Processing Initial Measurement Data
Initial measurement data (IMD) received from external systems is processed through two major stages:
IMD Seeder: This is the common interface point that receives all IMD information and performs critical validations and conversions. During this process the IMD Seeder identifies the appropriate specific IMD business object for further processing. The choice is made based on the category of IMD being processed (typically initial load) and the type of measuring component the IMD is for. For example, an IMD for an interval measuring component would result in the Initial Load IMD (Interval) business object being selected. If for some reason the IMD Seeder encounters an error an instance of the IMD Seeder will be created to manage the resolution of that error.
Specific IMD: Each specific IMD has the appropriate calculation and validation logic for the type of data that has been received. An IMD containing scalar data will be processed differently than interval data or subtractive interval data. However, all types of data will have a similar set of steps taken:
Any external system specific statuses for the measurement data are interpreted into the appropriate internal statuses
An initial consumption calculation is performed
VEE rules are executed
Final measurements are created
IMD Seeder Processing
The IMD Seeder receives IMD data in a common structure, however, the content of the data (identifiers, date/times, etc) can vary depending on the system and the particular device that generated it. To accurately translate the external content to values understood by the system the IMD Seeder leverages the configuration of the service provider (aka head end or external system) and the device.
The service provider specifies the following inputs into IMD Seeder processing:
Identifier Types: Each IMD must identify the device and measuring component the data has been generated from. The system supports a multitude of identifiers for both the device and measuring component. The service provider configuration specifies which identifier types are used for both the device and the measuring component which enables the IMD seeder to search for the correct destination for the measurement data. For example, a service provider might indicate that devices are identified by a serial number and measuring components are identified by a channel identifier.
Date/Time Format: The service provider configuration will identify whether the date/times that were sent included specific time zone designations. This allows the system to accurately handle any time zone conversions that may be necessary.
Processing Methods: A service provider has many processing methods that are used in the evaluation of the IMD.
Initial Measurement Creation - Maps a given measuring component type to the initial measurement BO that should be created
UOM Translation - Identifies the extendable lookup that should be used to map the service provider specific UOM to the internal UOM
TOU Translation - Identifies the extendable lookup that should be used to map the service provider specific TOU to the internal TOU
SQI Translation - Identifies the extendable lookup that should be used to map the service provider specific SQI to the internal SQI
Time Zone Translation - Identifies the extendable lookup to be used in mapping the service provider specific time zone to the interval time zone.
The device specifies the following inputs into IMD Seeder processing:
Incoming Data Shift: This value is either specified directly on the device or can be defaulted via fallback on the device type. It identifies whether the incoming date/time information has is "Shifted" meaning it has been adjusted for Daylight Savings Time (DST) when in effect, or it is "Not Shifted" which means it will never be adjusted for DST. This plays an important role in the date/time processing since all incoming IMD date/times will be stored without an adjustment for DST.
With these inputs the IMD Seeder is able to translate the external identifiers into the appropriate identifiers to tie the IMD data to a specific measuring component in the system.
Once a measuring component is identified it is then used to select the appropriate IMD business object using the "Initial Measurement Creation" processing method of the service provider.
IMD Seeder Critical Validations
For Initial Measurement Data (IMD) to continue on to specific IMD processing it must pass several critical validations:
The measuring component must be identified.
The IMD must contain the appropriate date/times for the type of IMD being processed: scalar must have an end date/time and interval must have both a start and end date/time.
The interval list must match the number of intervals expected based on the IMD start and end date/times. Note: if there are too few intervals the missing intervals can be automatically added to the IMD without generating an error. How this is done depends on whether there are date/times for each individual interval. If there are date/times for each interval the missing intervals are placed where the gaps exist. Otherwise when there are no date/times for the individual intervals the missing intervals are added to the end of the interval list.
If any of the critical validations have failed the IMD processing will be halted and an instance of the IMD Seeder will be created
Note: There is special logic that exists for handling the situation where either the IMD start date/time or the IMD end date/time falls on the duplicate hour that occurs when a time zone transitions out of daylight savings time. Typically there are two 1AMs on that day, one is considered to be during DST and the other is not. To ensure that the appropriate hour is selected the IMD Seeder uses the count of intervals and final measurements that exist prior to the IMD to identify the appropriate hour.
