Using Web Call Entry
Web Call Entry is presented as a single window that is divided into sections based on functionality and type of information displayed. The sections provide functional groupings of features, such as search-ability and data display.
Menus and Toolbars
The Web Call Entry menus and toolbars provide access to commonly used functions. Most of the functions in the Actions menu are also available on the toolbar.
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Outages Summary...
Opens the Outages Summary window.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Customer Search
Searches for customers based on the search criteria entered into the Searchable Information section. The system displays up to the first 100 customers located in the database that match the criteria.
Intersection Search
Searches for a street intersection based on one or two street names entered into the Intersection Search section. The order of the street names does not matter for matching purposes.
Call Search
Searches through previous calls based on the search criteria entered into the Searchable Information section. The system displays up to the first 100 calls located in the database that match the criteria.
Submit Call
Saves the call details entered into the request sections and clears the form.
Check Meter
Requests current status of the meter for the customer. This option is disabled if the customer is not AMR-enabled.
Call History...
Opens Call History, which lists current and historical calls from the customer. This option is disabled if a previous call does not exist.
Event History...
Opens Event History, which lists current and historical events involving the customer. Note that the customer need not have called to be part of an event. This option is disabled if a previous event does not exist.
Clear Form
Removes customer, event, and crew information from the fields on the window. Remember to save the call, if desired, before clearing the fields.
Options Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Set Wild Card Searching
Allows you to set the wild card search option. Wild card searching allows you to enter partial names or numbers in the searchable fields and all matching results will be returned. For example, if you have the wild card searching set to Both, and you enter "anders" into the Name field, the system returns customers named "Anderson", "Andersen", and "Sanders".
Before - puts a wild card before the search string
After - puts a wild card following the search string
Both - puts a wild card both before and after the search string
Use Sound Search
Allows you to use the "sounds like" search feature, which displays search results that are phonetically similar to the search criteria. For example, if you enter "Jon Doh", the system would return customers such as "John Doe." If you select this search option, Wild Card searching and Exact Match searching options are disabled until this option is toggled off.
Use Exact Match Search
Displays search results that exactly match the search criteria. This is the most restrictive search option. Wild Card searching and Sound searching options are disabled until this option is toggled off.
Set Max Searching Results
Allows you to set the maximum number of search results returned. If you enter a maximum search result of "50", up to 50 entries display in the Customer Selection or Call Selection (search results) dialog box. This feature is helpful when using wild card searching. (For performance reasons, the system will not allow the maximum search results to be set above 100.)
User Menu
The User Menu provides submenus with options to change the appearance and functionality of user interface elements and log out of Web Call Entry.
User Interface Settings Menu
Menu Option
Theme Selection Radio Buttons
Dark Theme
Light Theme
Theme selection allows you to choose whether the Web Call Entry uses a Dark Theme or a Light Theme.
The Dark Theme is generally better for low-lit conditions.
The Light Theme is generally better for well-lit conditions.
Capitalize Field Labels
If selected, field labels will be displayed in All Caps (for example, NAME). If not selected, field labels will be displayed in title case (for example, Name).
Toggle Accessible Mode
Changes settings to enable use with screen readers. Note: There are prerequisites to enabling accessible mode. Please see Appendix AAccessibility Features for information on enabling Accessible mode.
Show Messages at Mouse Location
Sets the system to display popup confirmation and warning dialog boxes at your mouse pointer position.
Smaller Font
Decreases the font size in text and icons. Repeat to further decrease the font size.
Bigger Font
Increases the font size in text and icons. Repeat to further increase the font size.
Reset Font
The application will reset the text and icons to use their default font size.
Darken Watermarks
Make the watermarks more opaque.
Lighten Watermarks
Make the watermarks more transparent.
Show Watermarks
Allows you to toggle watermarks on or off.
Table Settings Menu
The Table Settings submenu allows you to configure how tables will appear.
Menu Option
Alternate Row Coloring
When selected, displays data table rows in alternating colors.
Capitalize Column Headings
Allows you to select whether column labels should be displayed in all capital letters (for example, STATUS) or in title case (for example, Status)
Table Color Formatting Mode
Determines whether and how tables will display background coloring.
None: Tables will not contain color indicators for statuses.
Cells: Table cells will contain background colors based on the cell statuses.
Row: All cells in a table row will have the background color.
