Feeder Load Overview Tab
The Feeder Load Overview tab provides feeder load data for the feeders that were selected when the Feeder Load Management window was initiated or updated (either from the Viewer or the Feeder Load Summary window).
In real-time mode, the Feeder Load Overview displays:
Present measurements: Date/Time column values in green.
Custom forecasts (for example, 72 hours of forecasting at 30 minute intervals): Date/Time column values in black.
Daily peak forecasts for custom FLM forecasting intervals: Date/Time column values in blue.
In Study Mode, the Feeder Load Overview displays current study session data calculated by the Feeder Load Management tool based on the user's request from the Viewing and Modifying Study Session Parameters.
The Feeder Load Overview toolbar provides the following options:
Click the Feeder Details button () to open the Feeder Details window for the selected row.
Click the Focus button () to focus the Viewer on a selected feeder.
Click the Print button () to print the Feeder Load Overview table.
Click the balloon callout button () to display a balloon with data hidden in the main table view. The Additional Columns balloon may be turned off by clicking the button again. See “Selecting Columns to Display in the Table or Additional Columns Balloon” for details.
Click the Auto Filter button to show only rows that match the selected cell. Once an auto filter is applied, this button is replaced by the Auto Filter Off button.
Click the Auto Filter Off button to remove a previously selected auto filter.
The toolbar also displays the current summary view name and the names of applied filters and sorts.
Feeder Load Overview Table
Feeder Load Overview Table Filter Pane
The Feeder Load Overview table has the following Global filters:
Filter Name
Displays all data.
Daily Peaks
Displays only daily peak forecasts for the next 6 days.
Hourly Forecasts
Displays only forecasts for the next 24 hours.
Present Measurements
Displays only data for the present time.
Feeder Load Overview Table Columns
The Feeder Load Overview table includes the following columns:
Locked by Default: the following columns will stay in view when scrolling horizontally and may not be hidden.
Substation: The substation name.
Feeder: The feeder name. This column displays a yellow background for rows with abnormal data source or/and data quality for any of the phases. See Feeder/Device Condition Names and Colors on page D-7 for more details.
Feeder Condition: The violation or warning (if any) on a feeder. When multiple violations/warnings occur on a feeder, this column shows the highest-level violation. See “Feeder Conditions” for more information.
Date/Time: The date and time for the displayed feeder condition.
Unlocked by Default: unlocked columns may be hidden and may move out of view as you scroll horizontally.
Amps A: Phase A feeder head load and utilization capacity.
Amps B: Phase B feeder head load and utilization capacity.
Amps C: Phase C feeder head load and utilization capacity.
Amps N: Feeder head neutral current.
Limit Device (%): device name and usage percentage for a phase limiting device with the biggest usage.
Limit Device A (%): Phase A limiting device name and usage percentage. Hidden by default.
Limit Device B (%): Phase B limiting device name and usage percentage. Hidden by default.
Limit Device C (%): Phase C limiting device name and usage percentage. Hidden by default.
kW A: Feeder head Phase A active power. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kW B: Feeder head Phase B active power. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kW C: Feeder head Phase C active power. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kW: Total kW for all phases. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kVAr A: Feeder head Phase A reactive power. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kVAr B: Feeder head Phase B reactive power. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kVAr C: Feeder head Phase C reactive power. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kVAr: Total kVAr for all phases. Positive values indicate power flowing from substation to load. Negative values indicate power flowing from load (DERs) to substation. Hidden by default.
kVA A: Feeder head Phase A apparent power. Hidden by default.
kVA B: Feeder head Phase B apparent power. Hidden by default.
kVA C: Feeder head Phase C apparent power. Hidden by default.
kVA: Total kVA for all phases.
kV A: Feeder head Phase A voltage.
kV B: Feeder head Phase B voltage.
kV C: Feeder head Phase C voltage.
Load (kW): Feeder total true load.
Gen (kW): The feeder's total generation.
Solar DER (kW A): Phase A active power output from all solar DERs on a feeder. Hidden by default.
Solar DER (kW B): B Phase active power output from all solar DERs on a feeder. Hidden by default.
Solar DER (kW C): C Phase active power output from all solar DERs on a feeder. Hidden by default.
Solar DER (kW): Total active power output from all solar DERs on a feeder.
