Creating Application Links in External Applications

When integrating Oracle Utilities applications with other external applications, you can create links from external applications to specific portals and pages within the Oracle Utilities applications (also known as "deep linking"). These links typically leverage Business Process Assistant (BPA) scripts that direct the user to the appropriate target portal or page for a specific entity such as an account or service point. Refer to Creating Application Links in External Applications in the Application Framework Administrative User Guide for more information about creating links.

Note: When creating application links, the use of the following parameters will help speed up launching the target page

  • initNav=false: skips launching the default home page for the user

  • minDashboard=true  minimizes the dashboard for the user

Go to Portal Script

The Framework provides a generic script (F1-GoToPrtl) that can be used to navigate to the maintenance portal for a specified maintenance object and entity. Refer to Navigating to a Given Record’s Maintenance Portal in the Application Framework Administrative User Guide for more information about using this script.

Go To MDM Script

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management includes the Go To MDM script (D1-GoToMDM) that can be used to navigate directly to a specific 360 Degree View tab. This script uses the following syntax:



  • <FLAG_​VALUE>: A value from the DRILL_​ENTITY_​FLG lookup that specifies which 360 Degree View page to open.

  • <ID>: The primary key value for the entity (such as a Device, Measuring Component, or Service Point) you wish to view.



Flag Value





(360 View for Device)

Device ID

script=D1-GotoMDM&FLAG=D1DV&PKVALUE1={your Device ID}



(360 View for Measuring Component)

Measuring Component ID

script=D1-GotoMDM&FLAG=D1MC&PKVALUE1={your Measuring Component ID}



(360 View for Service Point)

Service Point ID

script=D1-GotoMDM&FLAG=D1SP&PKVALUE1={your Service Point ID}

Full URL Example:

https://<ENV_BASE_URL>/ouaf/cis.jsp/?minDashboard=true&initNav=false&script=D1-GotoMDM&FLAG=D1DV&PKVALUE1={your Device ID}