Conditional Formatting Dialog
The Conditional Formatting dialog box allows you to add and manage the conditional formatting rules associated with a table:
The fields and buttons are described below:
List of Rules: Displays a list of the formatting rules applied to the table. Each rule displays:
Rule Name: The name of the rule.
Row: A check box that indicates if the rule is configured to format the row (selected) or just the cell (deselected).
Conditions: The conditions that must be met if the formatting is to be applied. Defining the conditions is equivalent to creating a filter; see “Creating and Editing Filters Using the Edit Filter Dialog Box” for more information.
Column: The name of the column(s) to highlight with the formatting.
Format: The formatting associated with the rule
Note that the position of the rule in the list determines its precedence. See “Understanding Conditional Formatting Precedence Rules” for details.
Actions that can be performed on each rule:
Move Up: Moves the selected rule up the list.
Move Down: Moves the selected rule down the list.
Edit: Displays the Edit Rule Dialog, which allows you to specify the formatting rule. (You can also double‑click the rule to open it for editing.)
Remove: Removes the selected rule.
Duplicate: Creates a copy of the rule and allows you to edit it.
Insert: Inserts a new rule above the selected rule and allows you to edit it.
Add: appends a new rule to the bottom of the list and allows you to edit it.
Actions that can be applied to the dialog:
Help…: Displays Help for the Conditional Formatting dialog
OK: Applies any changes and closes the dialog.
Apply: Applies any changes but leaves the dialog open.
Cancel: Closes the dialog without applying any changes.