Large DER (kW A): Phase A active power output from all large DERs on a feeder. Hidden by default.
Large DER (kW B): Phase B active power output from all large DERs on a feeder. Hidden by default.
Large DER (kW C): Phase C active power output from all large DERs on a feeder. Hidden by default.
Large DER (kW): Total active power from all large DERs on a feeder.
Dispatchable DER (kW A): Phase A active power output from all dispatchable DERs on a feeder. Hidden by default.
Dispatchable DER (kW B): Phase B active power output from all dispatchable DERs on a feeder. Hidden by default.
Dispatchable DER (kW C): Phase C active power output from all dispatchable DERs on a feeder. Hidden by default.
Dispatchable DER (kW): Total active power output from all dispatchable DERs on a feeder.
Loss: Power loss for the feeder.
Score: The EDA score of the feeder at the time of the condition.
: The number of protection reach violations.
: The number of conductor overload violations.
: The number of switch overload violations.
: The number of feeder capacity violations.
: The number of service transformer overload violations.
: the alarm count for distributed generation units.
: The number of power transformer overload violations.
: The number of voltage violations.
: The number of backfeed violations.
PF Mode: The type of solution used to solve the feeder (kVA or Power Flow).
Source A: Phase A source. Hidden by default.
Source B: Phase B source. Hidden by default.
Source C: Phase C source. Hidden by default.
Quality A: Phase A quality code. Hidden by default.
Quality B: Phase B quality code. Hidden by default.
Quality C: Phase C quality code. Hidden by default.
Wind Speed (mph): The wind speed in miles per hour for the zone to which the feeder head belongs.
Cloud Cover: The cloud cover for the zone to which the feeder head belongs.
Temp (F): The Temperature in Fahrenheit for the zone to which the feeder head belongs.
Feeder DMS Settings (see the Configuration Assistant chapter's Using the Feeder Management Tab on page 24-32 for details on feeder DMS settings).
FLISR: The feeder's current FLISR mode (Disabled, Manual, Automatic, Restore Only).
FLM: The feeder's FLM status.
Optimization: The feeder's current Optimization mode (Disabled, Manual, Automatic, Return to Nominal).
FLA: The feeder's FLA mode (Disabled, Sustained, Momentary and Sustained).
Optimization Objective: The feeder's current Optimization Objective (Conservation Voltage Reduction, Loss Minimization, Power Factor Correction, Relieve Violations, or None).
Protection Schemes: The feeder's protection scheme setting. Disabled, Manual, or Automatic mode.
Protection Schemes Mode: The feeder's protection scheme mode setting. Determines whether the protection scheme steps appear before or after the restoration switch step in Suggested Switching and FLISR switching plans.
Feeder Type: The type of feeder (for example, Sub Transmission, Secondary, and so forth)
PF History: The PF History status (Enabled, Disabled).
Sorting and Filtering
The Feeder Load Management tabular view supports Quick Sorting, Dynamic Filtering, and Auto Filtering.
Selecting Columns to Display in the Table or Additional Columns Balloon
You can choose which columns to display in the main table and which to display in the Additional Columns balloon. Selected columns will appear in the main table and other columns will appear in the Additional Columns balloon when the Additional Columns button () is active. To select columns to display, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the table header row and select Select Columns... from the context menu. A list of the columns is displayed.
Selected columns are displayed in the table.
Deselected columns are displayed in the Additional Columns balloon.
2. To add a hidden column to the table view, select the check box next to the column name. It will no longer appear in the Additional Columns balloon.
3. To hide a column from the table view, deselect its check box. It will appear in the Additional Columns balloon.
4. Click OK.
Note: If you want to save these columns settings so they will be used in future sessions, select User Preferences from the Web Workspace Preferences menu, and then click Save.
Viewing the Limiting Device by Phase
To view the limiting device in the viewer, right-click a Feeder Load Overview row and select from the View Limit Device Phase option for the applicable phase (for example, View Limit Device Phase A) from the context menu. Viewer 1 will focus on the device.
Starting a Study Session for Selected Row Profile
Each row in the Feeder Load Management window corresponds to a specific network condition. By selecting Study Session for Selected Row Profile from the right-click context menu, you can go directly into the Power Flow Study Mode Load Scenario to begin a study session in the Viewer based on the conditions in the row.