Understanding the Damaged Assets Section
The Add Damaged Asset button () opens the Damaged Asset dialog box so you can enter information about the damaged asset. See “Understanding the Damaged Assets Dialog Box” for details.
The Edit Damaged Asset button () opens the Damaged Asset dialog box so you can edit information about the selected damaged asset. See “Understanding the Damaged Assets Dialog Box” for details.
The Remove Selected Damaged Assets button () allows you to mark rows in the Damaged Assets table for removal. Rows marked for removal display a red background. The row for the main damaged asset cannot be marked for removal.
The Display Attributes of the Damaged Device button () opens Attributes window displaying device attributes of the selected damaged asset. Disabled if non-modeled asset is selected.
The Set as Main Damaged Asset button () sets the selected damaged asset as the main asset for this damage assessment. This option is disabled if the current main asset or a non-modeled asset without geographical location is selected.
The Focus Viewer on the Damaged Device button () focuses Viewer on the damaged device.
The Focus Viewer on Damage Location button () focuses Viewer on the geographical location of the selected damaged asset.
The M column displays the main asset indicator.
Event # displays the event index associated with the damaged asset.
Device displays alias of the damaged device (only populated for modeled assets).
Asset Name contains the device class description for modeled assets or asset type for non-modeled assets.
Status displays the Open or Closed status for switchable assets; for non-switchable assets, N/A will be displayed.
Condition displays the damage condition, such as Damaged, Down, or OK.
Phases displays the affected phases.
Size displays asset size. The meaning of size differs depending on the asset type. For example, for a pole, size can be length of the pole in feet, for a fuse, it can be rated current in amps, and so forth.
Quantity displays the number of instances of the damaged asset (for a modeled asset this value is always 1).
Truck Accessible displays flag indicating whether damage location is truck-accessible.
Repair Time displays time needed to repair damaged asset(s).
Comments displays remarks associated with the damaged asset.
Understanding the Damaged Assets Dialog Box
The Damaged Assets dialog box is used to add details about the asset to a new or existing damaged asset definition. The dialog box has the following features:
The Asset/Device mode toggle button. The button allows you to switch between entering information for non-modeled damaged devices or those present in NMS model, respectively.
In non-modeled mode, the Asset drop-down list allows you to select the type of asset. Available only in asset mode.
In modeled mode, the Device field allows you to enter the name of the damaged device. A yellow background indicates that the device has not been validated and linked. You may set the device by either searching for the device or linking to a device selected in the Viewer.
To enter the modeled asset by name, enter all or part of the device name and click the search button (), and then select the device in the Select Device dialog box. Select the desired device from the list, and click OK.
To link to a device selected in the Viewer, click the Select Modeled Asset button (). The device ID will populate the Device field. Once the device has been selected, the field below it will populate with the device type.
The Status drop-down list allows you to specify the device status (Open/Closed) for switchable assets.
The Condition drop-down list allows you to specify condition (Damaged/Down/OK) of the asset.
The Phases Affected check boxes allow you to specify affected phases.
The Size field allows you to enter asset size. This is a free-form text field.
The Quantity field allows you to specify number of damaged instances of this asset type for non-modeled assets. In modeled device mode, this field is not editable and displays the number one (1).
The Truck Accessible Location check box allows you to specify whether the damage location is truck-accessible.
The Create Separate Event check box allows you to request that a separate event is created in NMS for this asset. This can only be done for a device with coordinates.
The Est Time to Repair (HH:MM) field allows you to override the repair time calculated by the system for this asset.
The Latitude field displays the latitude coordinate of the damage location.
The Longitude field displays the longitude coordinate of the damage location.
The Select Location... () button opens the Select Damage Location dialog box, which allows you to select the damage location in the Viewer.
The Comments field allows you to enter comments for this damaged asset.
The OK button saves the information entered and closes the dialog box.
The Cancel button discards the information entered and closes the dialog box.