Using the Trouble Info Customers View
The data shown in the Trouble Info Customers view depends on how it is launched.
If launched from the Control Tool, it displays all customers located on or downstream from a given asset (see “Asset Options” and “Control Tool Actions” for information).
When Trouble Info is launched from the Work Agenda, the Customers view displays all customers affected by a given event.
Understanding the Customer Table
The Customer Table lists all customers associated with an event or asset. The table provides the following information:
The Asset column displays the name of the customer's service asset.
The Name column displays the customer's name.
The Telephone column displays the customer's telephone number.
The Critical column displays the customer type value.
The Priority column displays the customer's weighted priority. See “Using the Customer Administration Weighted Priority Editor” for more information on weighted priority.
The Address column displays the customer's address.
The Account # column displays the customer's account number.
The DER Count column displays the number of DER units associated with the customer.
The Event ID column displays any customer associated events.
The Clues column displays the clues for the outage or event. Only the clues associated with the first customer call will be listed.
The Call Date column displays the date and time when a customer reported the event. If there are multiple calls from a customer, the first (non-AMI) call will be displayed.
The Restore Date column displays the most recent time an outage affecting the customer was restored. When Trouble Info is opened for an event, only the restoration times for that event are displayed; if the Restore Date column is empty, then the customer is currently affected by the selected outage event. When Trouble Info is opened for an asset, this will also occur if the customer never experienced an outage.
The Total Calls column display the number of times the customer called.
Moving Customers to a Different Asset
Trouble Info allows you to move customers to a different asset if you discover they are associated with an incorrect asset. The Move Customers tool is available from both the Callers and Customers views.
To move customers to a different asset, complete these steps:
1. Select one or more customers to move from the Customers view
You can use the Callers view if the customers that you want to move are all also callers.
To select multiple adjacent customers, click the first customer row and then press the Shift key and click the last customer row.
To select multiple non-adjacent customers, press the Control key and click each customer row individually.
2. Select Move Customers… from the Actions menu. The Move Customers dialog box appears.
3. Select an asset in the Viewer to move the customers to. The New Asset field is populated with the asset identifier.
4. Click OK. The Move Customers dialog box closes.
Note: If the selected customers were previously moved to a new asset, a confirmation dialog box (that is, Overwrite Moved Customers) is displayed. Do one of the following:
Click Yes to continue and overwrite the existing customer move record.
Click Cancel to cancel your selection and return to the Move Customers dialog box to select a different asset.
Click No to abort the move completely.
5. The event is then re-analyzed using the new asset information. If it does not repredict into the same event, the # Calls and # Customers for the original event are adjusted. Calls may be grouped into another existing event or a new event will be created.
Note: Trouble Info will be updated with the Move Customer information.
Using the Damage Assessments Tab
The Damage Assessments tab displays summary information for damage assessment records associated with an event. See “Working with Damage Assessments” for information about creating and working with damage assessments.