About Initial Measurement Snapshots

Initial measurement snapshots are used to hold measurement data snapshots until they are ready to be processed. Examples of initial measurement snapshots include:

  • Measurement data snapshots created as part of usage transaction processing, but where the usage transaction’s “Used on Bill” flag is set to “No”.
  • Imported measurement data snapshots that encounter an error of some sort during import, such as if the Usage Subscription or Settlement Item for the snapshot can’t be found.

Initial measurement snapshots are defined by:

  • Usage Subscription: The usage subscription related to the initial measurement snapshot (if applicable)
  • Settlement Item: The settlement related to the initial measurement snapshot (if applicable)
  • Usage Transaction ID: The usage transaction related to the initial measurement snapshot
  • Status: The current status of the initial measurement snapshot
  • Transaction ID: The transaction ID of a related transaction, such as a bill.

Initial measurement snapshots in error can also include the following information:

  • Current Error Message: An message explaining the error that resulted in the creation of the initial measurement snapshot
  • External System: The external system that sent the measurement data snapshot
  • Measurement Data Snapshot Type: The measurement data snapshot’s type
  • Service Point ID: The service point associated with the initial measurement snapshot, if applicable
  • Measuring Component ID: The measuring component associated with the initial measurement snapshot, if applicable
  • File Name: The file name for the import file used to create the measurement data snapshot
  • Start Date/Time: The start date and time for the initial measurement snapshot
  • End Date/Time: The end date and time for the initial measurement snapshot (applies to scalar snapshots only)

Initial Measurement Snapshot Business Objects

The system includes the following initial measurement snapshot business objects:

  • Initial Measurement Snapshot Export to US (D1–InitMsrmtSnapExporttoUS): Used for snapshot data during the time period when billing determinants have been sent to the billing system but the billing system has not yet confirmed that they have been used on a finalized bill (the “Used on Bill” flag is set to “No”). This is used when the data is being staged under the Usage Subscription for eventual export to the Settlement Item.
  • Initial Measurement Snapshot Export to SI (D1–InitMsrmtSnapExporttoSI): Used for snapshot data during the time period when billing determinants have been sent to the billing system but the billing system has not yet confirmed that they have been used on a finalized bill (the “Used on Bill” flag is set to “No”). This is used when the data is being created directly underneath the Settlement Item.
  • Initial Measurement Snapshot Import (D1–InitMsrmtSnapImport): Used to captures the details of an imported measurement data snapshot that has encountered an error during processing.