Initial Installation Procedure
The initial installation procedure consists of:
Installing the Database Component
Installation of the database component of Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management must be complete before you can proceed with the following sections. Refer to the Initial Install section in the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Database Administrator’s Guide, which provides instructions on installing the database component.
Installing Application Components
A successful installation consists of:
Installing the Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4. Application Component
This section describes how to install the application component of Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4., including:
Copying and Decompressing Install Media
The Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4. installation file is delivered in jar format for both UNIX and Windows platforms. If you are planning to install multiple Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4. environments operated by different Oracle Utilities administrator user ids, you must complete each of the following installation steps for each administrator userid.
To copy and decompress the install media:
1. Login to the application server host with the Oracle Utilities Application Framework administrator user ID.
2. Download the Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4. Multiplatform from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
3. Create a temporary directory such as c:\ouaf\temp or /ouaf/temp. (Referred to below as <TEMPDIR>.)
Note: This directory must be located outside any current or other working Oracle Utilities application environment. All files that are placed in this directory as a part of the installation can be deleted after completing a successful installation.
4. Copy the file FW-V4. from the delivered package to the <TEMPDIR>. Make sure to use the BINARY option to use FTP to transfer this file.
5. Decompress the file.
jar -xvf FW-V4.
Note: In order to be able to execute the “jar” command you need to have the Java JDK installed.
A sub-directory named FW-V4. is created. It contains the installation software for the Oracle Utilities Framework Application server.
Setting Permissions for the cistab file in UNIX
Every Oracle Utilities Application Framework environment installed on a server must be registered in the /etc/cistab file located on that server. On UNIX servers, generally only the root user ID has write permissions to the /etc directory. Since the installation process is run by the Oracle administrator user ID (cissys), this user ID may not be able to write to /etc/cistab table.
The install utility checks permissions and if it identifies a lack of the necessary permissions, it generates a script in the <TEMPDIR>/App/FW.V4. directory named cistab_<SPLENVIRON>.sh. Run the generated script using the root account before continuing with the installation process. The script initializes the cistab file in /etc directory (if it is the first Oracle Utilities Framework application environment on the server) and registers a new environment.
The generated script also changes the owner of /etc/cistab file to the Oracle Utilities Framework administrator user ID, so that the next time a new environment is created by the same Oracle Utilities Framework administrator user ID, you do not need to run the generated script with the root user ID. Instead the install utility itself proceeds with the registration.
If you are reinstalling an existing environment, only the validation of /etc/cistab entry is done by the install utility, no new registration occurs. The install utility interactively instructs you about every step that needs to occur in each specific case.
If you are planning to upgrade an existing environment it is your responsibility to take a backup prior to the installation process. The installation utility does not create a backup of existing environment.
Installing the Application Component
This section outlines the steps for installing the application component of Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4.
1. Login to the Application Server host as administrator (the default is cissys on UNIX) or as a user with Administrator privileges (on Windows).
2. Change directory to <TEMPDIR>/FW.V4.
3. Set the ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME and PATH variables as Oracle Client Perl is required to run the installer.
export PATH=${PERL_HOME}/bin:$PATH
export PERL5LIB=${PERL_HOME}/lib:${PERL_HOME}/lib/site_perl:<OUAF Installer Decompressed location/bin/perlib>
export PERLLIB=${PERL_HOME}/lib:${PERL_HOME}/lib/site_perl:<OUAF Installer Decompressed location/bin/perlib>
4. Start the application installation utility by executing the appropriate script:
ksh ./
The Oracle Utilities Application Framework specific menu appears.
5. Follow the messages and instructions that are produced by the application installation utility.
6. Select each menu item to configure the values. For detailed description of the values, refer to Installation and Configuration Worksheets.
7. Below are the mandatory list of configurable items along with descriptions for a few items. Where you see <Mandatory>, enter values suitable to your environment. You can assign default values to the rest of the menu items.
