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Model Management Help
Launches the online help system and loads the Model Management content.
Email Log Files...
Gathers the environment's log files and attaches them to a new email message using your default email client. The log files can then be sent to your support team or contact for further analysis.
Set Debug...
Launches the Set Debug dialog box allowing you to set debug on or off within your current environment. This is used for debugging and analysis purposes. See “Setting Debug” for more information.
About Model Management
Opens a window with environment and software information.
Pending Map Section
The Pending Maps section lists all maps that need to be built. This section displays the following columns:
Order: Displays the order that the maps will be built. The value is returned by the [project]‑maps‑to‑build script.
Map Name: Displays the name of the model map.
Pending Actions: Displays one of the following:
To be preprocessed: The *.mp files have not been preprocessed into *.mb files, which is necessary before they can be built into the model.
To be committed: The *.mp were preprocessed into *.mb files, but have not been committed (built into the model).
The Last Build Status displays the status of the last attempt to build the map. Statuses are:
New: No attempt has yet been made to complete the pending action.
Failed submit: The patch was submitted to the Model Builder but the map could not be built. See “Rebuilding a Patch” for details on correcting this problem.
Failed commit: The patch was submitted to the Model Builder but the map could not be committed due to a dynamic data error. See “Rebuilding a Patch” for details on correcting this problem
In progress: The pending action is currently in progress.