Working with AMI Requests
This section describes how to work with AMI requests. It includes the following topics:
Displaying the AMI Requests List
To display the complete AMI Requests list, select AMI Requests List… from the Web Workspace Tools menu.
Note: The AMI Requests list only displays manually generated pings rather than a historical list of auto-pings.
To display the AMI Requests for a particular event. select the event in the Work Agenda, then select Show AMI Requests... from the Actions menu.
The AMI Requests List displays the following fields and buttons:
The Request # column is the system-generated index of the request.
The Device column is the outage device.
The Feeder column is the device's feeder.
The Substation column is the device's substation.
The Request Date column is the date the ping was requested.
The Request Type column describes the AMI request (Power, Voltage, or Load Side).
The Who Requested column displays the login user name that initiated the request.
The Event # column is the outage event. The Event # may be empty if meter ping was requested for a device rather than for an event.
The # Queried column is the number of meters pinged.
The # Responded is the total number of responses received to date.
The # Off column is the number of de-energized responses received.
The # Connected column is the number of meters that responded to Load Side request as being connected.
The Status column displays ACT=active, CMP=completed, CNL=canceled.
The Complete Date column displays the date completed.
The Who Completed column displays the login user name that completed the request.
The Show Event button navigates back to the Active Trouble Events List page for the selected row's event.
The Resubmit button resubmits (re-pings) the AMI request.
The Complete button completes the ping request.
The Cancel button cancels the ping request and takes no further action.
Creating AMI Requests
This section includes the following topics:
Creating AMI Requests for Service Outages
To create an AMI request for an existing service outage, follow these steps:
1. Select an existing PSO event in the Work Agenda, then select AMI Confirm from the Actions menu. A new AMI request is created for the meter affected by the selected event.
If you attempt to create an AMI request for a customer that is part of an active AMI request, the AMI Rejected Meters dialog box is displayed. This dialog box lists the customer information associated with the meter that was rejected. Click OK to continue.
Note: You can perform the same action by selecting AMI Confirm from the Event Details Trouble Info tab.
Creating AMI Requests for Device Outages
To create an AMI request for an existing device outage, follow these steps:
1. Select an existing device outage in Work Agenda.
2. Select AMI Confirm from the Work Agenda Actions menu. The Event Details Trouble Info tab is displayed, showing information about customers affected by the selected event.
3. Select customers whose meters should be pinged.
4. Select AMI Confirm from the Trouble Info Actions menu. A new AMI request is created for the selected meters.
Note: If you attempt to create an AMI request for a customer that is part of an active AMI request, the AMI Rejected Meters dialog box is displayed. This dialog box lists the customer information associated with the meter that was rejected. Click OK to continue.
Creating an AMI Request Without an Outage
To create an AMI request without an existing outage, follow these steps:
1. Double-click on a device in Viewer to bring up Control Tool.
2. Click AMI Customer List… in Control Tool. The Event Details Trouble Info tab is displayed, showing information about AMI-enabled customers for the selected event.
3. Select customers whose meters should be pinged.
4. Select AMI Confirm from the Trouble Info Actions menu. A new AMI request is created for the selected meters.
Note: If you attempt to create an AMI request for a customer that is part of an active AMI request, the AMI Rejected Meters dialog box is displayed. This dialog box lists the customer information associated with the meter that was rejected. Click OK to continue.
Completing AMI Requests
To complete an AMI request, select a row on the AMI Requests list and click the Complete button. The options presented to you depend on the status of the original event.
Canceling AMI Requests
To cancel AMI requests, select one or more rows on the Active AMI Requests list and click the Cancel button. The canceled AMI requests disappear from the list of active AMI requests. AMI Requests will be automatically expired by the system, as configured by the meterRequestTTL SRS Rule (see “Using the Event Management Rules Tab” for additional information on searching for and editing SRS Rules).
Re-submitting AMI Requests
To resubmit active AMI requests, select one or more rows on the AMI Request list and click the Resubmit button. A confirmation window appears, asking whether you want to cancel the active request before submitting the new request. Click Yes to confirm.