Using the Trace Dialog Box
Understanding the Trace Dialog Box Toolbar
Toolbar Icon
The Trace button executes the trace.
The Clear button erases the trace color from the Viewer and returns to normal color.
The Refresh button performs the trace again. This is useful if devices have been operated or the model was rebuilt.
The Trace Focus button focuses the Viewer on the entire extent of the trace.
The Endpoint button focuses the Viewer on the endpoint device of the trace. This option is disabled if the trace is in all directions (since there will not be a single endpoint).
The Upstream Impedance Report button displays a dialog box with all configured upstream devices, their solved voltages, and their modeled impedances. Only available if Power Flow Extensions are licensed. See “Inspecting Impedances with the Upstream Impedance Report”.
The Help button displays online help for the Trace function.
Understanding the Trace Details Pane
To display the Trace dialog box, click the Trace button on the Viewer toolbar and select an object. The Trace dialog box displays the following fields and buttons:
The first drop-down list allows you to select the trace type, as described in the Trace Type table above.
The second drop-down list allows you to select the trace direction:
Upstream: Constrains the trace to be only upstream of the selected device.
Downstream: Constrains the trace to be only downstream of the selected device.
All: Allows the trace to be both downstream and upstream of the selected device.
Note: Tracing all connected devices will automatically trace both upstream and downstream. Tracing to source will automatically trace upstream.
The third drop-down list allows you to select the trace mode:
Current Session: Performs the trace by using statuses currently displayed in the Viewer. This is the default.
Nominal: Performs the trace by assuming nominal statuses for all devices.
The fourth drop‑down list allows you to select what devices to display in the Trace Results dialog box table:
No Table: The Trace Results dialog box is not displayed.
Protective Devices: The Trace Result dialog box shows devices and fuses along the trace.
Switches: The Trace Result dialog box shows all switches along the trace.
Device Class: Allows you to open the Select Class dialog box to choose one or more classes to show in the Trace Results dialog box; see Using the Select Class Dialog Box for details.
All Devices: All devices along the trace will be shown in the Trace Results dialog box.
The check boxes enable you to select specific phases to trace. By default, all available phases on the selected object are checked.
Advanced Trace Dialog Box Fields
Click the Advanced (Expand) button in the bottom-right corner of the Trace dialog box to display additional information about the selected object, including detailed topology. You can also inspect direct connections and navigate to connected objects.
When you click the Advanced button, the Trace dialog box expands to display the following information.
The Device Details section displays the following device information:
Device type
Device handle
Network Component Group (NCG)
Map containing the device
Display group
The Symbol Details section displays the following symbol information:
Symbology class
Symbol ID
Coloring status
Valid statuses
Coloring rule
Symbol coordinates
The Connectivity Details section displays the following connection information:
Current statuses
Nominal statuses
Other statuses
The Connections section displays a list of connected nodes for the selected object. You can expand the list of connections for each node and focus the Viewer on an object in the list. For more information, see “Inspecting Direct Connections and Navigating to Connected Objects”.