Searching for a Customer
To set a weighted priority for a customer, perform the following steps:
1. Set your search option; see “Options Menu” for more information on search options.
2. Enter Search Criteria. You can search for a customer based on any of the fields in the Searchable Information pane:
Account Number
Telephone Number
3. Press Enter (or click the search toolbar button).
If the search does not return a value, the system will return "No customers matched your search criteria." Click OK to dismiss the message.
If the search returns more than 200 records (or your defined Max Searching Results value), the system will return the Too Many Customers Found message, which will remind you of the option to set a higher maximum searching results. Click OK to dismiss the message. The Customer Selection dialog box opens listing the search results up to the maximum searching results value.
4. Select the customer to edit and click OK.