Installing Prerequisite Software
This section describes the software that needs to be installed for each of the supported operating system and application server combinations, including:
AIX 7.2 TL5+ Application Server
This section describes the software requirements for operating the application using the AIX application server.
Supported Application Servers
Operating System
Application Server
AIX 7.2 TL5+
POWER 64-bit
Oracle WebLogic 12c ( 64-bit version
Web/Application Server Tier
AIX 7.2 TL5 Operating System Running on Power5 and Power6 Architecture
UNIX Administrator User ID
The following user groups and accounts have to be created to install and administer the application
Default Value
Customer Defined Value
Oracle Utilities Market Settlements Management Administrator User ID
Oracle Utilities Market Settlements Management User Group
Note: It is recommended that you change the default values for security reasons.
Throughout this document the administrator user ID is often referred to as the “cissys” user ID. You should substitute that with the customer defined user ID when not using the default value. After the initial install, the software should always be managed using that user ID.
By default, the cissys userid is the only one given access to the installed files.
1. Create a group called cisusr (user group).
2. Create a user “cissys” and a primary group “cisusr”. Set the primary shell for the cissys user to Korn Shell.
The shell scripts use the “>” to overwrite shell functionality. Your operating system may be configured to not allow this functionality by default in the users shell.
To avoid file access permission problems when executing scripts, consider placing the following command into cissys profile script:
set +o noclobber
Security Configuration
Various options exist to secure a system. In this application all files will be created with the minimum permissions required to ensure that group-readable, group-writable and group-executable files will have the correct user groups and to restrict the permissions available to legitimate users. In this way, a low privileged end user cannot directly edit configuration files and thereby bypass application security controls.
The following users and group categories must be defined to implement this security. For demonstration purposes the following users and groups will be used. These users must be created according to industry standards (including password policies). All users should be created with a default umask of 077 to ensure files created during normal operation have the correct permissions.
Replace these users and groups for your installation defaults:
This user will be used to install the application and to apply patches. This user will own all the application files. The same care should be taken with this user ID as if it is 'root'. This user will be able to add, delete and modify and files within the application.
Administrative and Operation functions will be available to this user. This user will be able to stop and start the application and batch processes, but will not have access to modify any file other than generated log files
Note: The Oracle Client and WebLogic should be installed as the user who will stop and start the application. For example, if you plan to run the application as the install user these components must belong to cissys.
You must use the same user for starting and stopping a process. For example, if cissys is used to start the application server, the use cissys to stop it as well.
Oracle Database Client 19c - Runtime Option
Install the Oracle Client as described in the Oracle Client installation documentation. Use the cissys account to install the Oracle Client. If another user installs the Oracle Client, make sure the cissys user ID has the proper execute permissions.
For the cissys user ID, ensure that the environment variable ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME is set up, and that ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME/perl/bin is the first Perl listed in the cissys account's PATH variable.
IBM Java Software Development Kit V8.0 SR15 64-bit, IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, V8.0
Installation of Java is a prerequisite for using Oracle WebLogic as an application server.
At the time of release, AIX Java packages could be obtained from:
The web server requires the 64-bit Java platform in order to function. The main prerequisite for the web server is the version of Java mentioned above.
For the Administrator userid (cissys), ensure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME is set up, and that “java” can be found in cissys' PATH variable.
Hibernate 4.1.0 FINAL
You must install Hibernate before installing the product.
To install Hibernate external jar files to the Hibernate 3rd party jars depot:
1. Create a Hibernate jar external depot:
export HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR=<Hibernate 3rd party jars depot>
2. Download the file from
3. Click the “4.1.0.Final” link to download the zip file.
4. Extract the contents of the archive file:
unzip -q
Note: You must have Java JDK installed on the machine to use the jar command. Make sure you install the JDK supported for your platform.
