Using the Customer Administration Tab
The Customer Administration tab allows you to define a weighted priority for a customer. The weighted priority may be used for sorting events in the Work Agenda or viewed in the Event Details Trouble Info tab Customers view.
Menus and Toolbar
When the Customer Administration tab is active, the Configuration Assistant's Actions menu and toolbar change to provide functions for Customer Administration. The Options menu provides search methods.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Customer Search
Initiates a search when criteria has been added to the Searchable Information table in the Customer Weighted Priority Editor pane.
Saves information entered in the Customer Weighted Priority Editor.
Reset to default
Used to reset a Customer weighted priority to the default value.
Clear Form
Clears all data from the Customer Weighted Priority Editor pane.
Options Menu
Menu Option
Set Wild Card Searching
Options for setting a wild card searches: Before, After, or Both. Note that you do not have to add a wild card character (*).
Example: using the "After" wild card search.
Name: Mary S
Mary S Abbott
Mary Szbrinski
Use Sound Search
Returns searches with "sounds like" matches.
Example: Use Sound Search
Name: Fredric
Use Exact Match Search
Returns only exact matches.
Set Max Searching Results
Opens the Set Maximum Searching Result dialog box where you can set the limit for matches to return.
The system will display a message when a search returns over 200 results, which is the maximum allowed by default.
Setting Debug
The Set Debug dialog box is initiated from the Help menu of all the NMS Environments. In some cases, issues cannot be properly diagnosed with only a list of actions the users partakes within the environment. In those cases, additional debug is required. The Set Debug dialog box should be used to turn debug categories on and off within an environment. When the dialog box is initiated from the Configuration Assistant user type, then additional options are available allowing the user to manage debug on all the clients and also within the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services.
The Name column displays the name of the debug category. In some cases this is the fully qualified class name.
The On/Off Toggle column displays and allows you to set whether the debug for that row is on or off.
The Level column displays whether the debug is on or off.
The Application column displays the application that the debug pertains to. If it is a generic debug category, then it will have an Application value of All. Other examples include, but are not limited to Web Switching, Authority, Call Entry, and so on.
The Destination column displays where the debug setting will be set. For Java clients, the value will be Clients. Other values include, but are not limited to WebLogic, PFService, FLMService, FLTService, VVOService, publisher, and so on.
Note: This column is only visible if you are viewing the dialog box as a Configuration Assistant user. All other users will be limited to viewing debug pertaining to their client environment. Only a Configuration Assistant user can set debug levels on other clients, within WebLogic or within the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services.
The Description column displays the documented description for the debug entry. Not all debug entries will have a description as some entries will be determined dynamically based on what the client has access to.
Manual Debug Entry
The Manual Debug Entry form is used to enter settings for debug that is not available in the table list or may require a level setting other than on or off.
Note: Only Oracle Utilities Network Management System services can accept debug number values greater than 1. Any value greater than 1 that is sent to a Java based destination will be viewed as an on request for the debug specified.
The Name field allows you to enter a debug name that may not be available from the table list.
The Destination field defines where the debug setting should be applied. If you have a custom adapter that has debug capabilities, then you can manually enter the registered name of this adapter in this field.
Note: This field is only visible if you are viewing the dialog box as a Configuration Assistant user. All other users will be limited to setting debug on their client environment.
The Level field is used to define what level of debug you would like to define for the name that was entered. The field can take manual entries as well in case the list of levels do not include the debug level you wish to send to your specified Destination. If you are not a Configuration Assistant user, then the only levels you should use are on and off.
The Set button sets the debug level within the current client environment or sends it to the Destination indicated if you are running this as the Configuration Assistant user.
The Help... button opens the online help window for this section.
The OK button closes the dialog box.
Using the Customer Administration Weighted Priority Editor
The Customer Weighted Priority Editor is divided into two panes: Searchable Information and Additional Customer Information. As the name suggests, the Searchable Information pane is used to search for and load customer information. Once the customer is found and selected, the Additional Customer Information is populated with current information and the New Weighted Priority field becomes editable.
Note: The Configuration Assistant Customer Administration search functions are much like Web Call Entry's search behavior.
Searching for a Customer
To set a weighted priority for a customer, perform the following steps:
1. Set your search option; see “Options Menu” for more information on search options.
2. Enter Search Criteria. You can search for a customer based on any of the fields in the Searchable Information pane:
Account Number
Telephone Number
3. Press Enter (or click the search toolbar button).
If the search does not return a value, the system will return "No customers matched your search criteria." Click OK to dismiss the message.
If the search returns more than 200 records (or your defined Max Searching Results value), the system will return the Too Many Customers Found message, which will remind you of the option to set a higher maximum searching results. Click OK to dismiss the message. The Customer Selection dialog box opens listing the search results up to the maximum searching results value.
4. Select the customer to edit and click OK.
Editing a Customer Weighted Priority
Once you have selected a customer from the search results, the customer account information is loaded into the Customer Weighted Priority Editor. The New Weighted Priority field, which is at the bottom of the Additional Customer Information pane, is the only editable field.
1. Enter an integer value in the New Weighted Priority field. Notice that the Save button becomes enabled.
Note: If you decide against editing the selected customer, click to reset the form.
2. Click .
Resetting Weighted Priority
If you need to set a customer's weighted priority back to its original value, perform the following steps:
1. Search for the customer to load their data into the Customer Weighted Priority Editor.
2. From the Actions menu, select Reset to default. The New Weighted Priority field will be populated with the customer's original weighted priority value.
3. Click .