General Services
This section describes the general services of the Adapter Development Kit test harness composite.
This web service loads the data store from the internal file. By default if the store is already in memory, it will not reload. This behavior can be overridden with the forceReload parameter.
Input: LoadMeterIndexInput
Part: payload
Element: LoadMeterIndexRequest
A switch telling the system whether to reload the meter index from the configuration file. Default value is false.
Output: LoadMeterIndexOutput
Part: payload
Element: LoadMeterIndexResult
A boolean value for whether or not the index was reloaded from the configuration file
Fault: UtilityFault (see UtilityFault for more details).
This web service returns the audit log for the entire session.
Input: ViewAuditTrailInput
Part: payload
Element: ViewAuditTrailRequest
Parameters: This is an empty request. There are no parameters.
Output: ViewAuditTrailOutput
Part: payload
Element: ViewAuditTrailResult
This element is an entry consisting of a timestamp and an Operation. Each entry may have an associated meter object showing what changed.
Fault: UtilityFault (see UtilityFault for more details).
Fault with similar mapping to SGG/OUAF faults:
Typically, the faultCode, faultString, faultActor, and detail/text elements will be populated.