related entries to the current entry.
Assigned Date/Time contains the date and time the To Do entry was assigned to a user. This field is only populated on entries that are Being Worked On. If a user assigned the To Do entry, the user ID and name of the user who assigned the To Do entry are displayed beneath the Date/Time.
Message contains a description of the To Do entry. Use the message description hyperlink to drill into the page on which the entry's respective object is displayed. If the To Do type has been configured to associate a script with this To Do entry's message number, then instead of being taken to the respective page, the associated script is launched. Refer to Working On A To Do Entry for more information.
Note:Current To Do. Drilling into an entry from this page sets it to be the user's current To Do. Refer to A User's Current To Do for more information on how to efficiently scroll through additional entries in your current work list.
CAUTION:Automatic Assignment! When you drill into an entry using the message description hyperlink from this page, the system changes the status of the entry to Being Worked On and assigns it to you.
To Do Entry Status is the current status of the To Do entry.
Extra Information contains the data for the entry that corresponds to the Extra Info chosen in the sort options above.
To Do ID contains the unique identifier of the To Do entry.
If you want to mark one or more entries as Being Worked On, check the desired entries and then click the Assign button.
If you want to mark one or more entries as Completed, check the desired entries and then click the Complete button. Completed entries do not appear on the To Do list (but they are retained on the database for audit purposes).