Currently Configured Rules Pane
The Currently Configured Rules pane on the Using the Event Management Rules Tab tab lists the SRS rules configured for Oracle Utilities Network Management System. It allows you to add, edit, and remove rules.
Note: The table uses friendly names for readability. For example, one SCADA data related rule has a friendly Rule Name of Allow Calculated Points, but the code rule name is RT_CALCULATED_POINTS. See “Documentation Pane” for more information.
Action Buttons
The Add button allows you to add a rule to the configuration.
The Remove button allows you to remove a selected rule from the configuration.
The Edit button allows you to edit the selected rule in the configuration.
The Refresh button refreshes the table with the current contents of the database.
The Service Recache button causes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services to recache with the changes you made in the Configuration Assistant window. If you do not do this, your changes will not recognized until Oracle Utilities Network Management System services are restarted.
The Export Configuration... button generates SQL statements for the current state of the configuration associated with the Event Management Rules tab. These SQL statements may then be saved to a file and/or printed.
Currently Configured Rules Table
The Currently Configured Rules pane displays the following fields and buttons:
The Set Name column displays the friendly Set Name that the rule is configured in.
The Incident Type column displays the configured Incident Type value of the rule.
The Rule Name column displays the rule name.
The Rule Value 1 column displays the configured Rule Value 1 value of the rule.
The Rule Value 2 column displays the configured Rule Value 2 value of the rule.
The NCG Class column displays the configured ncg class value of the rule.
The NCG Index column displays the configured ncg index value of the rule.
The Rule Value Integer 1 column displays the configured Rule Value Integer 1 value of the rule.
The Rule Value Integer 2 column displays the configured Rule Value Integer 2 value of the rule.
The Rule Value Integer 3 column displays the configured Rule Value Integer 3 value of the rule.
The Rule Value Integer 4 column displays the configured Rule Value Integer 4 value of the rule.
The Rule Value Integer 5 column displays the configured Rule Value Integer 5 value of the rule.
Filtering the Currently Configured Rules Table
To filter the Currently Configured Rules table based upon a selected column value, complete these steps:
1. Click a cell that contains the value you want to filter the table by. The row will be highlighted and the cell that was clicked will have a border indicating that it is selected.
2. Right-click and choose Toggle Auto Filter from the context menu to filter the table by the selected column/cell value combination.
To remove filtering, right-click anywhere in the table and select Toggle Auto Filter. The filter will be removed and all table rows will appear.