Additional detail on the logic to derive the service provider, device, and measuring component identification can be found on the D1-DER-SPRMC Algorithm Type.
IMD Seeder Time Zone Translation and Conversion
To provide the most accurate tracking of measurement data all initial measurement data is stored in a single time zone without an adjustment for Daylight Savings Time (DST). As utilities can have multiple head end systems that each send date/time information in different ways and some utilities operate in multiple time zones the IMD Seeder contains functionality to convert incoming date/times from a source time zone into the time zone of Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management (as indicated by the base time zone)
There are three components to identifying the source time zone of the incoming IMD:
Service Provider IMD Import Date/Time Format: When the IMD date/times are sent in format that identifies the time zone for each date/time the date/times will be delivered to the IMD Seeder already converted.
Incoming Data Shift: This indicates whether the date/times will be adjusted for DST while it is in effect. A value of "Always in Local Time" indicates that the date/times are adjusted for DST. A value of "Always in Standard Time" indicates that the date/times are not adjusted for DST
Time Zone: The time zone of the incoming data is identified using the follow order of precedence:
1. The time zone as indicated by the IMD data
2. The service point time zone
3. The device configuration time zone
4. The measuring component time zone
5. The base time zone
Once the time zone and the data shift of the incoming date/times is identified all date/times will be converted from that time zone and shift into the base time zone in standard time.
Additional detail on the logic for date/time adjustments and validation of undercount and overcount can be found on the D1-DODTTMADJ Algorithm Type.
Specific Initial Measurement Data Processing
There are several categories of initial measurement data:
Initial Load
When initial measurement data is received from external systems (e.g. Head End systems) it is processed using the initial load IMD type. These IMDs are configured to execute the VEE rules that as associated to the Initial Load VEE role on the measuring component (or measuring component type in the case of a fallback). For adapter specific variations of the Initial Load IMD there is logic to map external measurement statuses to measurement conditions.
For various reasons a meter will not report measurement data for a certain period of time. When the system detects that a measuring component is missing final measurements, it can create an initial measurement to execute estimation rules. This type of initial measurement is referred to as an estimated initial measurement.
At a high-level, the estimation process is as follows:
Missing final measurements are detected by the Periodic Estimation process
Estimated initial measurements are created for the "missing" time period by the Period Estimation process
Values and consumption for the estimated initial measurements are calculated by "estimation" VEE rules.
It's important to note that the processes that detect missing measurements do NOT themselves estimate consumption. Rather, these detection processes simply create an initial measurement and let the estimation VEE rules estimate the consumption for the initial measurement.
Estimation IMDs execute the VEE rules associated to the Estimation VEE role on the measuring component (or measuring component type in the case of a fallback).
Refer to Periodic Estimation for additional functional information about how the periodic estimation can fill in missing reads for both interval and scalar measuring components.
Manual Override
Manual override IMDs are used when the creation of an IMD is user initiated as can be done from the various functions available on some of the 360 Degree zones (e.g., Final Values Overlay, Interval - Initial Measurement Overlay, etc.). Unlike other types of IMD manual override allow the user to edit the initial measurement data prior to performing VEE. These IMDs are used for more advanced tasks where a user must specify, either directly or through a measurement function, the values for the initial measurements.
These IMDs are systematically created during the reconciliation process that occurs when IMDs are finalized for measuring components with subtractive consumption calculations. They are used to recalculate the consumption on a measurement subsequent to an IMD when the start reading for that subsequent measurement has been changed.
Manual override IMDs execute the VEE rules associated to the Manual Override VEE role on the measuring component (or measuring component type in the case of a fallback).
A system is generated by internal system processes that need to recalculate measurement multipliers. They do not perform VEE but they can be configured to do so.
Refer to About Measurement Reprocessing for additional functional information about how the system IMDs are created.
