Using the Alarm Configuration Tab
The Alarm Configuration tab allows you to define priorities, colors, and sounds for each alarm type. This controls the behavior for future alarms when they appear in the Alarms List tool (see “Using the Alarm Displays”).
The Alarm Configuration tab is comprised of pages for different alarm configuration options. The pages are provided in sub‑tabs, which are described in the following sections.
Understanding the Behavior Tab
The Behavior tab consists of:
A table containing the configuration rules (definitions) for all alarms and buttons for working with the alarm definitions.
Alarm Definition Preview Panes
The Active Alarms table displays how a selected alarm definition would look in the Web Workspace Alarms list (See “Understanding the Alarms List”).
The Alarm History table displays how a selected alarm definition would look in the Web Workspace Alarm History (“Understanding the Alarm History List”).
Alarm Behavior Table
The Alarm Behavior table defines a set of alarm rules. Each rule defines name, a trigger, and a behavior for the alarm.
The name is used to group multiple alarm rules into one alarm definition that can be associated with a SCADA measurement or System alarm.
The trigger defines when the alarm is generated. An example of a trigger is an Unexpected Open event.
The behavior defines how the alarm behaves after it is generated. For example, a behavior could require that the alarm be acknowledged.
Alarm Behavior Table Columns
The Name column defines a common alarm definition name. The name is used to group multiple alarm rules names into one alarm definition.
For example, a single bit digital alarm has two states (ON and OFF) and device can change through control or through an unsolicited change. In this case, the alarm definition would have four rows in the table for the following triggers:
Expected OFF
Expected ON
Unexpected OFF
Unexpected ON
When the device changes to ON as a result of an operator control request, an alarm will be generated that follows the behavior as defined by the Expected ON rule.
If a rule does not exist for a devices state, then an alarm will not be generated when the device changes to that state.
The Trigger Type column defines the context around how a measurement changed state. The trigger type can be one of the following values:
Expected: A change in value caused by a control request
Unexpected: An unsolicited change in state of a SCADA measurement.
Intermediate: An open or close change for a switch with an associated auto-recloser where the auto-recloser is still attempting to close the switch.
Manual: A change due to a manual entered value by the operator.
Override: A change due to a manual override by the operator.
Inhibit: A inhibit has been applied to the SCADA measurement.
Quality: A change in a quality code for a SCADA measurement.
Cleared: The clearance of a quality code for a SCADA measurement.
System: A system generated event.
Limit Band: A change in limit band.
DBI: A change in state of a switch to an in-transit or invalid state.
The Trigger Value column defines the NMS Value for a SCADA measurement that will cause the alarm to be generated. If the Trigger Value has no value, then this means that the alarm rule applies to all values. For example, an alarm rule with a Trigger Type of Unexpected and no Trigger Value for a single bit digital, would be used for any unexpected change in value of the device.
The Trigger Type in conjunction with the Trigger Value defines which alarm rule will be used to generate an alarm.
A typical alarm definition for a single bit digital would have the following trigger conditions:
Expected ON
Expected OFF
Unexpected ON
Unexpected OFF
Note: The manual, override, and inhibit Trigger Types have no Trigger Value and are used for any ON or OFF change in value.
A typical alarm definition for an analog with high and low limits configured would gave the following trigger conditions:
Limit Band 1: Used when the analog enters the high (Hi) limit.
Limit Band -1: Used when the analog enters the low (Lo) limit.
Limit Band R: Used when the analog value enters the reasonability limits.
Limit Band ~: The ~ (tilde) rule is triggered when the limit band enters the normal range.
A typical alarm definition for a normally closed switch with an associated auto-recloser would contain the following trigger conditions:
Unexpected Open
Unexpected Close
DBI 00
DBI 11
Note: The Expected, Intermediate, Manual, Override, and Inhibit Trigger Types have no Trigger Value and are applicable to both the Open and Close changes in value. The Unexpected Trigger Type used different rules for the Open and Close alarms, which is typically to assign a higher priority to the Open alarm. Two DBI triggers are present, 00 represents the In-Transit state and 11 represents the invalid state.
The Priority column defines the priority of the alarm. The priorities are configured in the Priorities tab.
The Class column defines the alarm classification. The classes are configured in the Classes tab and allow alarms to be grouped into common classes (for example, System, SCADA, and so on).
