Configuring Outage Storm Mode

This section describes the process for configuring Outage Storm Mode.

Note: Refer to the About Outage Storm Mode section of the Oracle Utilities Meter Solution Business User Guide for more functional information.

Master Configuration settings

Configuration for Outage Storm Mode is performed by adding or changing a Master Configuration. You can access the portal from the Admin > General > Master Configuration.

Once the Master Configuration search screen returns, locate the MDM Master Configuration. Use the Add button beside the record to configure for the first time. If a record has already been added, then click the Edit button instead. The Estimation Eligibility For Widespread Outages section is the primary section that needs to be configured for Outage Storm Mode to be enabled. Use the embedded help to guide you through the meaning of each configuration field.

Setup Meter Communication Tracking Aggregation

As part of Outage Storm Mode, aggregations are performed to determine the percentage of meter communication that has occurred for an area. The following configuration supports this:

  1. Access the portal for Measuring Component Type through Admin > Device > Measuring Component Type. Add a new Measuring Component Type using the Meter Communication Tracking Aggregator Type (D2-MtrCommTrckngAggregatorType) business object. Follow the embedded help provided for each section. Two areas listed below are crucial to preparing for this specific aggregation:
    1. When selecting a Measuring Component Business Object for this record, choose the Meter Communication Tracking Aggregator Business Object.
    2. For the Value Identifiers, there are a few metrics that are can be defined as listed on the D2-AGG-MCTM Algorithm Type:
      1. Read Percentage
      2. Count of Received Measuring Components
      3. Count of Total Measuring Components
  2. Access the portal for Activity Type through Admin > Communication > Activity Type. Add a new record for the Meter Communication Tracking Dimension Scanner Activity Type.
  3. Access the portal for Activity through Main > Communication > Activity. Add a new record for the Activity Type you defined in the prior step.

Standard Event Name Configuration

If there is a desire to indicate that a widespread outage has ended for a device when it receives certain device events, the Standard Event Name Extendable Lookup can be used for this. You can access the portal from the Admin > General > Extendable Lookup.

Any Device Event that should close out Estimation Suppression Activities must be configured with the "End Estimation Suppression" algorithm (D2-EN-ESTSUP) in the Additional Processing Algorithms section. This is often configured for "Power Up" events to indicate that normal power flow has resumed for the meter.