* Environment Installation Options *
1. Environment ID, Roles, Third Party Software Configuration
Environment ID
Server Roles
batch, online
Oracle Client Home Directory
<Mandatory for Initial Install>
Web Java Home Directory
<Mandatory for Initial Install>
Hibernate JAR Directory
<Mandatory for Initial Install>
ONS JAR Directory
Web Application Server Home Directory
<Mandatory for Initial Install>
Additional JAR Directory
2. Keystore Options
Import Keystore Directory
50. Environment Installation Options
Environment Mount Point
Log Files Mount Point
Environment Name
Install Application Viewer Module
Install Sample CM Source Code
Each item in the above list should be configured for a successful install.
Choose option (1,2,50, <P> Process, <X> Exit):
Once you enter 'P' after entering mandatory input values in the above menu, the system populates another configuration menu.
* Environment Configuration *
1. Environment Description
Environment Description
2. Business Application Server Configuration
Business Server Host
<Mandatory> - Hostname on which application being installed
Business Server Application Name
3. Web Application Server Configuration
Web Server Host
WebLogic SSL Port Number
WebLogic Console Port Number
Web Context Root
WebLogic JNDI User ID
WebLogic JNDI Password
WebLogic Server Name
Web Server Application Name
Deploy Application Viewer Module
Enable The Unsecured Health Check Service
MDB RunAs User ID
Super User IDs
4. Database Configuration
Application Server Database User ID
Application Server Database Password
XAI Database User ID
XAI Database Password
Batch Database User ID
Batch Database Password
Web JDBC DataSource Name
Database Name
Database Server
Database Port
ONS Server Configuration
Database Override Connection String
Character Based Database
Oracle Client Character
5. General Configuration Options
Batch RMI Port
RMI Port number for JMX Business
RMI Port number for JMX Web
JMX Enablement System User ID
JMX Enablement System Password
Coherence Cluster Name
Coherence Cluster Address
Coherence Cluster Port
Coherence Cluster Mode
6. OUAF TrustStore Options
Import TrustStore Directory
<Mandatory> for Prod
Each item in the above list should be configured for a successful install.
Choose option (1,2,3,4,5,6 <P> Process, <X> Exit):
8. When the parameter setup is complete, proceed with the option P. The utility writes the configured parameters and their values into the configuration file.
9. Once the install or upgrade has finished, the installation log location is displayed on the screen. If the log does not list any error messages, the installation of the application component of Oracle Utilities Application Framework is complete.
Configuration of Oracle Fusion Middleware Components on a Separate Server from Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
This section applies to an Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway configuration in which Oracle Service Bus (OSB) or Oracle SOA Suite is installed on a separate host from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework’s host. In this configuration, the Oracle Utilities installation scripts must have access to the libraries in the OSB and SOA servers' directories to deploy OSB projects and SOA composites successfully.
Follow these procedures to configure access to a remote OSB server:
Create a network share to the osb folder within the Middleware Home on the remote OSB server.
Provide the following values for Menu Item 8 (OSB Configuration) during the installation for Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management:
Note: Use the completed OSB configuration worksheet to assist you in this step. Refer to Installation and Configuration Worksheets for more information.
OSB Home is the location of the osb folder, accessed by way of network share.
OSB Host Server is the host name of the OSB server.
OSB Port Number is the port of the OSB admin server.
OSB SSL Port Number is the port of the OSB SSL admin server.
OSB Managed Server Port Number is the port of the OSB managed server.
OSB Managed Server SSL Port Number is the port of the OSB SSL managed server
Follow these procedures to configure access to a remote SOA Suite server:
Create a network share to the soa folder within the Middleware Home on the remote SOA Suite server.
Provide the following values for Menu Item 9 (SOA Configuration) during the installation for Oracle Utilities Service and Measurement Data Foundation.
Note: Use the completed SOA configuration worksheet to assist you in this step. Refer to Installation and Configuration Worksheets.
SOA Home is the location of the soa folder, accessed by way of network share.
SOA Host Server is the host name of the SOA managed server.
SOA Port Number is the port of the SOA managed server.
SOA SSL Port Number is the port of the SOA SSL managed server.