5. Copy the jar files to your Hibernate jar directory ($HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR) using the following commands:
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/optional/ehcache/hibernate-ehcache-4.1.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-commons-annotations-4.0.1.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-core-4.1.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.1.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/javassist-3.15.0-GA.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/jboss-transaction-api_1.1_spec-1.0.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/ehcache-core-2.5.2.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
Oracle WebLogic 12c ( 64-bit
Oracle WebLogic software can be downloaded from the Oracle web site. This application server will run as a 64-bit application.
Download and install 64-bit Java (as documented above) before installing WebLogic.
Download and install WebLogic Server 12c Infrastructure Installer (
Oracle Linux 8.x or Red Hat Linux 8.x Operating System
This section describes the software requirements for operating the application using the Oracle Linux or Red Hat Linux application server.
Supported Application Servers
Operating System
Application Server
Oracle Enterprise Linux 8.x (64-bit; based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (64-bit))
Oracle WebLogic 12c ( 64-bit
Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux Operating System Running on x86_64 64-bit Architecture
UNIX Administrator User ID
The following user groups and accounts have to be created to install and administer the application:
Default Value
Customer Defined Value
Oracle Utilities Market Settlements Management Administrator User ID
Oracle Utilities Market Settlements Management User Group
Note: It is recommended that you change the default values for security reasons.
Throughout this document the administrator user id is often referred to as the “cissys” user ID. You should substitute that with the customer defined user ID when not using the default value. After the initial install, the software should always be managed using that user ID.
By default, the cissys userid is the only one given access to the files installed.
1. Create a group “cisusr” (user group)
2. Create a user “cissys” and a primary group “cisusr”. Set the primary shell for the cissys user to Korn Shell.
The shell scripts use the “>” to overwrite shell functionality. Your operating system may be configured to not allow this functionality by default in the users shell.
To avoid file access permission problems when executing scripts, consider placing the following command into cissys profile script:
set +o noclobber
Security Configuration
Various options exists to secure a system. In this application all files will be created with the minimum permissions required to make sure that group-readable, group-writable and group-executable files will have the correct user groups and to restrict the permissions available to legitimate users. In this way, a low privileged end user cannot directly edit configuration files and thereby bypass application security controls.
The following users and group categories must be defined to implement this security. For demonstration purposes the following users and groups will be used. These users must be created according to industry standards (including password policies). All users should be created with a default umask of 022 to ensure files created during normal operation have the correct permissions.
Replace these users and groups for your installation defaults:
This user will be used to install the application and to apply patches. This user will own all the application files. The same care should be taken with this user ID as if it is 'root'. This user will be able to add, delete and modify and files within the application.
Administrative and Operation functions will be available to this user. This user will be able to stop and start the application and batch processes, but will not have access to modify any file other than generated log files
Low level operator. This user will only be able to read logs files and collect information for debugging and investigative purposes. Care should be taken in production to disable debugging as debugging information could contain potential sensitive data which this user should not have privy to.
Note: The Oracle Client and WebLogic should be installed as the user who will stop and start the application. For example, if you plan to run the application as the install user these components must belong to cissys.
Oracle Database Client 19c - Runtime Option
Install the Oracle Client as described in the Oracle Client installation documentation. Use the cissys account to install the Oracle Client. If another user installs the Oracle Client, make sure the cissys user ID has the proper execute permissions.
For the cissys user ID, ensure that the environment variable ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME is set up, and that ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME/perl/bin is the first Perl listed in the cissys account's PATH variable.
Oracle Java Development Kit V8.0 Update 291+
At time of release, Oracle Java packages could be obtained from:
The Oracle WebLogic Server requires the 64-bit version. The main prerequisite for the web server is the version of Java mentioned above.
For the userid cissys, make sure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME is setup, and that java_home/bin and java_home/lib can be found in cissys' PATH variable.
Note: JDK 8.0 Update 261 or higher version is required for WebLogic12c (
Hibernate 4.1.0 FINAL
You must install Hibernate before installing the product.
