Confirm and Restore Outages
If you need to confirm a probable service outage, or confirm a suspected breaker open for a real device outage, you can do this directly by selecting the event in the Work Agenda, right-click, select Confirm/Restore Outage submenu, and then select the device operation that will confirm the outage. Similarly, when the outage is restored, you can restore either a service or secondary outage or directly close the breaker.
Note: For more detailed options for confirming outages, use the Confirm Outages window.
Using the Confirm Outages Window
The Confirm Outages window displays a table listing either all of the customers downstream of the predicted or confirmed outage asset (when accessed from the Work Agenda) or all of the customers connected to the selected asset (when accessed via the Control Tool).
This section includes the following topics:
Accessing the Confirm Outages Window
To access the Confirm Outages window, do one of the following:
Select Confirm Outages… from the Work Agenda Actions menu.
Select an asset in the Viewer that has customers connected to it, bring up the Control Tool, then click on the Confirm Outages… button.
The Confirm Outages window displays the following columns:
The Asset column contains the name of the asset the customer is connected to.
The Address column contains the customer's address.
The Name column contains the name of the customer.
The Customer Type column contains the customer type code.
The Prediction column contains the outage prediction type (for example, Confirmed Service, Confirmed Secondary), if available.
The Restored column contains "Yes" to indicate the customer has had their confirmed outage restored.
The Grouping column contains "Yes" if the call for the customer is groupable. The column is empty if there are no calls for the customer or if the call is not groupable.
The Event # column displays the number the system has assigned to the customer's event. If a customer call is made groupable, the event number will change if the call is grouped to an existing or repredicted event.
The Call Time column displays the time when the customer call was received.
The Telephone column contains the customer's telephone number.
The Account # column contains the customer's account number.
The Confirm Outages window contains an Operations Event Note text field that allows you to enter comments when service and secondary outages are confirmed and restored.
Understanding the Confirm Outages Window Color Coding
The rows in the Confirm Outages window are color-coded to designate when a customer has a confirmed service outage, a confirmed secondary outage, or when the customer has been restored. When a customer is affected by multiple outages, multiple rows will be displayed representing the different outages.
Confirmed Service Outage
Confirmed Secondary Outage
Confirm Outages Menus and Toolbar
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Opens the print dialog box to allow you to print the current list.
Refreshes the data.
Closes the Confirm Outages window.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Confirm Service
Confirms a service outage for the selected rows.
Confirm Secondary
Confirms a secondary outage for the selected rows
Sets the outage to restored. The Restored column is populated with Yes.
Make Groupable
Makes the selected call groupable. The Groupable column is populated with Yes. This option is only available when a row for a customer with a non-groupable call is selected and the call is not part of a confirmed outage.
Event Details...
Opens the Event Details window for the selected event, if applicable.
Shows the associated asset in the Viewer.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Confirm Outages Help
Opens the Confirm Outages online help content.
Creating a Confirmed Service Outage
To create a confirmed service outage for a customer, complete these steps:
1. Select the row in the Confirm Outages window for the applicable customer.
2. (Optional) Add an Operations Event Note.
3. Select Confirm Service from either the right-click option menu or from the Actions menu.
4. The Confirm Outages window refreshes. The row for the selected customer is now colored green, and the Prediction column is now populated with Confirmed Service. A new event row appears in the Work Agenda Trouble Event list. A CSVO symbol appears on the customer's asset in the Viewer window.
Creating a Confirmed Secondary Outage
To create a confirmed secondary outage for a customer, complete these steps:
1. Select the row in the Confirm Outages window for the applicable customer.
2. (Optional) Add an Operations Event Note.
3. Select Confirm Secondary from either the right-click option menu or from the Actions menu.
4. The Confirm Outages window refreshes. The row for the selected customer is now colored orange and the Prediction column is now populated with Confirmed Secondary. A new event row appears in the Work Agenda Trouble Event list. A CSCO symbol appears on the customer's asset in the Viewer window.
Creating a Confirmed Service and Secondary Outage for the Same Customer
To create a confirmed service outage and secondary outage for a customer, complete these steps:
1. Select the row in the Confirm Outages window for the applicable customer.
2. Select Confirm Service as described above; the Confirm Outages window will refresh with the confirmed service data. Likewise, with the same row selected, select Confirm Secondary.
3. The Confirm Outages window refreshes. There are now 2 rows for the customer with Prediction column populated with the outage type (that is, Confirmed Service and Confirmed Secondary). Both a CSVO and CSCO symbol appear on the customer's asset in the Viewer window.
Restoring a Customer with a Confirmed Service or Secondary Outage
To restore a confirmed service or secondary outage for a customer, complete these steps:
1. Select the row in the Confirm Outages for the applicable customer.
2. (Optional) Add an Operations Event Note.
3. Select Restore from either the right-click option menu or from the Actions menu.
4. The Confirm Outages window refreshes. The row for the selected customer is now colored blue and the Restore column is populated with Yes. The CSVO/CSCO symbol disappears from the customer's asset in the Viewer window (or the CSVO/CSCO numbers are decreased by one).