Creating CIM Payload Processing Extendable Lookup Values

Payload processing of CIM usage and events requires configuration of values for the SGG Payload Processing Configuration extendable lookup. This section outlines the specific configuration for usage and event payload processing extendable lookups for CIM usage and events. See Creating SGG Payload Processing Extendable Lookup Values for more information about this extendable lookup including parameters not listed in this section.


Extendable lookup values for CIM usage payload processing should include the following parameters: 

  • Payload Handler Class Name: com.splwg.d1.domain.sgg.dg.processing.PayloadHandlerViaUserExits

  • Payload Processing Result Type: Initial Measurements

  • IMD Seeder BO (Interval): IMD Seeder (D1-IMDSeeder) (Applicable only If processing interval usage)

  • IMD Seeder BO (Scalar): IMD Seeder (D1-IMDSeeder) (Applicable only If processing scalar usage)

  • Dynamic Parameters: As appropriate for your implementation

  • User Exit Interceptors:

Payload Processing User Exit Type

Groovy Library Script

Groovy Library Method

On Get Parser

DG_​CimUPrXML (SGG ADK Generic CIM XML Parser)


On Get Transformer

DG_​CimUTrXML (SGG ADK Generic CIM XML Transformer)

get Transformer

Device Events

Extendable lookup values for CIM event payload processing should include the following parameters: 

  • Payload Handler Class Name: com.splwg.d1.domain.sgg.dg.processing.PayloadHandlerViaUserExits

  • Payload Processing Result Type: Device Events

  • Device Event Seeder BO: Device Event Seeder (D1-DeviceEventSeeder)

  • Dynamic Parameters: As appropriate for your implementation

  • User Exit Interceptors:

Payload Processing User Exit Type

Groovy Library Script

Groovy Library Method

On Get Parser

DG_​CimEvntPr (CIM Events Parser using XMLReader)


On Get Transformer

DG_​CimEvntTr (CIM Events Transformer)

get Transformer