To install Hibernate external jar files to the Hibernate 3rd party jars depot:
1. Create a Hibernate jar external depot:
export HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR=<Hibernate 3rd party jars depot>
2. Download the file from
3. Click the “4.1.0.Final” link to download the zip file.
4. Extract the contents of the archive file:
unzip -q
Note: You must have Java JDK installed on the machine to use the jar command. Make sure you install the JDK supported for your platform.
5. Copy the jar files to your Hibernate jar directory ($HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR) using the following commands:
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/optional/ehcache/hibernate-ehcache-4.1.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-commons-annotations-4.0.1.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-core-4.1.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.1.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/javassist-3.15.0-GA.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/jboss-transaction-api_1.1_spec-1.0.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/ehcache-core-2.5.2.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
Oracle WebLogic 12c ( 64-bit
Oracle WebLogic software can be downloaded from the Oracle web site. This application server will run as a 64-bit application.
Download and install 64-bit Java (as documented above) before installing WebLogic.
Download and install WebLogic Server 12c Infrastructure Installer (
Oracle Solaris 11 Application Server
This section describes the software requirements for operating the application using the Oracle Solaris 11 application server.
Supported Application Servers
Operating System
Application Server
Oracle Solaris 11
Oracle WebLogic 12c ( 64-bit version
Oracle Solaris 11 Operating System Running on SPARC-based 64-bit Architecture
UNIX Administrator User ID
The following user groups and accounts have to be created to install and administer the application:
Default Value
Customer Defined Value
Oracle Utilities Market Settlements Management Administrator User ID
Oracle Utilities Market Settlements Management User Group
Note: It is recommended that you change the default values for security reasons.
Throughout this document the administrator user id is often referred to as the “cissys” user ID. You should substitute that with the customer defined user ID when not using the default value. After the initial install, the software should always be managed using that user ID.
By default, the cissys userid is the only one given access to the files installed.
1. Create a group “cisusr” (user group).
2. Create a user “cissys” and a primary group “cisusr”. Set the primary shell for the cissys user to Korn Shell.
The shell scripts use the “>” to overwrite shell functionality. Your operating system may be configured to not allow this functionality by default in the users shell.
To avoid file access permission problems when executing scripts, consider placing the following command into cissys profile script:
set +o noclobber
Security Configuration
Various options exists to secure a system. In this application all files will be created with the minimum permissions required to ensure that group-readable, group-writable and group-executable files will have the correct user groups and to restrict the permissions available to legitimate users. In this way, a low privileged end user cannot directly edit configuration files and thereby bypass application security controls.
The following users and group categories must be defined to implement this security. For demonstration purposes the following users and groups will be used. These users must be created according to industry standards (including password policies). All users should be created with a default umask of 022 to ensure files created during normal operation have the correct permissions.
Please replace these users and groups for your installation defaults:
This user will be used to install the application and to apply patches. This user will own all the application files. The same care should be taken with this user ID as if it is 'root'. This user will be able to add, delete and modify and files within the application.
Administrative and Operation functions will be available to this user. This user will be able to stop and start the application and batch processes, but will not have access to modify any file other than generated log files
Low level operator. This user will only be able to read logs files and collect information for debugging and investigative purposes. Care should be taken in production to disable debugging as debugging information could contain potential sensitive data which this user should not have privy to.
Note: The Oracle Client and WebLogic should be installed as the user who will stop and start the application. For example, if you plan to run the application as the install user these components must belong to cissys.
Oracle Database Client 19c - Runtime Option
Install the Oracle Client as described in the Oracle Client installation documentation. Use the cissys account to install the Oracle Client. If another user installs the Oracle Client, make sure the cissys user ID has the proper execute permissions.
For the cissys user ID, ensure that the environment variable ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME is set up, and that ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME/perl/bin is the first Perl listed in the cissys account's PATH variable.
Installing /usr/ucb/ps
The prerequisite for Solaris platforms below version 11.4 is to install the /usr/ucp/ps command. This is needed to execute the following command successfully. -b stop (stop the Threadpool Worker)
Oracle Java Development Kit V8.0 Update 291+
This software is only required for Oracle WebLogic installations.
