Maintaining Navigation Keys

Select Admin > System > Navigation Key to maintain navigation keys.

Use the Navigation Key Query portal to search for an existing navigation key. Once a navigation key is selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.

CAUTION: Important! When introducing a new navigation key, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.

Description of Page

The Navigation Key is a unique name of the navigation key for internal use.

Owner indicates if this navigation key is owned by the base product or by your implementation (Customer Modification). This information is display-only.

Navigation Key Type includes the following possible values:

  • External indicates that the location is specified in the URL Component field.
  • Help indicates that the navigation key is used to launch online help where the specific help topic is defined in the URL Component field.
  • Override (Other) indicates that the navigation key overrides another navigation key of type External or Help. For this option, the name of the navigation key being overridden is populated in the Overridden Navigation Key field.
  • Override (System) indicates that the navigation key overrides a system navigation key. For this option, the name of the navigation key being overridden is populated in the Overridden Navigation Key field.
  • System indicates that the navigation key refers to a transaction in the system identified by its program component.
Fastpath: Refer to Navigation Key Types for more information about navigation key types.
Fastpath: Refer to Overriding Navigation Keys for more information about settings required to override a system navigation key.

Program Component ID is the name of the program component identified by the key (for system navigation keys). The program component ID can also be used to specify the transaction with which an online help link is associated.

Overridden Navigation Key is the name of the navigation key that the current navigation key is overriding (if Override (Other) or Override (System) is selected for the Navigation Key Type). Refer to Overriding Navigation Keys for more information.

URL Component is the specific URL or portion of the URL for the navigation key (external and help navigation keys only). The URL can be relative to the product web server or fully qualified.

Open Window Options allows you to specify options (e.g., width and height) for opening a browser window for an external navigation key. (External navigation keys always launch in a new browser window.) You can use any valid features available in the ) JavaScript method. The string should be formatted the same way that it would be for the features argument (e.g., height=600,width=800,resizeable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no). Refer to a JavaScript reference book for a complete list of available features.

Application Service is the application service that is used to secure access to transactions associated with External navigation keys. If a user has access to the specified application service, the user can navigate to the URL defined on the navigation key. Refer to The Big Picture of Application Security for more information.

The grid displays menu items that reference the navigation key (actually, it shows menu items that reference navigations options that, in turn, reference the navigation key).