Safety Document Dialog Overview
The Safety Documents associated to switching sheets are displayed as detached windows. When working with Web Safety, when there is no originating switching sheet, the document takes on a slightly different behavior and look. For more information on Stand Alone Safety Documents see “Web Safety”.
Toolbar Icons
The Save button () saves your changes to the safety document.
The Print Preview button () allows you to select a report format and then preview the safety document in the selected format.
The Print button () allows you to select a printer and then print a hard copy of the safety document to the selected printer.
The Email button () allows you to email a version of safety document. You will be prompted to select a report format (PDF, HTML, RTF, or XML); click Email... to generate the file, which will be attached to a new message launched from your default email application.
The Validate button (), which is available on the DCZ safety documents, is used to determine whether the listed assets potentially isolate an area of the network. If the list of assets is not sufficient, a dialog will suggest the first missing asset needed, provide an option to add it, and re-validate the new list.
The Issue button () adds a step for issuing the selected safety document. The step is added to the end of the steps list or after the step insertion indicator (if one has been placed). This button is enabled when a document is in the New and Released states so the document may be issued and released multiple times. If any of the assets in the Tag Points list are not associated to steps, then the appropriate conditions will be placed on those assets when the document is transitioned to the Issued state.
The Unissue button () is used to place an Issued safety document or a Released safety document into an Unissued (edit) state where the asset lists can be altered. While in the Unissued state, you can add assets to the lists and mark assets already in the list for removal. Only when the safety document transitions back to the Issued state will the changes be applied.
The Release button () adds a step for releasing the selected safety document. The step is added to the end of the steps list or after the step insertion indicator (if one has been placed). This button is only enabled if the safety document has been issued. Selecting this button will cause the Complete button to be enabled.
The Complete button () adds a step for completing the selected safety document. The step is added to the end of the steps list or after the step insertion indicator (if one has been placed). If any of the assets in the Tag Points list are not associated to steps, then the appropriate conditions will be removed from those assets when the document is transitioned to the Completed state.
The Abort button () allows you to set the status of the safety document to Aborted. The system prompts you to confirm the action before aborting. This button is only available in real-time mode and only for safety documents that are in the New state.
The Associate button () displays the Switching Sheet Association dialog box. From the dialog box you can associate the safety document to a different switching sheet. See “Switching Sheet Associations” for more details.
The Disassociate button (), when pressed, displays a confirmation dialog box pertaining to the disassociation of the safety document. Confirming the action will cause the safety document to be disassociated from the switching sheet. Once disassociated, the document is converted into a stand alone safety document.
Safety Document Panes
The safety document dialog box displays the following panes:
Tag Points display the assets that the safety document is associated with.
Table Columns
Edit State (untitled): an iconic representation of the edited state of the asset in the Unissued state. The edits will be applied when the document is issued. When working in Study mode, the edit state indicators will remain visible until the document is issued in real time.
: The asset has been marked for removal.
: The asset has been added to the asset list and will be used as a boundary point the next time the document is issued.
Asset: the asset used to define the area or point of coverage of the safety document.
Toolbar Buttons
Screen capture of Record button showing a red filled circle followed by the word ’Record" / Screen capture of Stop button showing a blue filled square followed by the word ’Stop": Toggles recording of assets off or on. The Tag Points list allows users to record assets via selections from the Viewer. To enable this feature, simply turn on recording and select assets in the Viewer.
The Add Asset... button () allows you to manually add an asset to the list.
The Undo Asset Edit button () allows you to undo an addition or removal of an asset from the list. This option is only available when making asset modifications in the Unissued state.
The Remove Asset button () allows you to remove a selected asset from the Tag Points asset list.
The Object Focus button () focuses the Viewer 1 window on the selected asset.
Nominal Pressure Zone displays the pressure zones for the assets listed in the Tag Points assets list.
The Update button () is used to populate the Nominal Pressure Zones field with the list of Pressure Zones associated to the linked switching sheet step assets and the assets listed on the safety document.
The Reset Pressure Zone Value button () is used to replace the safety document's current pressure zone value with the associated switching sheet Nominal Pressure Zones field value when the safety document was created. The switching sheet's Nominal Pressure Zones field is found on the Request tab.
Nominal Lift Station displays the nominal lift station for the assets listed in the Tag Points list. To alter this value, enter your new value into the field.
The Update button () is used to populate the Nominal Lift Station field with the list of lift station associated to the linked switching sheet step assets and the assets listed on the safety document.
The Reset Lift Station Value button () is used to replace the safety document's current lift station value with the associated switching sheet Nominal Lift Station field value. The switching sheet's Nominal Lift Station field is found on the Request tab.
Current Pressure Zone displays the current pressure zones for the assets listed in the Tag Points list. This value is read-only and will dynamically update as long as the safety document is loaded.
Current Lift Station displays the current lift station for the assets listed in the Tag Points list. This value is read-only and will dynamically update as long as the safety document is loaded.
Assigned Crews displays a table list of the Crew IDs of the crews that the safety document has been issued to, as well as each crew's mobile number, mobile carrier, alternate number, alternate number type, pager number, and crew type. The crew IDs are auto-populated with the value from the Instructed To field in the safety state transition switching step. A crew is required in this list before an Issue safety state transition step can be completed in real-time.
To select a crew to assign to this safety document, click the Select Crew... () button to open the Select Safety Crew dialog box. See “Assigning Crews to a Safety Document”.
To display the selected crew information, click the Crew Info... () button.
To indicate whether the crew is issued or clear of the zone defined by the safety document, click the Crew Issued/Clear () button and select either Issued or Clear. The Position column will be updated with the status.
To delete crews from this list, click the crews and then click the Remove Crews button (). At least one crew must remain assigned while the document is in the Issued state.
Description is a text field that allows you to enter notes for the safety document.
Audit Log contains the following information:
Table Fields:
Date: the date and time of each entry.
Description: a description of the state change or asset operation.
Asset: the asset associated with the step.
User: the name of the user who recorded the action.
Crews: the crew identifiers pertaining to the audit log entry.
The Comment section of the Audit Log pane allows you to add a comment to the log.
Edit Log tracks the changes made to the entry fields of the document. It contains the following information:
Date: the date and time of each entry.
User: the name of the user who recorded the action.
State: the state of the safety document when the entry was added.
Field: The name of the field that was updated.
Previous Value: The previous value of the field before the update.