Performing Callbacks
Once you have assigned callbacks to yourself, or another user has assigned callbacks to you, you can complete those callbacks using the Perform Callback List window. You may also perform callbacks that are unassigned (not currently assigned to any user) using the Perform Next Callback window.
The Perform Callback List window is used to record the results as you are completing your assigned callbacks for an event. The Event Information pane at the top of the window provides summary information about the event. The Event Callbacks Summary pane provides a status of your callback assignments for the event. The callback list table lists customers who have requested a callback for the event, and the Additional Customer Information pane provides more details regarding the customer selected in the callbacks list table.
This section includes the following topics:
Accessing the Perform Callback List
To access the Perform Callback List window:
1. Click the View My Callback Lists button () on the toolbar. The View My Callback Lists window opens, displaying all events with callbacks assigned to you.
2. Select a row for an event in the View My Callback Lists table and either:
Select the Perform Callback List… option from the Actions menu, or
Click the Perform Callback List… button.
Using the Perform Callbacks List Window
The Perform Callbacks List window displays the following information:
The Event # field displays the event number for which callbacks are being performed.
The Lift Station field displays the name of the lift station associated with the event.
The Zone field displays the name of the branch office associated with the event.
The Asset field displays the name of the asset associated with the event.
The Start Date field displays the date and time the event began.
The Restore Date field displays the date and time the event was restored.
The Operations Event Note field displays any comments entered for the event by operations staff.
The # Callbacks field displays the total number of your assigned callbacks for the event.
The # Remaining field displays the number of your callbacks remaining for the event.
The % Complete field displays the percentage of your callbacks that are complete for the event.
The Account # column contains the customer account number.
The Name column contains the name of the customer to be called back.
The Telephone column contains the telephone number on record for the customer.
The Callback Method column contains the method to be used (Phone, Text, Email).
The Callback # column contains the number or email address to use.
The Callback Type column contains the type of callback to perform.
The Callback Status column is a drop-down list that lets you select the result of the call to the customer. This is the only editable field on the form. See “Callback Status” for status colors and descriptions.
The Callback Date column contains the date and time the callback was performed. This column is automatically populated when you change the Callback Status.
The Customer Type column contains an indication of whether the customer is a critical customer (for example, medical or key account).
The Priority check box indicates whether or not the callback is associated with a priority call.
The Asset field in the Additional Customer Information pane displays the name of the selected customer's service asset.
The Address field displays the selected customer's service address.
The City field displays the selected customer's city.
The Clues field displays the trouble code clues received for the customer's call.
The Customer Comment field displays the customer comments entered when the customer called, if any.
The Save button saves all callback status changes since the last save. This can be done after each callback (recommended), after every several callbacks, or just before exiting. There is also an option under the Perform Callback List window's File menu for this action.
The Cancel Callbacks button allows you to cancel all of your remaining callbacks for the selected event and consider them complete.
The Exit button closes the Perform Callback List window, returning you to the View My Callback Lists window. There is also an option under the Perform Callback List window's File menu for this action.
Performing Assigned Callbacks for an Event
Once you have been assigned a number of callbacks, you can begin completing them. To perform a callback, complete these steps:
1. Click the View My Callback Lists button () on the toolbar. The View My Callback Lists window opens, displaying all events with callbacks assigned to you.
2. Select a row for an event in the View My Callback Lists table and click the Perform Callback List… button.
The Perform Callback List window opens displaying the details of the event and information for each customer to be called back.
3. Select a row for the callback you want to perform. At this time, you would physically make the call to the customer. Use the Callback Phone number if it exists. Otherwise use the number listed in the Telephone column.
4. Once the call is complete, change the Callback Status based on the result (for example, restored).
5. Click the Save button.
6. Make any remaining callbacks and change the Callback Status accordingly. Make sure that you click the Save button before exiting if you aren't saving after each call.