Installing the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management V2. Application Component
This section describes how to install the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, including:
To proceed with the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management installation you need to be connected to the target Oracle Utilities Application Framework environment.
You must initialize the Oracle Utilities Application Framework environment. For detailed instructions, refer to the Installing the Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4. Application Component section.
Copying and Decompressing the Install Media
The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management installation file is delivered in jar format for both UNIX and Windows platforms.
To copy and decompress the install media:
1. Login to the application server host with the Oracle Utilities Application Framework administrator user ID.
2. Download the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management V2. from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
3. Create a temporary directory such as c:\ouaf\temp or /ouaf/temp. (Referred to below as <TEMPDIR>)
Note: This directory must be located outside any current or other working Oracle Utilities application environment. All files that are placed in this directory as a part of the installation can be deleted after completing a successful installation.
4. Unzip Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management V2. to get the file from the delivered package and copy to the <TEMPDIR>. To use FTP to transfer this file, use the BINARY option.
5. Decompress the file:
cd App
For UNIX and Windows platforms, a sub-directory named MDM.V2. is created. The contents of the installation directory are identical for both platforms. The directory contains the install software for the application product.
Installing the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Application Component
To install the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management application component:
1. Login to the application server host as Oracle Utilities Application Framework Administrator (default cissys).
2. Change directory:
cd <install_dir>/bin
where <install_dir> is the location where the Oracle Utilities Application Framework application component is installed.
3. Initialize the environment by running the appropriate command:
./ -e <ENV NAME>
splenviron.cmd -e <ENV NAME>
4. Navigate to <TEMPDIR>/MDM.V2. directory.
5. Run the install script.
Note: On UNIX, ensure that you have the proper execute permission on
ksh ./
6. Choose option P to proceed with the installation.
Note: The rest of the menu items can be ignored if you are installing only Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.
The Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management installation is complete if no errors occurred during the installation.
Configuration of Oracle Fusion Middleware Components on a Separate Server from Oracle Utilities Service and Meter Data Management
This section applies to an Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway configuration in which Oracle Service Bus (OSB) or Oracle SOA Suite is installed on a separate host from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework’s host. In this configuration, the Oracle Utilities installation scripts must have access to the libraries in the OSB and SOA servers' directories to deploy OSB projects and SOA composites successfully.
Follow these procedures to configure access to a remote OSB server:
Create a network share to the osb folder within the Middleware Home on the remote OSB server.
Provide the following values for Menu Item 8 (OSB Configuration) during the installation for Oracle Utilities Service and Measurement Data Foundation:
Note: Use the completed OSB configuration worksheet to assist you in this step. Refer to Installation and Configuration Worksheets for information.
OSB Home is the location of the osb folder, accessed by way of network share.
OSB Host Server is the host name of the OSB server.
OSB Port Number is the port of the OSB admin server.
OSB SSL Port Number is the port of the OSB SSL admin server.
OSB Managed Server Port Number is the port of the OSB managed server.
OSB Managed Server SSL Port Number is the port of the OSB SSL managed server.
Follow these procedures to configure access to a remote SOA Suite server:
Create a network share to the soa folder within the Middleware Home on the remote SOA Suite server.
Provide the following values for Menu Item 9 (SOA Configuration) during the installation for Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.
Note: Use the completed SOA configuration worksheet to assist you in this step. Refer to Installation and Configuration Worksheets for more information.
SOA Home is the location of the soa folder, accessed by way of network share.
SOA Host Server is the host name of the SOA managed server.
SOA Port Number is the port of the SOA managed server.
SOA SSL Port Number is the port of the SOA SSL managed server.
Creating WebLogic Domain
Create the WebLogic native domain and deploy the application. For instructions refer to the Native Installation Oracle Utilities Application Framework (Doc ID: 1544969.1) white paper on My Oracle Support.
The MDB user configured in Menu 3 during the Oracle Utilities Application Framework installation has to be created in the Oracle Utilities Application Framework application and WebLogic console, and should be part of the “cisusers” group.
Note: When starting Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management for the first time, log into the WebLogic console and provide system access to the cisusers role.