The Category column define the alarm category. The categories are configured in the Categories tab and each class has a set of associated categories.
The Requires Ack column defines whether the alarm must be acknowledged by the operator before it becomes inactive and is removed from the alarm list. If an alarm does not require operator acknowledgment, then the system will automatically acknowledge it.
The Standing column defines the alarms behavior once it has been acknowledged by the operator. If an alarm is standing, then it will only be removed from the alarm list once the following two conditions are met:
It has been acknowledged by the operator or system.
The alarm condition is no longer present.
In conjunction, the Requires Ack and Standing columns control when and if an alarm is seen in the Alarms list. Regardless of these settings, the alarm will always appear in the Alarm History.
A typical configuration for a switch would be:
Expected OPEN, Requires Ack = NO, Standing = NO
Expected CLOSE, Requires Ack = NO, Standing = NO
Unexpected OPEN, Requires Ack = YES, Standing = YES
Unexpected CLOSE, Requires Ack = YES, Standing = NO
If an alarm is generated as a result of an operator control request to open or close the device then the alarms do not require acknowledgment and are not standing and therefore do not appear in the Alarm List.
If an alarm is generated as a result of an unexpected OPEN, then the alarm appears in the Alarms list as unacknowledged. If the operator acknowledges the alarm, then the alarm will remain in the Alarms List and will only be removed when the switch closes again (either through an unexpected event or control).
If an alarm is generated as a result of the unexpected CLOSE, then the alarm appears in the Alarms list as unacknowledged. If the operator acknowledges the alarm, then the alarm is removed from the Alarms list.
The Latched column defines whether the alarm should be treated as a latched alarm. In the field a latched relay will be set and always immediately reset. In this case two alarms are always generated, the ON then OFF alarm. However we do not wish the OFF alarm to replace the ON alarm in the Alarm List.
A typical configuration for a latch relay would be:
Unexpected ON, Requires Ack = YES, Is Standing = YES, Latched = YES
Unexpected OFF, Requires Ack = NO, Standing = NO
If the ON alarm is generated, it appears in the Alarms list and must be acknowledged by the operator. When acknowledged, it remains in the alarm list.
If the ON alarm is generated and then the OFF alarm is generated (before the operator has a chance to acknowledge the ON alarm), then the ON alarm remains in the Alarm List and is unacknowledged. Once acknowledged, the alarm is removed from the Alarms list. The OFF alarm never appears in the Alarms list.
If the ON alarm is generated and acknowledged by the operator (so that it remains standing) and the OFF alarm is subsequently generated, the ON alarm is removed from the Alarms list. The OFF alarm never appears in the Alarms list.
The Single column defines whether this alarm should act as a single alarm or should be automatically grouped in the Alarms list with any other unacknowledged alarms for this device and this alarm definition. Normally alarms are not configured as single alarms and this means that each alarm generated replaces the last alarm in the Alarms list (or becomes the last alarms parent if the last alarm was not acknowledged). If the alarm is configured as a single alarm, then it will never be replaced by any new alarm.
A typical example of a non-single alarm definition would be:
Unexpected ON, Requires Ack = YES, Standing = NO, Single = NO
Unexpected OFF, Requires Ack = NO, Standing = NO, Single = NO
If the Unexpected ON alarm is generated, it is shown in the Alarms list and requires acknowledgment.
If the Unexpected OFF alarm is subsequently generated, it replaces the ON alarm in the Alarm List. The ON alarm becomes a child alarm of the OFF alarm as it has not been acknowledged.
A typical example of a single alarm definition would be:
Unexpected ON, Requires Ack = YES, Standing = NO, Single = YES
Unexpected OFF, Requires Ack = NO, Standing = NO, Single = YES
If the Unexpected ON alarm is generated it is shown in the Alarm List and requires acknowledgment.
If the Unexpected OFF alarm is subsequently generated, it does not replace the ON alarm in the Alarm List.
The Ack Outstanding column determines whether an alarm should automatically acknowledge any unacknowledged alarms for the device and alarm definition in the Alarms list. Normally when an alarm replaces another unacknowledged alarm, then the older alarm is added as a child alarm of the newer alarm. If the newer alarm is configured to acknowledge outstanding alarms, then the older alarm is instead automatically acknowledged and removed from the Alarms list.
