Using the FLISR Report Tab in Event Details
The FLISR Report tab summarizes the SCADA devices and their signals and the recommended restoration solutions. To open the FLISR Report tab:
Select a FLISR event in the Work Agenda. Right-click and select FLISR Report... from the context menu. The Event Details window opens for the selected event.
Note: These options are only available if the selected event is a FLISR event.
The FLISR Report tab displays the following information:
SCADA Measurements. This summarizes the status of all FLISR devices downstream of the tripped device.
Device displays the alias of the device.
Status displays the tripped/closed status of all associated SCADA devices.
Pre-Trip Amps displays the pre-fault amps through the associated SCADA devices. This is calculated from the pre-fault kW and pre-fault kVAr.
Fault Indicator displays the fault indication status of all associated SCADA devices. The value of fault indicators can be anything from N/N/N/N to Y/Y/Y/Y. Where N/N/N/N indicates that fault indicators are off for all the phases (A/B/C/N) and Y/Y/Y/Y indicates that fault indicators are on for all the phases. Similarly, F/F/F/F indicates that SCADA failed to report the fault indicators and value N/A indicates that fault indicators are not available on that device.
Lockout Indicator displays the reclose lockout status of all associated SCADA devices. The value of lockout indicators can be anything from N/N/N/N to Y/Y/Y/Y. Where N/N/N/N indicates that lockout indicators are off for all the phases (A/B/C/N) and Y/Y/Y/Y indicates that lockout indicators are on for all the phases. Similarly, F/F/F/F indicates that SCADA failed to report the lockout indicators and value N/A indicates that lockout indicators are not available on that device.
Pre-Trip kW displays the pre-fault kW through all associated SCADA devices.
Pre-Trip kVAR displays the pre-fault kVAr through all associated SCADA devices.
Quality displays the relevant SCADA status of the associated SCADA device's status, reclose lockout, fault indication, and analog signals.
FLISR Messages. Summarizes pertinent information associated to the plan such as tags found, reasons for failure, execution details such as solution start/end times, FLISR sheet creation start/end times, sheet execution start time, status and end time. Message description strings are preceded by a unique 4-digit code, which indicates the point in the FLISR execution that the associated message was generated.
Device displays the alias of the device for which the message is associated to. For example, if a downstream switch had a tag associated to it the switch alias would appear here.
Date displays the time stamp related to corresponding message.
Is Alarm displays whether this message is an alarm (Y) or not (N).
Message Description displays a string with information for that row entry. Examples include reasons for failure, tags found, information about plan execution, sheet id, event id, and so on.
FLISR Solutions
FLISR will try to resolve the problem in several ways. It's overall objective is to restore as many customers as possible, without incurring voltage or flow violations and using the minimum number of switching steps.
By default, FLISR prefers to find a plan with restoration feeders on the same substation transformer bank and with maximum capacity. However, FLISR plan preferences can be customized using the FLISR Plan Preferences SRS rules in Configuration Assistant's Event Management Rules tab (see “Using the Event Management Rules Tab”).
Note: The full description of the rule is available in the rule's documentation pane in the Configuration Assistant (see “Documentation Pane”).
FLISR's mode of operation is Single‑Tier, where all restoration is done using immediately adjacent feeders (and, if possible, the tripped device). If viable a single‑tier plan is found, then it will be presented in the FLISR Solution section of the FLISR Report.
If there is no viable single‑tier solution, FLISR will (if configured) search out to further feeders (or tiers) to see if it can transfer load away from the neighboring feeders and create enough capacity to restore the non-faulted sections. In doing this, it will also consider splitting up the sections downstream of the fault and restoring via different paths. If no viable multi-tiered solutions are found, the best single‑tier options are offered.
Multi‑tiered searching can be activated with the FLISR Number of search tiers rule. Setting that rule to 1, will constrain FLISR to single‑tiered solutions only.
Single‑Tier and Multi‑Tier solutions are presented in separate tabs in the FLISR Solutions pane of the FLISR Report. The Multi-Tier tab is only present if FLISR had to revert to multi‑tier, and was able to find a viable solution.
When the Multi-Tier tab is present, the Single‑Tier tab is for reference only and is there to allow you to review the reasons why Single‑Tier solutions are not viable. If the Multi‑Tier plan is found, then it is no longer possible to generate the Single‑Tier plans, clicking the Generate Switch Plan button will trigger the Multi‑Tiered switch plan to be generated.
If Multi-Tier solutions are also not viable within the search area, the application reverts to showing just the best Single-Tier plans and allows you to resolve the blocking conditions.
The columns listed in the Single‑Tier solution table are:
Open Switch displays the alias of the SCADA device used as the isolation point, in the FLISR-generated restoration solution.
Open Phases displays the phases of the isolation switch that are opened to isolate the fault on the feeder. This column is visible only when FLISR is set for un‑ganged operation.
Preferred Close Option column allows you to select the desired restore switch option for this isolation switch. The selection can only be changed if the isolated section has not had a restoration sequence written to a switch plan. If all sections have been written to a plan, this columns is hidden.
Execution Mode reports if a switch has been utilized in manual or automatic mode. Once one switch in a block has been used, the option to change the Preferred Switch for that block is disabled.
Other Sub-Station Switches to Close, in case of a sub-station fault, lists sub-station switches that FLISR will close to restore the sub-station area.
Rank reports the order in which FLISR ranked the restoration options.
Pickup Amps displays the expected amps (load) in the section bounded by the isolation switch, which is to be transferred to another feeder.
Close Switch displays the alias of the SCADA device used as the restoration point in the FLISR-generated restoration solution.
Close Phases displays the phases of the restoration switch that are closed for restoration. This column is visible only when FLISR is set for un‑ganged operation.
Feeder displays the feeder name to which supply is being transferred.
Peak Load Time displays the time of load reported for consideration. This would be peak load after the restore.
Before Feeder Amps displays the amps on the feeder to which supply is being transferred.
After Feeder Amps displays the expected amps (load) on the feeder to which supply is being transferred after the transfer.
Violation Start Time displays the time that feeder violations start, if applicable.
Violation End Time displays the time that feeder violations end, if applicable.
Limit Device displays the highest loaded limiting object type.
Expected Limit Object Amps displays the expected highest loaded limiting object amps after the restoration.
The Multi-Tier solution table lists the same columns (with the exception of Rank because Multi-tiered switching only presents the optimal restore switch) and adds the following:
Action displays a high-level description of what FLISR is doing with the actions. Possibilities are:
Upstream Restore: There is a SCADA switch between the tripped device and the faulted section that can be opened, allowing for the tripped device to be closed and restoring customers upstream of the fault.
Downstream Restore: A section downstream of the fault can be isolated and restored
Downstream Split And Restore: A section downstream of the fault can be split up (with an open action) and then the sections can be restored independently (usually via different pickup feeders).
Load Transfer: A section of feeder that needs to be moved to create capacity to allow for restoration. This section is not presently involved in the fault and will therefore be moved with make-before-break actions.
FLISR Report Tool Menus and Toolbar
This section describes the toolbars and menu options available when you are running FLISR.