Table Font Formatting Mode
Determines whether and how tables will display font formatting.
None: Conditional formatting related to font formatting are never shown.
Cells: Conditional formatting related to font formatting are applied only to the cells they were configured for.
Row: Conditional formatting related to font formatting are applied across the whole row. Where more than one formatting rule is applied, the highest priority rule is displayed.
Manage Preferences Menu
Menu Option
Save Preferences
Saves your preferences to the database so your settings are available wherever you log in.
Note: Theme selection is saved to your user settings on the workstation since they are more likely influenced by the light in a location.
Restore Preferences
Opens a dialog box that allows you to select the preferences to restore.
Manage Site-wide Settings
Update Site-wide Preferences: Users who have Administration permissions (having access to the Configuration Assistant) may log in as a different user type, configure, and save the default preferences for all users of the log in type.
Restore Site-wide Preferences: Users who have Administration permissions (having access to the Configuration Assistant) may restore the default preferences for the logged in user type to the original configuration.
User Logout: Logs you out of the system and shuts down the client.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Web Call Entry Help
Launches the online help system and loads the Web Call Entry content.
Calculate Network Latency...
Runs a network diagnostic utility and returns the results in the Network connectivity results window.
Email Log Files...
Gathers the environment's log files and attaches them to a new email message using your default email client. The log files can then be sent to your support team or contact for further analysis.
Set Debug...
Launches the Set Debug dialog box allowing you to set debug on or off within your current environment. This is used for debugging and analysis purposes. See “Setting Debug” for more information.
About Web Call Entry
Opens a window with environment and software information.
Field Descriptions
This section describes the fields and buttons on the Web Call Entry window.
Searchable Information
The Searchable Information section allows you to enter search criteria to locate information for the customer calling to report a problem or request service. You can execute a search with full or partial data by entering information in any of the searchable fields and then either clicking the Search button or selecting Search from the Actions menu. If there is more than one match for the query, results are displayed in a Customer Selection table. From the Customer Selection table, you can select the appropriate record. For more information, see Searching for a Customer.
The Searchable Information section displays the following fields:
The Call ID field contains the unique Call ID generated when a call is entered. A successful search on this field will open the Call History window with information from this call.
The Account # field contains the customer account number. Enter all or part of the account number to search for the customer.
The Telephone field contains the customer telephone number. Enter all or part of the telephone number to search for the customer.
The Name field contains the customer name. Enter all or part of the customer name to search for the customer.
The Address field contains the customer address or the address for the problem location. Enter all or part of the address to search for the customer or problem location.
The City field contains the city and state. Enter all or part of the city to search for the customer.
The Zip field contains the zip code. Enter all or part of the zip code to search for the customer.
Intersection Search Section
The Intersection Search section allows you to enter one or two street names and see a list of all matching street intersections containing the names. This allows the entry of a call that can be associated to the street intersection, which is helpful if someone is reporting a leak or an outage, but is not correctly located in the database.
The Intersection Search section displays the following fields:
The Street 1 field is required for searches and should just contain the street name with no numeric address part and no suffix such as St, Ln, Rd, S, W, and so on. Capitalization does not matter.
The Street 2 field is optional for searches and should just contain the street name with no numeric address part and no suffix such as St, Ln, Rd, S, W, and so on. Capitalization does not matter.
Note: The order of the street names does not matter. If the database has "W 50th ST & BIRCH ST" as the intersection, it still will be found if you enter "Birch" for Street 1.
Additional Customer Information
The Additional Customer Information section displays the following fields:
The Account Type field is a view-only field that indicates the type of customer account (for example, electric).
The Customer Type field is a view-only field that indicates the type of customer (for example, critical). If a customer type has not been designated for the customer, this field will have 'STD'.
The Customer Asset field is a view-only field that indicates the asset name associated with the customer.
The ERT to Report field is used to track the estimated restore times (ERTs) given to a caller. If the customer is part of one or more outages, the ERT to Report field will default to the latest of the ERTs for outages affecting that customer. The button on the right opens a calendar dialog box from which the reported date and time can be selected.
When the amr product is licensed, the Additional Customer Information section contains several fields, which allow users to check the current customer's meter status.
The Meter field is a view-only field that displays the meter identification.
The Request Meter Status button allows the user to request the customer's current meter status. This button is disabled if the customer is not AMR-enabled.