Data Conversion
This type of IMD has only the processing necessary to propagate converted measurement data into the system. The data provided to these IMDs is expected to be the quality of final measurements. Therefore no VEE rules will be executed.
Scalar Initial Measurement Data Processing
Initial measurement data for subtractive scalar measuring components contain start and stop readings in addition to Pre and Post VEE usage. For example, a set of initial measurements for a subtractive scalar measuring component might look like the following:
Start Reading
Stop Reading
Pre VEE Usage
Pre VEE Condition
Post VEE Usage
Post VEE Condition
01/01/2010 12:00AM
02/02/2010 4:11PM
System Estimate
03/03/2010 5:22 PM
04/01/2010 01:00PM
System Estimate
Subtractive measuring components can "rollover" when the reading exceeds the maximum value based on the number of dials on the measuring component . For example, a register with a 4 dials can record values up to 9999 before rolling over to 0000. When this occurs, consumption is calculated based on the following attributes and calculated values.
Rollover Threshold is the percentage of the measuring component's dial capacity at which measurements for measuring components of this type are considered to have rolled over. Dial capacity is the largest value that can be recorded for the measuring component, based on the measuring component's number of dials. For example, a measuring component with 5 dials has a dial capacity of 99999.
Number of Dials is the number of dials used to record values on the register, and is equal to the Number of Digits Left field configured on the measuring component.
Max Dial Capacity is the maximum value for the number of dials, rounded up to the next whole multiple of 10 (or 10 raised to the power of the number of dials). For example, for a register with 4 dials, the max dial value is 10000.
Max Acceptable Difference is the maximum acceptable consumption that can be recorded for the register. This is equal to the Max Dial Capacity multiplied by the rollover threshold. For example, the Max Acceptable Difference for a register with 4 dials and a rollover threshold of 90% would be 9000. If the consumption is greater than this value, the initial measurement is transitioned to the Error state.
Difference: The difference between the Stop Reading and Start Reading, obtained by subtracting the Start Reading from the Stop Reading. If the Difference is less than zero (<0), then add the Max Dial Capacity to calculate Rollover.
Rollover: The adjusted consumption for a reading on a register that has rolled over. Only applicable if the Difference (Stop Reading - Start Reading) is less than zero (<0).
Consumption: The calculated consumption for the reading, equal to either the Difference or Rollover. If the Difference is greater than or equal to zero, consumption is equal to the Difference. If the Difference is less than zero (<0), and the Rollover is less than or equal to the Max Acceptable Difference, the consumption is equal to the Rollover.
Example: Consider an initial measurement with the following attributes:
Number of Dials: 4
Rollover Threshold: 90 (%)
Start Reading: 8900
Stop Reading: 0500
For this reading,
Max Dial Capacity = 10000
Max Acceptable Difference = 9000 (10000 * 90)
Difference = 0500 (Stop Reading) - 8900 (Start Reading) or -8400
Rollover = 10000 (Max Dial Capacity) + -8400 (Difference) or 1600
Consumption is equal to 1600 (Rollover).
Each scalar IMD that is processed will perform a rollover validation based on the start reading. For those scalar IMDs that have measurements subsequent to the date being processed there will be an additional rollover validation forwards to ensure that the current IMD does not invalidate a future reading.
If the rollover validation fails when validating either backwards, forwards, or both then the system will attempt to automatically correct the situation by evaluating whether the measurements prior to or subsequent to the IMD can be removed. This analysis is done based on the condition of the measurement and the condition of the IMD. For example. If there is a rollover based on the start measurement and the start measurement is a system estimate but the IMD is regular then the start reading will be bypassed and the system will search backwards until:
It identifies a measurement with a reading that does not cause a rollover when used as the start reading for the IMD
It encounters a measurement that causes a rollover but is also regular and therefore cannot be bypassed. At this point the IMD would be placed in an error status.
When a rollover error is identified that cannot be automatically corrected there are a few options available for fixing the situation:
The "Override Condition" functionality can be used. This is an action button available on the IMD from within the Error status. It allows the user to provide a higher quality condition for the IMD to force the rollover process to bypass the measurement (either prior to or subsequent to the IMD) that was the source of the rollover threshold error. For example, if the start read was a regular measurement and the IMD was also a regular measurement the user could update the IMD to have a condition of "Super" which would allow the regular start reading to be bypassed.
