High Level Messages
High level messages can be sent to the NMS services using the syntax:
Action any.<service name> <action command>
The service name component can include a wildcard (*) to match multiple services.
This section contains the following High Level Message categories:
Action Commands Supported By All Services
Toggle debugging to 1 or 0 for all facilities.
DEBUG <integer>
Set all debug levels to the specified level.
DEBUG <name> <integer>
Set the specified facility to the level.
Prints the message to the log file. This is helpful when debugging, to help determine what actions the user is taking and when.
Turn on function trace debug.
Triggers an isis dump.
Turn on process group timing debug.
Generates a new log file.
Returns the number of matching processes.
STOP (deprecated)
Stops the service. Note that this can only stop a subset of services.
The Action any.any STOP command has been replaced by the sms‑stop command. If you require its use, add the -force option:
Action -force any.any STOP
Writes queries to standard output. If no option is passed, DBService toggles the flag.
Writes update statements to standard output. If no option is passed, DBService toggles the flag.
Audit the Abnormal Device Summary, and add or remove records as needed.
Deletes the passed condition from the Real-Time session.
DUMP <parameter>
Dumps the given structure. If none provided, dumps all of them.
analogs: analog measurements
conditions: all conditions
controls: outbound controls
ctrl_zone: ctrl_zone_mgr
dcz: delegated_zone_mgr
digitals: digital measurements
event: event_mgr
measures: same as analogs & digitals
momentary: pending momentaries
rt_switch: switch_mgr
rules: srs rules
session: session_mgr
<handle>: dump digital/analog info for handle <cls.idx.att>
Runs the customizable PURGE_HISTORY_TABLES() database procedure to purge records older than the CES_PARAMETERS 'RETAIN_HISTORY_RECORDS' configured number of weeks from the following tables:
Reload the SRS_RULES from the database.
WHAT <handle or alias>
Print the real-time information for the passed device handle.
Clear callbacks for all events for which time passed since restoration exceeded value specified by the message argument. Takes the callback expiration timeout in minutes.
DUMP <parameter> <parameter>
Print current internal status of JMService. If no arguments are used, defaults to "rules queues feeders completed crews upstream_cache statistics allcalls."
One or more parameters may be specified:
active: Output information about active events from res_by_event hash. Inactive events always printed.
alarmqueue: Output content of the timed alarm queue.
alarms: Output content of the res_by_alarm hash table.
allcalls: When used in conjunction with the "feeders" option, prints all calls on each trouble feeder.
amr: Dump AMR state.
autoert: Print configuration used to assign initial ERTs to events.
avl: Dump AVL state.
caches: Print the contents of miscellaneous JMSService caches not included in other options. Currently, just the cache of disconnected customers.
cb: Dump Callbacks state.
completed: Print all completed events held in memory.
crews: Print information about crews.
events: Print all of the active and inactive events in memory.
feeders: Print all of the trouble feeders.
jobs_by_device: Print contents of jobs by device cache.
jobs_by_sheet: Print contents of jobs by switch sheet cache.
memstats: Print statistics about JMService memory usage.
queues: Print all of the queues in JMSService. This includes the grouping queue (calls waiting to be grouped).
rules: Prints information about JMService rule sets and rules. A rule set must be active in at least one control zone before it will appear in the output.
statecb: Print TE state callbacks.
statemgr: Print TE state manager.
statistics: Print hash table lookup statistics, statistics about calls processed, and other performance statistics.
stormman: Prints state of the Storm Management module (large amount of output).
supplynodes: Print supply node caches.
upstream_cache: Print cache of upstream devices.
<Class.Index>: If passed an event handle, prints the specified event. If passed a trouble feeder handle, prints all events on that trouble feeder. If passed a device handle, prints all events on that device. If passed a call condition handle (class of 801), print the specified call. Special trouble feeder handles can be passed as follows:
911.911: The no processing trouble feeder.
7.7: The non-outage trouble feeder.
7.0: the fuzzy trouble feeder.
810.810: the momentary trouble feeder.
1.1: the callback trouble feeder.
<DeviceAlias>: If the parameter matches an alias in ODService, prints information for that device (or trouble feeder) handle as specified above.
FIX DUPLICATES <event handle>
This is a non-standard message used in the (unlikely) event you have duplicate event numbers in the JOBS table and/or the Work Agenda for non-NFY events. Consult Customer Support if you are thinking about using this message.
