Model Management Actions
You can perform the following actions from the Model Management window:
Displaying Map History
To view a list of all patches that affect a particular map, follow these steps:
1. Select a map from the Pending Maps list on the Model Management window.
2. Right-click and select Map History from the context menu. The Map History dialog box opens. The columns on this dialog box match the columns in the Patches list on the Model Management window.
3. Filter the list as desired by typing the target text in the filter boxes at the top of each column.
4. To take action on an item in the list, right-click the item and then select one of the following options from the context menu:
Rebuild Patch
Patch Build Log
Patch Build Report
Displaying the Preprocessor Log
The preprocessor log displays information and warnings generated during preprocessing. Follow these steps to display the preprocessor log file associated with a map:
1. Select a map from the Pending Maps list on the Model Management window.
2. Right-click and select Preprocessor Log from the context menu. The preprocessor log opens.
Building Maps
To build one or more pending maps, follow these steps:
1. Select the map you want to build from the Pending Maps list on the Model Management window.
2. Right-click and select Build Maps from the context menu. The system builds the selected map and displays the results in the Result dialog box.
3. Review the results and then click Close.
4. Click the Refresh button on the toolbar. If the build was successful, the map is removed from the Pending Maps list and a new row is displayed in the Patches list for this map.
Rebuilding a Patch
To rebuild a patch, follow these steps:
1. Select a patch from the Patches list on the Model Management window.
2. Right-click and select Rebuild Patch from the context menu. The results of the rebuild process are displayed in the Results dialog box.
3. Review the results, and then click Close.
4. Click the Refresh button on the toolbar. A new row is displayed in the Patches list for this patch.
Displaying the Patch Build Log
The Patch Build Log displays information and warnings generated during the build process. To display the log for a specific a patch build, follow these steps:
1. Select a patch from the Patches list on the Model Management window.
2. Right-click and select Patch Build Log... from the context menu. The log entries are displayed in the Patch Build Log dialog box.
3. Click Close to exit.
Displaying the Patch Build Report
The Patch Build Report contains a list of all objects that were modified when a particular patch was built.
Note: The Patch Build Report is only generated if Model Build Reporting is enabled at the time the patch was built. Use the Enable Model Build Reporting option on the Actions menu to enable or disable Model Build Reporting.
To display the build report associated with a patch, follow these steps:
1. Select a patch from the Patches list on the Model Management window.
2. Right-click and select Patch Build Report... from the context menu. The Patch Build Report dialog box is displayed.
3. Review the report, and then click Close.
Enabling and Disabling Model Building
You can temporarily suspend all model building activity if needed. This is useful if, for example, a major storm causes widespread outages. By halting model builds, you can lighten the load on the system while it manages the outages. When storm damage has been repaired, you can resume model building.
To stop model building, select Halt Model Build from the Actions menu or click the Halt Model Build button ().
To resume model building, select Enable Model Build from the Actions menu or click the Enable Model Build button ().