Using Forecast Profiles
You may want to define and save one or more outage forecasting profiles to be used for analysis and resource planning prior to a storm's occurrence. You can create, edit, delete, and apply forecasting profiles by using the Forecast Profiles window.
This section includes the following topics:
1. Forecast Profiles Window
To open the Forecast Profiles window, complete these steps:
1. Make sure the currently selected control zone is at the simulation level.
2. Do one of the following:
Select the Forecast Profiles… option from the System menu, or
Click the Forecast Profiles on the toolbar.
The Forecast Profiles window displays the following fields and buttons:
The Add Profile button adds a new default row to the table in the Forecast Profiles dialog box. That default row may then be edited to contain the desired profile name and outage type values. If a row marked for removal is selected, pressing the Add Profile button will undo the removal mark. New, unsaved rows display in the table as green. Edited, unsaved rows display in the table as cyan.
The Remove Profile button marks the selected row for removal from the table in the Forecast Profiles window. Rows marked for removal display in the table as red.
The Save Profiles button saves any new or modified profiles, and any rows marked for removal will be deleted. If the Forecast Profiles table contains more than one row with the same profile name, an error dialog box will appear and no changes will be saved.
The Profile Name column contains a unique name for the profile.
The remaining columns correspond to each Storm Management outage type category. These columns contain the number of outages of that outage type that comprise the forecast profile.
The Apply Profile button applies the selected forecast profile values into the Total Outages column of the Storm Report pane.
The Print… button brings up the Print Preview dialog box, which allows you to print out the contents of the Forecast Profiles dialog box.
The Cancel button closes the dialog box without saving changes, and leaves the forecast profiles as they were.
Adding a Profile
To add a new outage forecasting profile:
1. Do one of the following:
Click the Forecast Profiles button on the toolbar, or
Select Forecast Profiles from the System menu. The Forecast Profiles dialog box opens.
2. Click the Add Profile button to add a new row to the Forecast Profiles table.
3. Click into the Profile Name cell of the row and specify a unique name for this profile.
4. Click in the desired outage type cells of the row and specify a number of outages.
5. Click the Save Profiles button. The Forecast Profiles dialog box closes and the new profile is saved for later use.
Editing a Profile
To edit an existing outage forecasting profile:
1. Do one of the following:
Click the Forecast Profiles button on the toolbar, or
Select Forecast Profiles from the System menu. The Forecast Profiles dialog box opens.
2. Click into the desired cell of the desired forecast profile and modify the profile name/outage type count.
3. Click the Save Profiles button. The Forecast Profiles dialog box closes and the edited profile is saved for later use.
Removing a Profile
To remove an existing outage forecasting profile:
1. Do one of the following:
Click the Forecast Profiles button on the toolbar, or
Select the Forecast Profiles option from the System menu. The Forecast Profiles dialog box opens.
2. Click into the any cell of the forecast profile to be removed.
3. Press the Esc key.
4. Click the Remove Profile button.
5. Click the Save Profiles button. The Forecast Profiles dialog box closes and the marked profile is removed.
Applying a Profile
To apply an outage forecasting profile:
1. Do one of the following:
Click the Forecast Profiles button on the toolbar, or
Select Forecast Profiles from the System menu. The Forecast Profiles dialog box opens.
2. Click into the any cell of the forecast profile to be applied.
3. Click the Apply Profile button. The Forecast Profiles dialog box closes, and the Total Outages column of the Storm Report for each outage type is now populated with the corresponding value from the forecast profile.
4. Click the Save Changes button. The Total cell value beneath the Total Outages column updates to reflect the new sum using the modified forecast values. For any outage type where the Actual Outages value exceeds the forecasted value, the Total Outages column for that outage type will instead display the Actual Outages value rather than the forecasted value.
Printing Forecast Profiles
To print the contents of the Forecast Profiles dialog box, complete these steps:
1. Do one of the following:
Click the Forecast Profiles button on the toolbar, or
Select Forecast Profiles... from the System menu. The Forecast Profiles dialog box opens.
2. Click the Print… button. The Print Preview dialog box opens.
3. Adjust the scale, orientation, and page setup as desired.
4. Click the Print button on the toolbar to print the pages. The Print Preview dialog box disappears and the print output appears at your selected printer.