Outbound Message - Main

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Description of Page

Outbound Message ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the outbound message. These values only appear after the outbound message is added to the database.

The Processing Method indicates whether this record will be processed by a Batch extract process or Real-time. (The value of XAI is no longer supported). The value defined on the external system / outbound message type collection populates this value.

When records are created with a processing method of Batch, the system sets Extract to Can Be Extracted. Change the value to Not to be extracted if there is some reason that processing should be held for this record.

For records with a processing method of Batch, Batch Control indicates the process that will extract this record. This value is populated based on the on the external system / outbound message type's value. Batch Number indicates in which batch run this record was extracted or will be extracted.

The Retry Count is no longer applicable..

The Creation Date indicates the date that this record was created.

The status is no longer applicable.