Executing a Trace
To execute a trace, complete these steps:
1. Select the asset you want to trace from and click the Trace button (). (See “Using the Trace Dialog Box” for field descriptions.)
2. Select the trace type, direction, and mode as described in the following table:
To trace...
Do this…
To all connected assets
Select All Connected from the drop-down list and then click the Trace button. The Viewer traces from the asset to all connected assets stopping only at a source.
To connected valves
Select To Valve from the first drop-down list and select the direction from the second drop-down list. Click the Trace button. The Viewer traces from the asset to all valves in the specified direction.
To the source
Select To Source from the first drop-down list. Click the Trace button. The Viewer traces from the asset upstream to the source.
To a specific asset class
Select "To Asset Class" from the first drop-down list. The Asset Class field and Search button will be displayed. Click the Search button to open the Select Class dialog box. Expand the object tree and select the asset class that you wish to trace to. Click OK to populate the Asset Class field. Click the Trace button. The Viewer traces to that asset class.
Select either "To Valve" from the first drop-down list, and then select "Upstream" from the second drop-down list. Click the Trace button.
Select either "To Valve" from the first drop-down list, and then select "Downstream" from the second drop-down list. Click the Trace button.
Both upstream and downstream
Select either "To Valve" from the first drop-down list, and the select "All" from the second drop-down list. Click the Trace button. (Tracing all connected assets and tracing to the source will automatically trace both upstream and downstream.)
Using statuses currently displayed in the Viewer
Select "Current Session" from the third drop-down list. Select the tracing option (All Connected, To Valve, and so on) and the direction, then click the Trace button.
Using nominal statuses
Select "Nominal" from the third drop-down list. Select the tracing option (All Connected, To Valve, and so on) and the direction, then click the Trace button.
Understanding the Trace Results Dialog Box
When you select to see trace results in a table (any selection other than No Table), the Trace Results dialog box will be displayed once you click the Trace button ().
Menus and Toolbar Options
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Exports the table to a .csv file.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Trace Results Help
Shows the online help.
Understanding Data Table Actions
If you double‑click a table row, the table will focus the Viewer on the row's device.
If you right‑click a table row, you can choose from the following context menu options, if applicable:
View...: Focus the Viewer on the asset.
Calculate Values: This will calculate the customer counts for the row.
Look Ahead...: Opens the Look Ahead dialog box. See “Using the Look Ahead Dialog Box” for more information.
Click OK to close the Trace Results dialog box.