Adapter Development Kit CIM Command Flows

The table below lists the communication flows used with Common Information Model (CIM) commands, including:

  • Command: The specific smart meter command

  • Outbound Communication: The outbound communication business object created by the command. This sends the command request to the head end system.

  • Inbound Communication: The inbound communication created by the response from the head end system

  • Completion Event: The completion event(s) triggered by the command, if any. Completion events are used to update data in the system as a result of a smart meter command. For example, if a command changes the status of a device, the completion event is responsible for making that change.


Outbound Communication

Inbound Communication

Completion Event

Device Status Check

ADK CIM Ping Direct Route (DG-CIMPingDR)

ADK CIM Ping Response Direct Route (DG-CIMPingResponseDR)

On-Demand Read (Interval) [CIM]

ADK CIM On-Demand Read Direct Route (Interval) (DG-CIMGetMtrReadIntervalDR)

ADK CIM On-Demand Read Response Direct Route (DG-CIMMtrReadResponseDR)

Create IMD Completion Event

On-Demand Read (Scalar) [CIM]

ADK CIM On-Demand Read Direct Route (Scalar) (DG-CIMGetMtrReadScalarDR)

ADK CIM On-Demand Read Response Direct Route (DG-CIMMtrReadResponseDR)

Create IMD Completion Event

Configuring Command Types

The following communication business objects (from the table above) all have corresponding communication types that must be configured before communications based on those business objects can be created. The table below lists the communication type business objects used with each.

Communication Business Object

Communication Type Business Object

ADK CIM Ping Direct Route (DG-CIMPingDR)

ADK - CIM Ping DR Type (DG-CIMPingDRType)

ADK CIM Ping Response Direct Route (DG-CIMPingResponseDR)

ADK - CIM Ping Async Response DR Type (DG-CIMPingResponseDRType)

ADK CIM On-Demand Read Direct Route (Interval) (DG-CIMGetMtrReadIntervalDR)

ADK - CIM On-Demand Read (Interval) DR Type


ADK CIM On-Demand Read Direct Route (Scalar) (DG-CIMGetMtrReadScalarDR)

ADK - CIM On-Demand Read (Scalar) DR Type


ADK CIM On-Demand Read Response Direct Route (DG-CIMMtrReadResponseDR)

ADK - CIM AsyncReply MeterReads DR Type


Refer to  Communication Types for more information about communication types.