Framework-Provided Migration Configuration
This topic describes special information relating to migration objects provided for use by CMA in the product. Additional objects may be provided by your specific product. Any special information for objects is provided separately in each product's documentation.
The following points highlight some information about Framework-provided migration requests. Navigate to the migration request page in the application to view the details of all provided objects.
Several base migration requests are supplied to logically group system and administrative tables. For example, there is a migration request for Framework System Configuration F1-SystemConfig where most system configuration objects are included. There is another one provided for CMA related configuration objects.
The system supplies a group migration request F1–FrameworkConfig (Framework Configuration), which includes several other migration requests. The expectation is that this migration request includes all the typical objects that are included in a wholesale migration. Your specific product may include this migration request into its own group migration request to support a wholesale migration of all the framework and product administrative tables. An implementation may choose to build a custom group migration request. In this case, review the various migration requests provided by base to see if any may be included as components for the custom migration request. Then any new migration plans added to the base migration request in future releases are automatically included in future migrations.
There are several different security related migration requests that include different combinations of migration plans to support multiple possible business requirements related to security migration. Note that the security migration request included in the above mentioned group migration request is the one that does not include users. If your implementation wants to copy users to a target environment, refer to Importing Data that References a User for some considerations.
Refer to your specific product's CMA documentation for its recommendation on which migration requests to use for a full migration of framework and product administrative tables.
The following points highlight some information about the Framework-provided migration plans. Navigate to the migration plan page in the application to view the details of all provided objects.
Fields and characteristic types are not migrated with an object (like a business object or a data area) unless specifically indicated.
The Application Service used by an object is migrated only if it is CM-owned.
The Batch Control object optionally references a User (for 'timed' batches). Refer to Importing Data that References a User for some considerations about copying the user. Also note that when running a batch job, snapshot information is captured on the batch control. Updates like this increment the version number. If a batch control record is part of the migration and the comparison step has detected a change to the batch control, the Apply step will error out for this batch control if a batch job is submitted between the compare and apply step.
CMA batch controls that are part of the import step are executing and as such, the system does not include these records in a migration. If your implementation changes default parameters for any of the batch controls, the recommendation is to manually make those changes to the target region.
The base migration plans for MO and BO include instructions to copy option types that use foreign key references to refer to other objects. Note that the data stored in the options are not validated, so defining these instructions is not required when doing wholesale migrations. However, including subordinate instructions for foreign key references is useful for targeted migrations to ensure that the related data is included in the migration. If you add additional MO or BO option types that use foreign keys and you want to support targeted migrations, you must create custom migration plans and requests for MO and BO, respectively to include these referenced objects in the migration plan. Note that you do not need to duplicate the instructions in the base migration plans. You may define the additional migration plans to only have the additional custom option types. When submitting a migration request for MO or BO you must include both the base migration plans and the custom migration plans in the request.
For scripts, schema-based objects and zones, the migration plans provided by the product migrate, through constraints, some of the typical associated data with them. However, data specified through alternate formats (such as through Edit Data steps in scripts, referenced in schemas for schema-based objects, or data from mnemonics in zone parameters, etc.) are not identified and combined in the same transaction. The iterative processing functionality of the import step should resolve any timing issues that may result in validation errors for these types of objects.
There are two migration plans for Scripts. The migration plan F1-ScriptOnly migrates just the script and its Application Service (provided the Application Service is CM-owned). The migration plan F1-Script includes most related objects, but does not migrate any objects referenced in the edit data area steps. It does not move the Function maintenance object. It may be included in any appropriate custom targeted migration request where scripts and related data should be migrated.
If your implementation includes a Feature Configuration setting for the F1_​DBCONINFO entry that will be included in a migration request, be sure that the import user on the target region has the appropriate security rights to this entry (Administrator access mode for the Feature Configuration application service (CILTWSDP).
The common attachments in the Attachment maintenance object may be considered administrative data to include in a migration. Because this MO has a system generated key, as described in Administrative Data with System Generated Primary Keys, it uses a logical key of the file name and the creation date to determine if the record exists in the target environment. In addition, this MO contains administrative data (common attachments) and non-administrative data (owned attachments). To try to minimize the possibility of key "collision", new common attachments receive a generated key that includes a zero in the middle whereas owned attachments receive a generated key that does not have a zero in the middle.
The Menu maintenance object has a user defined key, however, its menu lines and menu items have system generated keys. To avoid the possibility of overriding a menu line or menu item incorrectly, the menu MO will check the menu line's menu name in the source and target to be sure they match and will check the menu item's menu line in the source and target to be sure they match otherwise an error will be issued in the comparison step.
For the system messages, the product provides three different migration plans.
Message Category and its Messages (F1-MessageCategory). This migration plan is included in the F1-SystemConfig migration request.
Message Category (F1-MessageCategoryOnly). This migration plan is provided to support a targeted migration where an implementation has created a custom message category and wants to move it but doesn’t want to move all its messages.
Message (F1-Message). This migration plan is provided to support a targeted migration where only specific messages within a message category should be migrated.
For lookup values, the product provides two different migration plans.
Lookup Field and its Values (F1-Lookup). This migration plan is included in the F1-SystemConfig migration request.
Lookup Value (F1-LookupValue). This migration plan is provided to support a targeted migration where only specific lookup values within a lookup field should be migrated.
There are some system data objects where no information in a base delivered record may be modified by an implementation. For these records, the base delivered migration requests include selection criteria to only select CM-owned records (because the base records will always exist in the target region assuming both regions have the same release). An example is Algorithm Type. The F1-SystemConfig migration request only includes CM-owned algorithm types. However, many system data objects support custom changes to one or more fields, for example the Zone object allows an implementation to override the zone text or certain parameters. Other system data objects support custom additions to a collection. For example, the Maintenance Object allows an implementation to add algorithms or options. For the migration plans related to these system data objects, all records are included in the base delivered migration requests to allow for any customized configuration to be migrated. It means that during the Import / Compare step many base delivered objects that are not customized will be marked Unchanged.
Many of the integration related maintenance objects that include references to environment-specific data, such as Message Senders. This data should be migrated with extreme care. When appropriate, consider taking advantage of URI substitution. Refer to Referencing URIs for more information.