A typical example would be:
Unexpected ON, Requires Ack = YES, Standing = NO, Ack Outstanding = YES
Unexpected OFF, Requires Ack = YES, Standing = NO, Ack Outstanding = YES
If the Unexpected ON alarm is generated, it is shown in the Alarms list and requires acknowledgment by the operator.
If the Unexpected OFF alarm is subsequently generated the ON alarm is automatically acknowledged and removed from the Alarm List. The OFF alarm remains in the Alarm List and is unacknowledged.
The Text Before column determines the text at the beginning of the alarm message.
A typical example would be:
Trigger type = Unexpected. Text Before = Unsolicited
Trigger type = Expected, Text Before = Solicited
An unexpected alarm would generate an alarm message:
Unsolicited <rest of message>
An expected alarm would generate an alarm message:
Solicited <rest of message>
The Text After column determines the text at the end of the alarm message.
A typical example would be:
Trigger type = Unexpected. Text Before = Unsolicited, Text After = Event
An unexpected alarm would generate an alarm message
Unsolicited <rest of message> Event
The Show Value column determines whether the value that caused the alarm to be generated should appear in the alarm message.
A typical example would be:
Trigger type = Unexpected, Trigger value = OPEN, Text Before = Unsolicited. Show Value = YES
An unexpected OPEN alarm would generate an alarm message:
Unsolicited OPEN
The Show Units column determines whether the units of the SCADA measurement are displayed in the alarm.
A typical example would be:
Show Value = YES, Show Units = YES
An analog alarm for an amps measurement with a value of 10 and units of A would generate an alarm message:
The Show Limit column determines whether the limit value is displayed in the alarm message. This is typically used for limit alarms to allow both the analog value and the limit value to be displayed.
A typical example would be:
Show Value = YES, Show Units = YES, Show Limit = Yes
An analogue alarm for an amps measurement with a value of 10, units of A and low limit of 12 would generate an alarm message:
10A (12A)
The Limit Text column allows some additional text to be added before the limit value in the alarm message.
A typical example would be:
Show Value = YES, Show Units = YES, Show Limit = Yes, Limit Text = Limit
An analog alarm for an amps measurement with a value of 10, units of A, low limit of 12, and limit text of Limit would generate an alarm message of:
10A (Limit 12A)
The Attachment column allows a document attachment to be associated with the generated alarm.
The Delay column allows a delay to be configured for the alarm in seconds. The alarm will only appear in the active alarms after the delay period has expired. If the trigger condition is no longer valid when the delay expires then the alarm will not be generated.
The Delay Audit Priority column allows for an audit alarm to be generated using the configured priority in the alarm history for the delayed alarm. The audit alarm is generated immediately regardless of whether the actual delayed alarm is generated or not. If this column is blank an audit alarm will not be generated.
The Delay Audit Text Before column allows for additional text to be added to the beginning of the alarm message of the delayed audit alarm.
The Delay Audit Text After column allows for additional text to be added to the end of the alarm message of the delayed audit alarm.
The User Comment column allows an operator to add a description to the alarm rule.
The Active column defines whether the rule is used by the system or not.
Context Menu Options
The following context menu options are available when you right-click a table row.
Add A New Definition…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Definition dialog box to allow a new alarm rule to be created.
Add Row To Definition…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Definition dialog box to allow a new alarm rule to be created. The Name field is populated with the selected row's name.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Definition dialog box with the selected row's values.
Remove: Deletes the selected row.
Preview Alarm: Displays what the selected alarm would look like in the Active Alarms and the Alarm History lists when triggered.
Add Definition…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Definition dialog box to allow a new alarm rule to be created.
Add Row To Definition...: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Definition dialog box to allow a new alarm rule to be created. The Name field is populated with the selected row's name.
Remove…: Deletes the selected alarm rule.
Edit…: button invokes the Add / Edit Alarm Definition dialog box with the selected row's values.
Clear Preview: Removes the alarm preview from the Active Alarms and the Alarm History lists.
Refresh: Refreshes the screen.
Recache Services: Causes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services to recache with the new alarm rules you configured; if you do not recache, your saved changes will not be recognized until services are restarted.
Export Table…: Displays the SQL needed to create the data displayed in this table.