7. Click the Exit button when you have completed all of the callbacks.
Performing Unassigned Callbacks (Next Callback)
You can perform callbacks that are not assigned to any user using the Perform Next Callback window. This window allows you to select events from the main window and perform callbacks that have not yet been assigned to a user. The Perform Next Callback window displays the same information as the Perform Callback List window, just in a different order.
The callback that displays is automatically assigned to you so it cannot be assigned to anyone else. If you save a Callback Status of anything other than "Restored," "Not Restored," or "Cancel," the callback is not considered complete and remains assigned to you. If you do not save a Callback Status, the callback will be unassigned when you exit the Perform Next Callback window. You can also continue to process unassigned callbacks for this event by clicking the Next Callback button.
This section includes the following topics:
Using the Perform Next Callback Window
To access the Perform Next Callback window, select an event in the main Web Callbacks window that has unassigned callbacks remaining, and then do one of the following:
Click the Perform Next Callback button () on the toolbar, or
Select the Perform Next Callback… option from the Actions menu, or
Click Perform Next Callback… button beneath the Callbacks Summary pane.
The Perform Next Callback Window displays the following fields and buttons:
The Event # field displays the event number for which callbacks are being performed.
The Lift Station field displays the name of the lift station associated with the event.
The Zone field displays the name of the branch office associated with the event.
The Asset field displays the name of the asset associated with the event.
The Start Date field displays the date and time the event began.
The Restore Date field displays the date and time the event was restored.
The Operations Event Note field displays any comments entered for the event by operations staff.
The # Callbacks field displays the total number of callbacks for the event.
The # Remaining field displays the number of callbacks remaining for the event.
The % Complete field displays the percentage of callbacks that are complete for the event.
The Account # field displays the selected customer's account number.
The Name field displays the name of the customer to be called back.
The Address field displays the selected customer's service address.
The City field displays the selected customer's city.
The Customer Type field displays an indication of whether the customer is a critical customer (for example, medical or key account).
The Asset field in the Customer Information pane displays the name of the selected customer's service asset.
The Clues field displays the trouble code clues received for the customer's call.
The Customer Comment field displays the customer comments entered when the customer called, if any.
The Priority check box indicates whether or not the callback is associated with a priority call.
The Telephone field displays the telephone number on record for the customer.
The Callback Phone field displays the alternate telephone number (for example, cell phone) for the customer, if provided during original call.
The Callback Status column is a drop-down list that lets you select the result of the call to the customer. See “Callback Status” for status colors and descriptions.
The Callback Date column contains the date and time the callback was performed. This column is automatically populated when you change the Callback Status.
The Next Callback button populates the Perform Next Callback window with the next unassigned callback for this event, if any, and assigns the callback to you. There is also an option under the Perform Next Callback window's Actions menu for this action.
The Save button saves the result for this callback and enables the Next Callback button. There is also an option under the Perform Next Callback window's File menu for this action.
The Exit button closes the Perform Next Callback window. There is also an option under the Perform Next Callback window's File menu for this action.
Performing the Next Unassigned Callback for an Event
To perform the next unassigned callback for an event, complete these steps:
1. On the Web Callbacks main window, select an event that has unassigned callbacks remaining (# Asn column less than # Rem column).
2. Click the Perform Next Callback button () on the toolbar. If all callbacks for the selected event have been assigned, an error dialog box displays.
3. Place the phone call to the customer, using the phone number listed in the Callback Phone field, if provided. Otherwise, use the number in the Telephone field.
4. When the call is complete, select the appropriate option from the Callback Status drop-down list.
5. Click the Save button.
6. If there are unassigned callbacks remaining for the event and you want to perform them, click the Next Callback button and repeat the three previous steps.
7. Click the Exit button to close the Perform Next Callback window.
Note: The callback accessed from the Perform Next Callback window is assigned to you when the window opens to prevent another user from being assigned to it as well. If you save a result for the callback that does not actually complete it (for example, Busy, No Answer) and then exit the Perform Next Callback window, it will remain assigned to you. If you exit the Perform Next Callback window without saving a result for the callback, the callback returns to being unassigned.