A Manual Override IMD could be created to adjust the measurements surrounding the IMD to ensure that the rollover error is no longer encountered.
When a measurement is bypassed by the rollover automatic correction logic it will be set to Do Not Use when the IMD is finalized.
A scalar IMD can generate a manual override IMD during the finalization process when the need for reconciliation is identified. This happens whenever an IMD is received that occurs prior to an already existing scalar measurement. Since the newly processed IMD will introduce a new start reading for the existing subsequent measurement it is necessary to use the manual override IMD to recalculate the consumption. For example, imagine a scalar measuring component had the following readings:
Start Reading
Stop Reading
Pre VEE Usage
Pre VEE Condition
Post VEE Usage
Post VEE Condition
01/01/2010 12:00AM
02/02/2010 4:11PM
04/01/2010 01:00PM
When the February reading is finally received it will spawn a reconciliation Manual Override IMD to correct the consumption of the April reading given the new start reading:
Start Reading
Stop Reading
Pre VEE Usage
Pre VEE Condition
Post VEE Usage
Post VEE Condition
01/01/2010 12:00AM
02/02/2010 4:11PM
03/03/2010 5:22 PM
04/01/2010 01:00PM
These reconciliation IMDs are generated during the finalization of the initiating IMD and must finalize themselves. If for some reason the reconciliation IMD does not complete it will prevent the initiating IMD from finalizing as well. Typically the reason for this issue will be a VEE exception that is being raised against the reconciliation IMD. The reason this rule is enforced is to ensure that the quantity of a measurement always aligns to the reading of that same measurement. If this situation arises the data source of the IMD can be used as an input to the VEE rule eligibility to skip certain rules when the IMD is a reconciliation IMD since the reconciliation process add a data source of "Generated by Reconciliation" to each reconciliation IMD.
Interval Initial Measurement Data Processing
Given the consumption calculation for interval channels is done using the consumptive method the Interval IMD variants do not contain much special processing outside of the general pattern described in Processing Initial Measurement Data.
Subtractive Interval Initial Measurement Data Processing
Initial measurement data for subtractive interval measuring components readings and usage for each interval in addition to Pre and Post VEE usage. Furthermore, there is a condition for both the reading and the usage which allows for more accurate recalculation of intervals. The start reading for each interval is considered to be the reading from the prior interval. For the first interval the start reading will be identified from the measurement data for the measurement immediately prior to the IMD. For example, an initial measurement for a subtractive interval measuring component might look like the following when we assume a start reading of 1490:
Pre VEE Reading / Condition
Pre VEE Usage / Condition
Post VEE Reading / Condition
Post VEE Usage / Condition
01/01/2010 01:00AM
1500 / Regular
10 / Regular
1500 / Regular
10 / Regular
01/01/2010 2:00AM
0 / Missing
0 / Missing
1520 / System Estimate
20 / System Estimate
01/01/2010 3:00AM
1525 / Regular
5 / System Estimate
1525 / Regular
5 / System Estimate
01/01/2010 4:00AM
1540 / Regular
15 / Regular
1540 / Regular
15 / Regular
Subtractive interval IMDs can validate for rollovers based on the configuration of the measuring component. See Scalar Initial Measurement Data Processing for more details on how rollovers are calculated.
How subtractive interval IMDs identify rollover errors is identical to scalar IMDs. However, the resolution of those errors is much different. With scalar any bypassed measurements are handled at the point of finalizing the IMD and the measurements are set to Do Not Use. With subtractive interval any bypassed measurements are added to the IMDs interval list so that they are processed along with the IMD that identified them as causing a rollover.
Subtractive interval IMDs also must initiate the reconciliation of an interval that comes directly after the IMD being processed. Unlike scalar this is not handled through a separate IMD. Rather the next measurement after the IMD being processed is added to the current IMD and the reconciliation of the usage for that measurement is computed as part of the IMD. This allows for any validation errors that are encountered in the recalculation of that measurement to be resolved along with the IMD.