Understanding the Add / Edit Alarm Definition Dialog Box
The Add / Edit Alarm Definition dialog box allows you to create or edit existing alarm rules. The tool has the following fields:
Name: The alarm definition name.
Trigger Type: The alarm trigger type.
Trigger Value: The alarm trigger value.
Priority: The alarm priority.
Class: The alarm class.
Category: The alarm category.
Before Text: The alarm message before text.
After Text: The alarm message after text.
Requires Acknowledgment: Whether the alarm requires acknowledgment or not.
Ack Outstanding: Whether the alarm will acknowledge outstanding alarms or not.
Is Standing: Whether the alarm is standing or not.
Is Latched: Whether this is a latch alarm.
Is Single: Whether this is a single alarm.
Show Value: Whether the SCADA measurements alarm value should be shown in the alarm message.
Show Units: Whether the SCADA measurements units should be shown in the alarm message.
Show Limit: Whether the SCADA measurements limit value should be shown in the alarm message.
Limit Text: Whether configurable limit text should be shown in the alarm message.
Delay: The delay period in seconds.
Delay Audit Priority: The delayed alarms audit alarm priority.
Delay Audit Text Before: The delayed audit alarm before text.
Delay Audit Text After: The delayed audit alarm after text.
Attachment: Any attachment.
User Comment: A configurable user comment.
Active: Whether the rule is active or not.
The following buttons are available:
Save Changes: Saves the alarm rule and closed the dialog.
Cancel Edit: Cancels the action and closes the dialog.
Understanding the Active Alarms List
The Active Alarms list is used to preview alarm definitions that are selected in the Behavior table.
The default Active Alarms list columns are:
The + column contains a count of the number of child alarms associated with an alarm in the alarm list. The alarm count can be clicked and this will change the Alarm List into the selected alarms child view displaying the child alarms associated with the parent alarm.
The Unacknowledged column contains a bell icon if the alarm is unacknowledged.
The Attribute column contains the type of SCADA measurement or type of System alarm.
The Priority column contains the priority associated with the alarm. The priority field’s background is filled with the priorities associated color while the alarm is not acknowledged.
The Alarm Time column contains the time the alarm was generated in the field. For a SCADA alarm this is the timestamp supplied by the RTU.
The Class column contains the alarm class associated with the alarm.
The Category column contains the alarm category associated with the alarm.
The Alarm message column contains the alarm text
The following right click options are available:
Acknowledge: Acknowledge the selected alarm.
Silence: Silence the selected alarm.
Clear: Clear the selected alarm from the Alarm List.
Understanding the Alarm History List
The Alarm History list is used to preview the alarm definition selected in the Behavior table. The default Alarm History columns are:
The Unacknowledged column contains a bell icon if the alarm is unacknowledged.
The Attribute column contains the type of SCADA measurement or type of System alarm.
The Priority column contains the priority associated with the alarm. The priority field’s background is filled with the priorities associated color while the alarm is not acknowledged.
The Alarm Time column contains the time the alarm was generated in the field. For a SCADA alarm this is the timestamp supplied by the RTU.
The Class column contains the alarm class associated with the alarm.
The Category column contains the alarm category associated with the alarm.
The Alarm Message column contains the alarm text
The following right click options are available:
Acknowledge: Acknowledge the selected alarm.
Understanding the Mapping Tab
The Mapping Tab contains the mapping table that allows you to map a SCADA measurement or System Alarm to an alarm definition defined the Behavior tab.
The Mapping table contains the following columns:
The Attribute column defines the SCADA measurement or System Alarm.
The Device Class column defines the device class associated with the mapping. This allows you to configure different alarm definitions for the same SCADA measurement. If you want all devices classes to use the same alarm definition set this value to All Classes.
The Normal State column defines whether this mapping relates to a normally open or a normally closed device. If you do not want to differentiate between normally open and normally closed devices in an alarm mapping then this column should be left blank.
The Alarm Def column defines what alarm definition the mapping should use.
The Active column defines whether this row is active or not.
A typical example would be:
Attribute = Topology Status, Normal State = OPEN, Alarm Defn = Normally Open Definition
Attribute = Topology Status, Normal State = CLOSED, Alarm Defn = Normally Closed Definition
This maps every topology status attribute to one of two different alarm definitions based on whether the device is normally open or closed.
Context Menu Options
Add New Mapping…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Mapping dialog box to allow a new row to be created.