GROUPING_PARAM <name1=value1> <name2=value2 >
Set grouping parameters for the passes name/value pairs. This configuration is uncommon.
Available names:
GRPQ_BLOCKSIZE_HIGH: The number of calls we try to process per grouping iteration when group queue is congested. Default: 350.
GRPQ_BLOCKSIZE_LOW: The number of calls we try to process per grouping iteration. Default: 200.
GRPQ_USER_REQ_HIGH: The minimum number of calls processed before allowing user requests when group queue is congested. Default: 25.
GRPQ_USER_REQ_LOW: The minimum number of calls processed before allowing user requests. Default: 5
GRPQ_CONGEST_LEVEL: The size of the grouping queue at which point it is considered "congested." Default: 5000
GRPQ_MAX_USER_REQ: The number of user_requests before JMService breaks out of the grouping thread immediately. Default: 2.
GRPQ_WAIT_TIMEOUT: The number of milliseconds the grouping thread will wait for user_requests to get down to GRPQ_MAX_USER_REQ. Default: 120000
MAX_SRSOUTPUT_BYTES: The maximum message size for broadcasts. Default: 120000.
STABLE_WAIT_THRESHOLD: The low and high broadcast threshold. Value is in the form of <low number, high number>. Default: 2,3
ISIS_PRM <filename>
Change or report the current isis parameter file. If specified, this is the new isis parameter file that will be used. Otherwise, the current parameter file in use will be output the service log.
RELOAD <options> <parameters>
Reload the specified data structures.
If specified, JMService will wait until the reload actions are all finished before sending a reply message. Otherwise the reply is sent before doing the first reload operation.
Any number of these parameters may be specified.
crew_members: reload crew_members table.
crew_vehicles: reload crew_vehicles table.
statecb: reload te_state_callbacks and te_state_cb_args tables.
dispatch_groups: reload dispatch group (referral group) config tables.
stormman: reload Storm Management configuration.
trouble_codes: reload trouble code configuration from srs_trouble_codes and call_quality tables.
Reload all JMService configuration rules.
SIMULATION <start time>
Set/unset a fixed Storm Management simulation start time.
No argument will unset any fixed time and revert back to current time. An argument consisting of a datetime string in double quotes (for example, "01/02/03 04:05") will cause the simulation start time to be fixed at that date and time.
If the "simulation" option is provided an argument, this argument is assumed to be a datetime string (in a format specified by the NMS_SYSDATE environment variable) and converted to a time_t value. If only a date or only a time is provided as an argument, then the rules of the getdate() system command apply with regard to how the argument is converted into a full datetime string. If the argument cannot be successfully converted, then the command behaves as if no argument was provided at all. If multiple arguments are provided, only the first one is used -- the rest are ignored (thus, an argument consisting of a date and time must be enclosed in double quotes in order to be processed correctly). If no argument is provided, the command will unset any currently applied fixed simulation time and return to using the current time for any subsequent simulations. If either the -stormman command-line option is not in use or the Storm Management functionality failed to properly initialize upon JMService startup, then the "simulation" command is effectively a no-op.
VALIDATE <parameter>
Validates the JMService state. Errors and warnings are output to the service log.
One of the following parameters must be used.
jobs: Validates the integrity of JMService memory structures holding jobs
jobs_in_db: Validates a one-to-one relationship between jobs in JMService memory and jobs in the jobs database table.
snodes: Validates the integrity of JMService memory structures holding supply nodes
snodes_in_db: Validates a one-to-one relationship between supply nodes in JMService memory and supply nodes in the supply_node_log database table.
calls: Validates the integrity of JMService memory structures holding calls
calls_in_db: Validates a one-to-one relationship between calls in JMService memory and calls in the incidents database table.
all: Validates all of the above.
Suspend model builds after any current patches finish.
Resume model build processing.
Request MTService to reload feeder colors.
Dump memory statistics to the log.
This will show debug information on all the colors stored by MTS.
Dump the entire electrical network for debugging.
Resolves the entire model. This should only be done when needed if there are topological issues, such as unexpected coloring that you are confident would disappear if MTService were restarted.
You may wish to restart clients and the managed server, depending on the extent of the original issues.
STUDY_WHAT <session> <handle>
Print the study mode information for the passed device handle.
WHAT <handle or alias>
Print the real-time information for the passed device handle.
Dump the cached information for debugging.
Dump cache utilization metrics.