Moving Customers
If you realize that customers have been incorrectly associated with an asset, you may need to move them from an asset that will be impacted to an asset that will not be impacted. To move customers from their current asset to another asset, complete these steps:
1. On the Impacted Customers tab, select the rows for the customers you want to move.
Note: The expandable folder nodes are not selectable; you must select customer names.
2. Right-click and select Move Customers... from the context menu. The Move Customers dialog box opens, displaying the customer names, addresses, and their original asset as defined by CIS.
Note: If you click the Move Customers... button without first selecting customer rows, you will receive an "Invalid Customer Selection" error with the message: Only customer rows selected are considered by the Move Customer feature. Any selected expandable folder nodes are ignored. Select at least one customer row to continue.
3. Click on the new asset in the Viewer. The New Asset field on the Move Customers dialog box is populated with the selected asset.
4. Click OK. The system determines whether or not the new asset is also an impacted asset.
If the new asset is not an impacted asset, the customers are moved to the new asset and are removed from the impacted customer list.
If the new asset is an impacted asset, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. Do one of the following:
Click Yes to continue with the move. The customers are moved to the new asset within the Impacted Customers list. If the selected customers were previously moved to a new asset, another confirmation dialog box is displayed. Do one of the following:
Click Yes to continue with the move. The existing customers move record is overwritten.
Click Cancel to return to the Move Customers dialog box so you can select a different asset.
Click No to cancel the move and close both the confirmation dialog box and the Move Customers dialog box.
Click No to return to the Move Customers dialog box so you can select a different asset.
Click Cancel to cancel the move and close both the confirmation dialog box and the Move Customers dialog box.
Checking for Overlaps
Once you have created steps for a planned event, generated the Impacted Customers list, and saved the switching sheet, you can cross-check the switching sheet with other switching sheets for overlaps of time, control zone, or affected assets.
This allows planners to create a single planned event instead of two separate events and avoid visiting the same location twice or impacting the same customers twice within a short time frame. Planners can identify whether to change the current switching sheet in order to avoid affecting the same customers or same area multiple times in a certain time period.
Note: When an overlap occurs, the system does not prevent you from completing planned switching operations, but it does provide a warning indicating the overlap.
If the current plan has a time, control zone, or asset overlap with another plan, the Overlap indicator is displayed on the switching sheet Status Bar. Use the Overlaps tab to view details about the overlaps.