Inspecting Impedances with the Upstream Impedance Report
The Upstream Impedance Report allows you to quickly view the impedances between a selected device and the associated equivalent source object. The types of devices shown in the report are configurable; by default, conductor, power transformer, and equivalent source impedances are displayed.
You may view impedances in a trace path without needing to navigate to each individual object or query the data from the NMS database. This will aid in diagnosing data issues while implementing DMS applications such as Power Flow, Feeder Load Management, Fault Location Analysis, and so on.
To access the Upstream Impedance Report, do the following:
1. In the Viewer drawing area, select the device you want to perform the upstream impedance trace from and click the Trace button ().
2. From the Trace tool dialog box, click the Upstream Impedance Report button (). The trace will be performed and the Impedance Report dialog box will open.
Upstream Device Impedances Table
The Upstream Device Impedances table lists the devices contributing impedance to the network between the selected object and the equivalent source. The devices listed will be ordered with the most upstream device first. However, if the trace encounters a parallel area, the devices in parallel may be listed in any order. Devices in a parallel state are denoted with a check mark in the Parallel column and with magenta coloring in the Order column.
To see a listed device in the Viewer, right-click the row and select View... from the context menu. The Viewer will focus on the device.
Note: Data may be copied from the table (see “Copying Table Data” for instructions).
Using the Commissioning Tool
The Commissioning Tool allows you to commission a device that is currently in construction or decommission devices currently marked for removal.
To open the Commissioning Tool, select Commissioning Tool... from the Viewer's Actions menu. The Commissioning Tool displays two panes:
The Waiting for Approval pane displays a table of devices that need to be approved and indicates their current statuses (To Commission or To Decommission).
The Approved pane displays a table of devices approved for removal and indicates their current statuses (Commissioned or Decommissioned).
If no pending devices are currently selected, both panes will be empty.
The tables may be sorted by either the Device or Status column and may be filtered using the filter fields at the top of the table columns. The status bar at the bottom of the Commissioning Tool window indicates the current real-time or study mode status.
You can perform the following actions on the devices displayed in the Commissioning Tool window:
Approve the selected devices.
Select one or more devices in the Waiting for Approval list and click the approve button (); alternatively, you may use the right-click menu option. The devices are moved to the Approved list and their symbols in the Viewer change from red or green to gray.
Focus on the device in the master Viewer window.
Select a single device in either list and click the Focus button (); alternatively, you may use the right-click menu option.
Remove selected devices from the list.
Select one or more devices in either list and click the Remove button (); alternatively, you may use the right-click menu option.
Undo the approval for the selected device.
Select one or more devices in the Approved list and click the Undo button (); alternatively, you may use the right-click menu option. The devices are moved to the Waiting For Approval list and their symbols in the Viewer change from gray back to red or green.