There is one scenario that does result in a reconciliation IMD being generated. When the last interval of an IMD has the reading changed during the VEE process it will require that a reconciliation IMD be generated to adjust the usage of the next measurement after the IMD (if applicable).
The subtractive interval IMDs are responsible for ensuring that the reading for each interval is in line with the usage calculated. This maintenance is performed each time the IMD is run through the VEE rules. After which the IMD will examine each interval and identify which intervals require an update to the reading or quantity.
Initial Measurement Data Valid Date Boundaries
Meter Data Management can be configured to define an acceptable date range for initial measurement processing, providing a mechanism to restrict either future measurements or very old measurements from being processed by Meter Data Management.
Defining this date range is done via the following parameters in the Device Measurement Parameters section of the MDM Master Configuration:
Prevent Future Measurement Records: Indicates if the system should prevent processing for measurements deemed to be "future" measurements, based on the Number of Days Before Considered Future parameter. If a measurement is deemed to be a "future" measurement and this is set to "Yes", the initial measurement is moved to the "Error" state.
Number of Days Before Considered Future: The number of days in the future (based on the IMD From Date Time) before a measurement is considered to be a "future" measurement. If the IMD From Date Time for a measurement is more days in the future than this setting, the measurement is considered "future".
Prevent Old Measurement Records:  Indicates if the system should prevent processing for measurements deemed to be "old" measurements, based on the Number of Days Before Considered Old  parameter. If a measurement is deemed to be an "old" measurement and this is set to "Yes", the initial measurement is moved to the "Error" state.
Number of Days Before Considered Old: The number of days in the past (based on the IMD From Date Time) before a measurement is considered to be an "old" measurement. If the IMD From Date Time for a measurement is more days in the past than this setting, the measurement is considered "old".
Deferring Initial Measurement Data Processing
Meter Data Management can be configured to defer processing for initial measurements that are in the past, but that are not yet deemed to be "old" (based on the Number of Days Before Considered Old parameter on the MDM Master Configuration). This ensure that a meter that "wakes" up and sends a large payload of data, including old measurements, will not adversely impact initial measurement processing during critical processing windows.
Configuring the system for deferring initial measurement processing is done via the following parameters in the Device Measurement Parameters section of the MDM Master Configuration:
Defer Old Measurement Records: Indicates if the system should defer processing of measurements whose IMD From Date Time falls between the Number of Days Before Deferring and the Number of Days Before Considered Old parameters. Note that when this parameter is set to "Yes", the Number of Days Before Deferred must be supplied.
Number of Days Before Deferred: The number of days in the past (based on the IMD From Date Time) before a measurement should be deferred. Initial measurements with dates older than this setting but not as old as the Number of Days Before Considered Old will be deferred (the measurement is moved to the Defer state). If provided, this must be a positive number and must be less than Number of Days Before Considered Old setting.
Deferring initial measurement data processing requires that the Compare IMD Date/Times to Master Config Boundaries algorithm (D2-CMIMDDTMC) be defined as an Enter algorithm on the VEE Ready state for all initial measurement business objects for which deferring processing is to be enabled. See the Detailed Description of this algorithm for more information. 
Initial Measurement Data Prioritization
By default, initial measurements are created and/or received into the system in an initial state of "Pending" and are transitioned to subsequent states via the "IMD Monitor - Physical Devices" Monitor process. This Monitor process can be skipped by setting the Execution Method flag on the initial measurement to "Real Time" (D1RT), in which case an Enter algorithm transitions the initial measurement to the next state in its lifecycle immediately. This feature can be used to prioritize processing of certain types of initial measurements.
The Execution Method flag can be set in initial measurements sent from the head end system, or can be inserted during Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapter processing.
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Adapters set this flag to "Real Time" on all measurements created as the result of smart meter commands (Remote Connect, Remote Disconnect, or On-Demand Read) or completion events (including Field Activity Completion Events used with Service Order Management).