Edit…: Invokes the Add / Edit Alarm Mapping dialog box to allow the selected row to be edited.
Remove: Removes the alarm mapping.
Add …: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Mapping dialog box to allow a new mapping to be created.
Remove…: Deletes the selected mapping.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Mapping dialog box with the selected rows values.
Refresh: Refreshes the screen.
Recache Services: Causes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services to recache with the new alarm mappings you configured; otherwise, saved changes will not be recognized until Oracle Utilities Network Management System services are restarted.
Export Table…: Displays the SQL needed to create the data displayed in this table.
Using the Add / Edit Alarm Mapping Dialog Box
The Add / Edit Alarm Mapping dialog box allows you to create or edit existing alarm mapping. The dialog box has the following fields:
The Attribute column defines the SCADA measurement or System Alarm.
The Device Class column defines the device class associated with the mapping.
The Normal State column defines whether this mapping relates to a normally open or a normally closed device.
The Alarm Def column defines what alarm definition the mapping should use.
The Active column defines whether this row is active or not.
The following buttons are available:
Save Changes: Saves the alarm mapping and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Edit: Cancels the action and closes the dialog box.
Understanding Attributes and System Alarms
The following meaning is applied to the value of Attributes in the NMS system. This must be strictly adhered to by the system.
All system alarms must have a Trigger Type set to system. The Trigger Value for each system alarm is as follows:
STATUS: Attribute 0 this represents the topology status.
DIGITAL_MEASUREMENT range from 1 to 999
ANALOG_MEASUREMENT range from 1000 to 1999
EQUIPMENT_MEASUREMENT range from 2000 to 2999
CONDITION classes range from 3000 to 4999
SYSTEM: Attribute 5000 and above are reserved for system alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: One alarm rule with no Trigger Value is used to configure general system alarms.
MODEL_EDIT: Attribute 5001 is reserved for model edit system alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: One alarm rule with no Trigger Value is used to configure general system alarms.
FLA_ALARM: Attribute 5002 is reserved for FLA system alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: the default FLA alarm rule if no Trigger Value matches.
3: FLA Device Information
6: FLA Feeder Information
8: FLA Global Information
10: FLA Trip Device Information
13: FLA global disable alarm
16: FLA global error alarm.
FLISR_EXECUTION: Attribute 5003 is reserved for FLISR execution alarms.
0: Solution Start
1: Solution End
2: Sheet Creation Start
3: Sheet Creation End
4: Sheet Execution Start
5: Sheet Execution End
6: Solution Error
7: Sheet Creation Error
8: Sheet Execution Error
FLISR_ALARM: Attribute 5004 is reserved for FLISR alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General FLISR alarm
3: FLISR Device Information
6: FLISR Feeder Information
8: FLISR Global Information
10: FLISR Trip Device Information
13: FLISR global disable alarm
16: FLISR global error alarm
FLISR_MODE: Attribute 5005 is reserved for FLISR mode alarms.
0: FLISR mode changed to disabled
1: FLISR mode changed to manual
2: FLISR mode changed to automatic
3: FLISR mode changed to Load Shed Disabled
VOLT_VAR_EXECUTION: Attribute 5006 is reserved for Optimization execution alarms.
0: Solution Start
1: Solution End
2: Sheet Creation Start
3: Sheet Creation End
4: Sheet Execution Start
5: Sheet Execution End
6: Solution Error
7: Sheet Creation Error
8: Sheet Execution Error
9: Update start
10: Update end
11: Update error
VOLT_VAR_ALARM: Attribute 5007 is reserved for Optimization alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General VoltVAr alarm
2: VoltVAr device info alarm
4: VoltVAr feeder info alarm
6: VoltVAr bus info alarm
8: VoltVAr global info alarm
10: VoltVAr device error alarm
12: VoltVAr feeder error alarm
14: VoltVAr bus error alarm
16: VoltVAr global error alarm
VOLT_VAR_MODE: Attribute 5008 is reserved for Optimization mode alarms.
0: VoltVAr mode changed to disabled
1: VoltVAr mode changed to manual
2: VoltVAr mode changed to automatic
3: VoltVAr mode changed to return to normal
PROT_SCHEME_EXECUTION: Attribute 5009 is reserved for Protection Scheme alarms.