At the time of release, the Oracle Java packages used in the test cycle were downloaded from:
The Oracle WebLogic Server requires the 64-bit version. The main prerequisite for the web server is the version of Java mentioned above.
For the userid cissys, make sure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME is setup, and that java_home/bin and java_home/lib can be found in cissys' PATH variable.
Note: JDK 8.0 Update version 291 or higher is required for WebLogic12c (
Hibernate 4.1.0 FINAL
You must install Hibernate before installing the product.
To install Hibernate external jar files to the Hibernate 3rd party jars depot:
1. Create a Hibernate jar external depot:
export HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR=<Hibernate 3rd party jars depot>
2. Download the file from
3. Click the “4.1.0.Final” link to download the zip file.
4. Extract the contents of the archive file:
unzip -q
Note: You must have Java JDK installed on the machine to use the jar command. Make sure you install the JDK supported for your platform.
5. Copy the jar files to your Hibernate jar directory ($HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR) using the following commands:
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/optional/ehcache/hibernate-ehcache-4.1.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-commons-annotations-4.0.1.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-core-4.1.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.1.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/javassist-3.15.0-GA.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/jboss-transaction-api_1.1_spec-1.0.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/ehcache-core-2.5.2.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
Oracle WebLogic 12c ( 64-bit
Oracle WebLogic software can be downloaded from the Oracle web site. This application server will run as a 64-bit application.
Download and install 64-bit Java (as documented above) before installing WebLogic.
Download and install WebLogic Server 12c Infrastructure Installer (
Windows Server 2012 R2 Application Server
This section describes the software requirements for operating the application using the Windows application server.
Supported Application Servers
Operating System
Application Server
Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
Oracle WebLogic 12c ( 64-bit version
Oracle Database Client 19c - Runtime Option
Install the Oracle Client as described in the Oracle Client installation documentation. Use the cissys account to install the Oracle Client. If another user installs the Oracle Client, make sure the cissys user ID has the proper execute permissions.
For the cissys user ID, ensure that the environment variable ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME is set up, and that ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME/perl/bin is the first Perl listed in the cissys account's PATH variable.
Oracle Java Development Kit V8.0 Update 291+
This software is required for the Oracle WebLogic Installation.
At time of release, Oracle Java packages could be obtained from:
The Oracle WebLogic Server requires the 64-bit version. The main prerequisite for the web server is the version of java mentioned above.
For the userid cissys, make sure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME is setup, and that java_home/bin and java_home/lib can be found in cissys' PATH variable.
Note: JDK 8.0 Update version 131 or higher is required for WebLogic 12c (
Hibernate 4.1.0 FINAL
You must install Hibernate before installing the product.
To install Hibernate external jar files to the Hibernate 3rd party jars depot:
1. Create a Hibernate jar external depot:
export HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR=<Hibernate 3rd party jars depot>
2. Download the file from
3. Click the “4.1.0.Final” link to download the zip file.
4. Extract the contents of the archive file:
unzip -q
Note: You must have Java JDK installed on the machine to use the jar command. Make sure you install the JDK supported for your platform.
5. Copy the jar files to your Hibernate jar directory ($HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR) using the following commands:
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/optional/ehcache/hibernate-ehcache-4.1.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-commons-annotations-4.0.1.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-core-4.1.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.1.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/javassist-3.15.0-GA.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/jboss-transaction-api_1.1_spec-1.0.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
cp hibernate-release-4.1.0.Final/lib/required/ehcache-core-2.5.2.jar $HIBERNATE_JAR_DIR
Oracle WebLogic 12c ( 64-bit
Oracle WebLogic software can be downloaded from the Oracle web site. This application server will run as a 64-bit application.
Download and install 64-bit Java (as documented above) before installing WebLogic.
Download and install WebLogic Server 12c Infrastructure Installer (