Aggregation Group Runs

Aggregation group runs represent individual aggregation executions for an individual aggregation group. Aggregation group runs are used to capture the relevant details for an aggregation and track the status of the execution of the aggregation for each of the Measuring Component Sets for the aggregation group.

Aggregation group runs for a specific aggregation group are listed in the Aggregation Group Run zone on the Aggregation Group portal. This zone displays the following for each aggregation group run:

  • Run Number
  • Run Type (Scheduled vs. Ad Hoc)
  • Status (Pending, In Progress, Completed, or Error)
  • Aggregation Horizon Start
  • Aggregation Horizon End
  • Details

Details for a specific aggregation group run can be viewed by broadcasting the run in the Aggregation Group Run zone. The following is displayed for the selected run in the Aggregation Group Run Details zone:

  • Sequence
  • Measuring Component Set
  • Initiation Method
  • Batch Run