Data with System Generated Primary Keys
For records with system generated keys, there is an issue if the target environment already has a record with the same key but doesn't represent the same record. The tool shouldn't be just updating that target record with the view of the source in case this will break foreign key relationships that exist in the target.
The tool provides support for administrative data with system-generated primary keys. The logic relies on the maintenance object to use a method that looks at other attributes of the record (considered a "logical key") to detect whether the record being migrated already exists in the target region or not. The examples in this section are based on the Attachment maintenance object. Common attachments are considered administrative data. The attachment MO uses the file name and the creation date as the "logical key".
Imagine a common attachment for the "standard rate codes" file exists in a source region with the key 123456789. The table below highlights possible situations at the target region and actions supported in CMA.
Target Situation
No matching record
Record can be added with key 123456789.
Record exists with key 123456789 and logic confirms that it is also the "standard rate codes" attachment.
Record can be updated.
Record exists with key 123456789, but logic detects that it is not the "standard rate codes" attachment.
Record is not updated. An error is issued.
The system cannot update this record because it's not the right attachment record.
The system detects that another attachment record exists for the "standard rate codes" attachment with a different ID.
Record is not updated. An error is issued.
Assumption is that the record was created directly in the target or was copied from a different source.
The use cases described in scenarios 3 and 4 above would require key mapping to keep track of the id from the source to the id in the target so that any other records from the source that reference this key as a foreign key would be updated as part of the migration. This functionality is not supported.
Scenarios 1 and 2 above are supported for maintenance objects that use the method to detect the logical key.
If a maintenance object with a system generated key does not supply a method to detect the logical key, CMA will update an existing record with the same ID. For maintenance objects in the framework that provide this method, refer to Framework Provided Migration Configuration. For your specific edge application, refer to the CMA addendum for information about support for data with system generated keys.
The product recommends that an implementation establishes a migration strategy such that records with system generated keys are always created in the same region and always follow a standard migration path for promoting the data from this source region to other regions. Following this strategy, you would minimize or eliminate the possibility that a record for the same logical key is created in multiple places such that different IDs would be generated as described by scenario 4 above.
MOs with a Mixture of Administration and Non-Administration Data
There are some MOs that contain a mixture of master or transaction data and administrative data. The Attachment is an example of this. The product supports common attachments and owned attachments. Owned attachments are records that are specific to its owner. The owner could be master or transaction data and its attachments are therefore considered master or transaction data. Owned attachments are not candidates for migration using CMA. Common attachments on the other hand are considered administrative data and may be candidates for migration using CMA. For these use cases, an implementation may follow the suggested strategy of only creating the administrative data in one region so that IDs for common attachments are not reused. However, it is reasonable and expected that owned attachments are being created in the target region and may receive a system generated key that matches the key of a common attachment from the source region.
To try to minimize this issue, the system includes special logic to be used by any MO that may contain administrative data mixed in with master or transaction data. This special logic generates the key of an administrative record with a zero (0) in the middle of the key and ensures that the keys for master and transaction data do not include a zero in this spot. For maintenance objects in the framework that use this method, refer to Framework Provided Migration Configuration. For your specific edge application, refer to the CMA addendum for information about additional maintenance objects that may be in this category.