Find Constituents

The Find Constituents process finds all source data to be aggregated for a given aggregation measuring component, based on the Aggregation Measuring Component’s dimensions. The queries used for this process are based on data source template SQL extended by attributes defined on the Aggregation Measuring Components being processed.

The Find Constituents process is initiated by the aggregation algorithm on the Aggregation Measuring Component (each type of Aggregation Measuring Component — interval, item, billed quantities — has its own aggregation algorithm), and is performed by algorithms defined for the Find Constituents system event on the Aggregation Measuring Component business object.

This process differs slightly when finding constituents for interval and scalar measurements stored on measuring components, item data, and billed quantities.

Measuring Components

The Find Constituents process for measuring components uses the Find Constituents for Dynamic Aggregation (D1-FINDCONST) algorithm which retrieves data based on the following:
  • Attributes on the Aggregation Measuring Component based on the Measuring Component Set configuration

  • Measuring Component Types on the Data Source

Measuring component constituents are inserted into a global temporary table (GTT1) with the following information:
  • Measuring Component ID

  • Horizon Start Date/Time

  • Horizon End Date/Time

  • Time Zone

Note: The aggregation period for each is adjusted by the source Measuring Component’s installation history.


The Find Constituents process for items uses the Find Constituents for Items (D1-FICONITEM) algorithm which retrieves data based on the following:
  • Attributes on the Measuring Component based on the Measuring Component Set configuration

  • Item Types / Service Point Types on the Data Source (for badged vs. unbadged items, respectively)

Item constituents are inserted into a global temporary table (GTT3) with the following information:
  • Maintenance Object (Device or Service Point)

  • Device Type: Item Type

  • Item Count

  • Horizon Start Date/Time

  • Horizon End Date/Time

  • Time Zone

Note: The aggregation period for each is adjusted by the source Item’s installation history.

Billed Quantities

The Find Constituents process for billed quantities uses the Find Constituents for Billing Data (D1-FINDCONSB) algorithm which retrieves data based on the following:
  • Attributes on the Aggregation Measuring Component based on the Measuring Component Set configuration

  • Usage Subscription Types on the Data Source

Billed quantity constituents are inserted into a global temporary table (GTT5) with the following information:
  • Usage Subscription ID

  • Usage ID

  • Horizon Start Date/Time

  • Horizon End Date/Time

  • Time Zone

Note: The aggregation period for each is adjusted by the source Usage Subscription’s installation history.