Using Fault Location Analysis
FLA displays possible fault locations and the SCADA data involved in the fault location analysis. You can also use the tool to confirm or discard calculated locations.
This section includes the following topics:
Understanding Fault Events in the Work Agenda
When the system receives a message of a fault occurrence, the FLA automatically retrieves fault information from relays and fault indicators (if available) and logs a new event in the Work Agenda. The Work Agenda fault event provides the following information:
The Status column displays "F-NEW."
The # Out column (number of customers experiencing outage) is 0.
The DMS Status column will list one of the following depending on fault type.
Momentary Faults
FLA (M) Solution in Progress
FLA (M) Locations Found
No FLA (M) Locations Found
FLA (M) Solution Failed
Sustained Faults
(S) Solution in Progress
FLA (S) Locations Found
No FLA (S) Locations Found
FLA (S) Solution Failed
Note: When fault locations are corrected, the system will determine percentage accuracy of the predicted fault location to the actual fault location. This information will be appended to the data in the DMS Status column description.
The Evt Type is "FAULT."
The Prediction Type is "Revised Prediction."
No phases are listed as out.
All device-related fields, such as the control zone information, appear as they would for any other event.
You can treat the event like you would other event types in the Work Agenda (for example, acknowledge, assign crews, and so on). In addition, the Work Agenda allows you to start the FLA tool when a fault event row is selected by selecting Fault Location Analysis... from either the Work Agenda Actions menu or the right-click context menu.
Using the Fault Location Analysis Tool
The Fault Location Analysis tab displays possible fault locations and the SCADA data involved in the Fault Location analysis.