Step Columns
Step #: Displays the number of the step.
Operation: Displays the description of the switching action. This field is editable, but only if the step action is a non-operational action. In other words, if the action for this step does not impact the NMS model in any way and is not tied to another NMS tool or feature, then the text can be edited in this column. Edited text will show up with a yellow background color. To reset the value, see “Resetting Operation Text”.
Asset: Displays the asset alias referenced in the step.
Details: Displays information about the outcome of the switching step., such as:
Isolate a section
Restore a section
This information is recorded into the step when the step is initially added to the steps list. You can enter text into this field to replace the text that is automatically inserted.
Status: Displays the state of the switching sheet step. See “Switching Sheet Step States” for information.
Crew Ready: Displays whether the field crew is ready to be instructed or not.
Ready Date: Displays the date and time when Crew Ready is populated.
Executed By: Displays the user ID of the person who completed the step in real-time mode. This field is automatically populated by the system.
Completed Date: Displays the date the step was completed. If this field is blank when a step is completed, failed, or aborted in real-time mode, then the system populates this field automatically.
Instructed By: Displays the user ID of the person who instructed the step in real-time mode. This field is automatically populated by the system.
Instructed To: Displays the IDs of the crews to which the step was instructed. This field is automatically populated if crews are selected in the Crew List at the bottom of the Steps tab when you transition a step to a new state. This field cannot be edited manually. If a crews are listed in the Crews list at the bottom of the Steps tab and none are selected, then all of those crews will be automatically populated into this field when the steps is Instructed or recorded through a Control Tool action. Any steps that get initially populated into the Steps tab will also be automatically populated with the crews lists on this tab’s Crews list.
Instructed Date: Displays the date and time the step was instructed.
Address: Displays the address of the asset referenced in this step. This field is automatically populated if you record the step by initiating an action within the Viewer.
Comments: Displays any additional information associated with this step. You can enter free-form text in this field.
Crews List
The Crews List on the event’s Steps tab functions exactly the same as the Crews List on a switching sheet’s Steps tab. See “Crews List” for more details.
Using the Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab displays a table with all attachments saved for the event.