Adapter Software Configuration
Configuration for the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Switching Adapter comes from the following sources:
CES_PARAMETERS database table
Oracle Utilities Network Management System configuration rules
JBot Commands
This section includes the following topics:
Support for Encrypted Configuration Parameters
Some configuration parameters that are stored in the CES_PARAMETERS database table contain sensitive information, such as authentication credentials, which should be protected. To protect this data, the VALUES column can be encrypted using Oracle WebLogic Server encrypt utility. This utility encrypts cleartext strings for use with Oracle WebLogic Server. Its output can then be used to populate values in CES_PARAMETERS database table.
For detailed information, see "encrypt" in the Oracle WebLogic Server Command Reference.
Configuration Parameters
Entries in the CES_PARAMETERS database table for the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Switching Adapter should have value 'SwmanInterface' in the APP column. Column ATTRIB should contain name of the configuration parameter and column VALUE its value.
The following table describes the general configuration parameters.
Enable/disable Switching Interface
Default: true
Absolute path to the file containing user credentials the adapter will use to communicate with Oracle Utilities Network Management System.

Either this parameter or both config.username and config.password parameters should be provided. If all are present, then the config.username/
config.password pair is used.
Valid NMS username, which has the 'NmsService' role in WebLogic Server.
NMS user password. Value of this parameter should be encrypted.
URL for accessing Oracle Utilities Network Management System. If this parameter is not provided then it is assumed that Switching Adapter is deployed on the same Managed Server as cesejb.ear.
How often the adapter should poll the database for updates. Values are in seconds.
Default: 15
The type of sheet to create when a request comes in to create a sheet from an external system.