Finding and Replacing an Asset in the Steps
The Asset tab of the Find and Replace dialog box allows you to find and replace occurrences of an asset in the switching steps. This is helpful for finding an asset in a switching sheet that has many steps. You can also use this function if you are reviewing a switching sheet and find that the wrong asset was entered in a number of places.
To find occurrences of an asset within the Steps list, complete these steps:
1. Open the switching sheet.
2. Click on the Steps tab.
3. (Optional) Select a step with a valid asset name within the Steps list.
4. Click the Find and Replace... button on the Steps tab toolbar. The Find and Replace dialog box opens.
5. Click the Asset tab, if not already selected. The Find field displays the selected step's asset alias, if an optional step selection was made before displaying the Find and Replace dialog box. Otherwise, enter an asset ID in the Find field.
6. Click the Find Next button to navigate through the list of steps, highlighting each occurrence of that asset.
To replace an asset, complete these steps:
1. Open the switching sheet.
2. Click on the Steps tab.
3. (Optional) Select a step with an asset that you wish to replace.
4. Click the Find and Replace... button on the Steps tab toolbar. The Find and Replace dialog box opens. If an asset ID was not preselected above, enter an asset ID in the Find field.
5. Select an asset from the Viewer. The Replace With field is populated with the asset alias.
6. Click Replace.
If you attempt to replace an asset for a step when the step action is not valid for the newly selected asset, then you will receive a Step Edit Failed error message indicating that the action is not valid for the asset type selected. You either need to select an asset that is valid for the current step action or use a delete and insert operation to get the step replaced.
If you are replacing an asset association on a step that has had its Operation text modified, a Reset Operation Text dialog box will open asking you if you want to reset the operation text. You will have three options:
Click Reset to reset the text;
Click Continue to keep the manually entered Operation text.
Click Cancel to cancel the asset replace.
For more information, see “Resetting Operation Text”.