Duplicate IMD Check

If the current Initial Measurement Data (IMD) being validated is determined to be a duplicate of an existing IMD for the same measuring component, this rule will produce a VEE exception of the type and severity configured on the VEE Rule. The algorithm logic looks for duplicate IMDs using the following criteria:
  • associated to the same measuring component as the current IMD
  • utilizes the same IMD business object as the current IMD (for example, Initial Load Scalar)
  • references the same To Date/Time (ends on the same date) as the current IMD
  • exists in a "Finalized" state
  • the contents of pre-VEE are identical to the pre-VEE of the current IMD

If any IMDs are found that meet all of the above criteria, the current IMD is deemed to be a duplicate.


Additional detail on the logic of this rule can be found in the Detailed Description of the D1-DUPIMDCHK Algorithm Type.

For help with the meaning of specific configuration fields, refer to the embedded help on the screen when adding or editing the rule.

Business Object
