Understanding Viewer Context Menu Options
When you select certain objects in the Viewer and right-click, a context menu will display a list of options available for the object.
Crew Context Menu Options
The following options are displayed when you right-click a crew symbol in the Viewer window; these options are only available for crews with AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) systems.
Menu Option
Assigns the crew selected in the Viewer to the event currently selected in Work Agenda. See “Assigning a Crew to an Event” for more information.
En Route
Puts the crew selected in the Viewer en route to the event currently selected in Work Agenda. This is enabled only if the selected crew is an on-shift, available, non-mobile crew that is not currently en route or onsite. See “Placing a Crew En Route” for more information.
Release Crew
Releases the crew selected in the Viewer from the en route/onsite event selected in the Work Agenda. See “Releasing Crews from an Event” for more information.
Update Availability...
Opens the Update Crew Availability dialog box for the selected crew. See “Changing Crew Availability” for more information.
Crew Info...
Opens the Crew Info dialog box for the selected crew. See “Using Crew Info” for more information.
Event Options
The following options are displayed when you select an event symbol and right-click to open the context menu:
Menu Option
Event Details...
Opens the Event Details window for the event. See “Understanding Event Details”.
Trouble Info...
Opens the Event Details Trouble Info tab for the event. See “Using the Trouble Info Tab”.
Event Log...
Opens the Event Details Event Log tab for the event. See “Using the Event Log Tab”.
Damage Assessments...
Opens the Event Details Damage Assessments tab. See “Using the Damage Assessments Tab”.
Crew Info...
Opens the Crew Info window for the crew assigned to the selected event. See “Using Crew Info”.
Show En Route Location...
Shows the AVL location of the crew that is currently en route to the selected event. This option is only enabled when one crew is assigned to the event.
Release Crews...
Opens the Release Crews dialog box. Enabled when one or more crew is assigned to the event. See “Releasing a Crew from the Crew Symbol in the Viewer”.
Make Predicted Stable
Makes currently selected predicted outage stable. Visible only when currently selected predicted outage can be made stable.
See the “Working with Stable Predictions” for more details.
Remove Predicted Stable
Removes stable flag from the currently selected predicted stable outage. Visible only when a predicted stable outage is selected.
See the “Working with Stable Predictions” for more details.
Condition Options
Condition sizing and locations can be adjusted by an administrator; non-administrators can move conditions temporarily during their session. For conditions, moving a condition affects any conditions at an asset position, including future conditions for that device. Measures and conditions may be moved.
Menu Option
Moves a condition to a new location. If there are multiple conditions at a location, only the condition closest to the device can be moved.
Show Leader Line
Shows the leader line for the asset.
Hide Leader Line
Hides the leader line.
Reset Location
Resets the condition position to the default location.
Rotate Clockwise
Rotates the symbol clockwise (only available for measurements).
Rotate Counterclockwise
Rotates the symbol counterclockwise (only available for measurements).
Resize Bigger
Increases the symbol size (only available for measurements).
Resize Smaller
Reduces the symbol size (only available for measurements).
Asset Options
Depending on the asset type, the following options may be displayed when you select an asset and right-click to open the context menu:
Menu Option
Control Tool...
Opens the Control Tool for the selected asset. See “Using the Control Tool”.
Asset Details...
Displays the Asset Details balloon above the selected asset. See “Displaying Asset Details”.
Opens the Attributes window, which displays information about the selected asset. See “Viewing Asset Attribute Information from the Viewer”.
Initiates the Control Tool's Open command. See “Control Tool Actions”.
Initiates the Control Tool's Open command, if applicable. See “Control Tool Actions”.
Customer List...
Displays the Event Details Trouble Info tab's Customers List view. See “Using the Trouble Info Customers View” for more information.
Damage Assessments...
Opens the Event Details Damage Assessments tab, which displays a list of damage assessments associated with the asset and allows you to add new damage assessments. See “Using the Damage Assessments Tab”.
Add a quarantine assessment condition. See Assessment....
Start Patrolling
Add a Start Patrolling assessment condition. See Assessment....
Remove Assessment
Remove the assessment condition. See
Generate Tag Steps
Allows you to generate a set of steps in the active switch sheet to tag devices upstream from the selected asset. These will appear in a new Place Tags steps block.
Toggle Call Display
Toggles call display on or off. When enabled, a symbol is displayed in the Viewer window for any assets that have calls associated with an event. Events with calls and clues will show the call symbol and clue symbol.
Opens the Trace tool, which allows you to display the path from a selected asset to other assets based on specific criteria. See “Executing Traces”.
Displaying Asset Details
Asset Details provides information about assets selected in the Viewer. Asset Details is enabled by clicking the Asset Details button (Icon used to toggle the details balloon on and off.) in the Viewer's toolbar or by right-clicking an asset and selecting Asset Details... from the context menu.
When Asset Details is enabled, selecting an asset will automatically launch a balloon-style callout window attached to the asset in the Viewer. Selecting a different asset will close the first window and open a window for the newly selected asset. To keep a window open, you may pin it by clicking the pin button (Icon of thumbtack that pins the details balloon open.). You may unpin the window by clicking the unpin button (Icon showing a thumbtack that will unpin the balloon.) or close it by clicking the close button (). Asset Details windows may be dragged to a different location in the Viewer or resized.
The Asset Details tabbed data views provide relevant information based on the object selected. Data is refreshed whenever you select a different tab, but you may manually refresh the data by clicking the refresh button (). Click the Help button () to display help for the active tab.
The Asset Details tabs provide the following information:
Asset Info: The information contained in the Asset Info tab varies depending on the type of asset and its current condition, but may include the following types of information:
Event information, such as number of customers affected, when the event began, estimated restoration time, event type, event number
Event Note
Asset Notes
Crew information
SCADA: The SCADA tab displays SCADA asset data. It is only enabled for SCADA assets in systems that have implemented SCADA Extensions; see Resize Smaller: Decreases the size of the measurements. (Administration users only.)Displaying SCADA Measurements with Asset Details” for details.
Viewing Asset Attribute Information from the Viewer
You can access attribute information related to an asset using the Viewer. Asset attributes include physical and reference information about an asset, such as location and rating.
To view asset attributes from the Viewer, complete these steps:
1. Right-click an asset in the Viewer.
2. From the context menu, click Attributes…. The Attributes window opens as a dockable pane in the Viewer.