Types of Migrations
The Content Migration Assistant is used for two general types of migrations: wholesale and targeted. The following topics provide some additional information about these concepts.
Wholesale Migrations
Wholesale migrations are used when migrating all the configuration and/or administrative data from one environment to another. For example, a wholesale migration might be used when migrating administrative data from a development or test environment to a production environment.
A wholesale migration may be comprised of one or more migration requests that in total include all the administrative data to move. Migration plans used in wholesale migrations may be designed to omit subordinate instructions related to explicit foreign keys that are identified through constraints as they are not needed, assuming that the data they are referring to will also be included in the migration.
With the ability to group migration requests, the expectation is that implementations follow these guidelines:
Multiple migration requests using the Criteria-based or Entity List migration request classes are used to group information logically together to allow for more reuse.
A Group migration request is used for the export. This allows for one data set to export and one data set on the import side, simplifying the process. Note that depending on the amount of data, this may be a large import set to process. An implementation may find it easier to create multiple migration requests that break down the process into several steps.
You should consider that the framework product provides base migration requests and your specific edge product may provide base migration requests as well that may or may not include framework migration plans. Using the product provided migration requests is beneficial with respect to maintenance. As features are added to the product (including new administrative maintenance objects), any impact on CMA should be included in the product owned migration requests. If your implementation introduces new custom administrative maintenance objects that should be included in CMA, then custom migration plans and a custom migration request should be added. Your implementation can build a Group migration request that includes the base migration request and your custom migration requests to have a consolidated export.
Refer to Framework Provided Migration Objects for information about migration requests provided in the framework product. Refer to your specific product's documentation for information about addition base provided migration requests.
Targeted Migrations
A targeted migration refers to migrating a specific subset of data from one environment to another. Migration plans used in targeted migrations are designed to be self-sufficient and include all necessary subordinate instructions needed to ensure that the exported entity can be imported without encountering referential integrity errors. With this type of migrations, any relationship explicitly excluded from the migration plan assumes the related entity already exists in the target environment. Examples of targeted migrations include:
Migration of a new portal, its zones, and its application service.
Migration of all outbound message types.
Migration of selected accounts and their related master and transactional entities to a lower environment for testing purposes.