The Meter Status field is a view-only field that displays meter status information received from the AMI system or an indication that there is an outstanding meter status request for the customer.
Appointment Request
The Appointment Request section allows you to schedule an appointment or record a prior notification requirement for a meet. The Appointment Request section includes the following fields:
Type is a drop-down list that allows you to select the appointment type:
None, the default value, signifies that there is not an appointment request for the call.
After signifies that an appointment is being scheduled within a range after the time given in the Date/Time field. For example, scheduling a meet between 8:00 a.m. and noon would have range of 04:00 and a time beginning at 08:00.
Call Before is for appointments where there is not a specific time or range, but the customer needs a certain amount of forewarning prior to the appointment. For example, it may be the time required for the customer travel from work to their home for the appointment.
Callback Request
The Callback Request section allows you to specify a callback mechanism and an optional callback number or email address, or indicate if no callback was requested. The information you enter in these fields is saved to the database and used by other Oracle Utilities Network Management System applications and possibly other third party systems that are interfaced to Oracle Utilities Network Management System.
The Callback Request section includes the following fields:
Callback Method: Allows you to select how to notify a customer requesting a callback; the options are Phone, Text, or Email. The Callback Phone|Text|Email field allows you to enter the corresponding information.
ERT Updates: Allows you to select whether to notify the customer of ERT updates.
Outage Restoration: Allows you to select whether to notify the customer when the outage is restored.
The Request section allows you to enter general details provided by the caller. The information you enter in these fields is saved to the database and used by other Oracle Utilities Network Management System applications and possibly other third party systems that are interfaced to Oracle Utilities Network Management System.
Flow is a drop-down menu that allows you to select the status of the water flow (for example, Gushing).
Quality is a drop-down menu that allows you to select the status of the water quality (for example, Bad Taste).
Cause is a drop-down list that allows you to select the cause (if known) of the event (for example, Frozen Pipe).
Meter is a drop-down list that allows you to select an action needed in regard to the meter (for example, Connect).
Note: The actual set of drop-down lists may be different at your company.
Customer Comment
The Customer Comment field allows you to enter a note based on the remarks of the caller.
Operations Event Note
The Operations Event Note field displays any dispatcher or crew notes that may have been entered into the system, such as waiting for special equipment or for traffic police to secure an area. This field is view-only.
Event Information
The Event Information section is view-only and populated with information only if one or more active events are associated with the customer. The Event Information table displays information about each active event associated with the customer. To view the Operations Event Note if there are multiple events, select the desired event from the table.
The Event Information Section displays the following columns:
The Event # column contains the unique number assigned to the event. The event number is also displayed in other Oracle Utilities Network Management System applications in order to track the status of the event.
The Event Asset column contains the name of the asset associated with the event.
The Event Type column contains a classification of the event. See “Event Type Codes” for a complete list of event type codes and their descriptions.
The Start Date column contains the date and time the event began.
The Est Rest Time column contains the date and time the operations center or the crew predicts the event will be resolved.
The Trouble Codes column contains the trouble codes that were entered when the call was taken (for example, Low). See “Event Type Codes” for a complete list of event type codes and their descriptions.
The Primary Cause column contains the Primary Cause selected for the event in Event Details. See the Event Details “Using the Completion Actions Tab” for information on Primary Cause selection.
The # Cust column contains the estimated number of customers affected by the event.
Crew Information
The Crew Information section displays the following information about any crew currently associated with active events.
The Event # column contains the unique number assigned to the event. The event number is also displayed in other Oracle Utilities Network Management System applications in order to track the status of the event.
The Crew ID column contains the identification name or number of the crew.
The Assigned Date column contains the date and time the crew was assigned to the event.If the crew is released or changed to en route, the column will be blank.
The # Assignments column contains the total number of events to which the crew is assigned.
The En Route Date column contains the date and time the crew was placed en route to the event.
The On Site Date column contains the date and time the crew arrived on site.
Planned Outages Information
The Planned Outages Information section displays the following information about any upcoming planned outage that the customer will be a part of.
The Planned Start column contains the date and time the planned switching work is scheduled to begin.
The Planned Finish column contains the date and time the planned switching work is scheduled to end.
The Office column contains the office responsible for the switching plan.
The Work Location column contains the street address or specific location for the switching operation.
The Description of Work column contains a general description about what the planned switching work is trying to accomplish.