Maintaining Devices
This portal is used to display and maintain a Device.
You can access the portal by selecting Menu, then Device, then Device. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching. Once your record has been selected you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
The Device portal includes the following zones:
Device: defines the basic attributes of the device
Device Configuration List: lists the device configurations for the device
Device Attachments: lists attachments related to the device
Device Activities: lists activities related to the device in date descending order
Device Exceptions: lists the first 50 VEE exceptions for all measuring components for the device, sorted by the exception creation date in descending order
Device Events: lists the most recent device events associated to the device in descending order
Device Characteristics: displays characteristics defined for the device. To add device characteristics, click the Edit link in the zone title bar.
Only characteristics of types defined for the device’s type in the Valid Device Characteristic Types zone on the Device Type portal can be defined for the device.
When asset management functionality is installed with Oracle Utilities Meter Solution Cloud Service, devices are maintained using the Device tab of the Asset portal (see Maintaining Assets).