0: Protection Scheme sheet creation error
1: Protection Scheme execution error
2: Protection Scheme execution end
3: Protection Scheme execution start
ANMS_EXECUTION: Attribute 5010 is reserved for Active Network Management execution alarms.
0: ANMS sheet execution start
1: ANMS sheet execution end
2: ANMS solution error
3: ANMS sheet creation error
4: ANMS sheet execution error
RTI_MEASUREMENT: Attribute 5011 is reserved for external SCADA interface measurement alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General RTI measurement alarm.
RTI_SYSTEM_ALARM: Attribute 5012 is reserved for external SCADA interface system alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General RTI system alarm.
DYNAMIC_RATING: Attribute 5013 is reserved for Dynamic Rating alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General dynamic rating alarm.
5: Dynamic rating critical alarm
8: Dynamic rating alarm
9: Dynamic rating over alarm
SCADA_LINK: Attribute 5014 is reserved for SCADA link interface alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General SCADA link alarm
MULTISPEAK_ALARM: Attribute 5015 is reserved for MultiSpeak interface alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General MultiSpeak alarm
MOBILE_ALARM: Attribute 5016 is reserved for Mobile system alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General Mobile alarm
GENERAL_CONDITION_ALARM: Attribute 5017 is reserved for general condition alarms.
1: Condition applied alarm
2: Condition removed alarm
CONTROL_REQUEST: Attribute 5018 is reserved for control request alarms.
1: Control request sent
2: Control success
3: Control timeout
4: Control failed
ZONE_ALARM: Attribute 5019 is reserved for zone alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General zone alarm
ABNORMAL_ALARM: Attribute 5020 is reserved for abnormal state alarms.
1: Abnormal state alarm
2: Normal state alarm
SMS_ALARM: Attribute 5021 is reserved for SMS alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General SMS alarm
FLM_ALARM: Attribute 5022 is reserved for Feeder Load Management alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General FLM alarm
5: FLM critical alarm
8: FLM alarm
ICCP_ASSOCIATION: Attribute 5023 is reserved for ICCP association alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General ICCP association alarm
ICCP_TRANSFER_SET: Attribute 5024 is reserved for ICCP Transfer set alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General ICCP event alarm
1: ICCP failed alarm
ICCP_SYSTEM_ALARM: Attribute 5025 is reserved for ICCP system alarms.
Blank Trigger Value: General ICCP system alarm
SCADA_ERROR: Attribute 5026 is reserved for SCADA errors in the SCADA NMS system.
0: Low priority alarm
1: Medium priority alarm
2: High priority alarm
SCADA_COMMS: Attribute 5027 is reserved for SCADA communications errors in the SCADA NMS system.
0: Low priority alarm
1: Medium priority alarm
2: High priority alarm
SCADA_JITTER: Attribute 5028 is reserved for SCADA Jitter Detection in Flex SCADA.
0: The input is in a normal state
1: The input is jittering
2: The input has returned to a normal rate of change, but is still recovering from jittering.
Understanding the Priorities Tab
The Priorities tab defines the available alarm priorities in the system. Priorities can be optionally assigned a wav sound file that is played when an unacknowledged alarm is generated with that priority.
The Priority table has the following columns:
The Name column defines the name of the priority
The Sound column defines the wav file associated with the alarm priority.
The Active column defines whether the priority is active or not.
Context Menu Options
Add New Priority…: Invokes the Add / Edit Alarm Priority dialog box to allow a new row to be created.
Edit…: Invokes the Add / Edit Alarm Priority dialog box to allow the selected row to be edited.
Remove: Removes the alarm priority.
Add…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Priority dialog box to allow a new priority to be created.
The Remove…: button Deletes the selected priority.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Priority dialog box with the selected rows values.
Refresh: Refreshes the screen.
Recache Services: Causes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services to recache with the new alarm priorities you configured; otherwise, saved changes will not be recognized until Oracle Utilities Network Management System services are restarted.
Export Table…: Displays the SQL needed to create the data displayed in this table.
Using the Add / Edit Alarm Priority Dialog Box
The Add / Edit Alarm Priority dialog box allows you to create or edit existing alarm priority. The dialog box has the following fields:
The Name column defines the name of the priority
The Sound column defines the wav file associated with the alarm priority.
The Active column defines whether the priority is active or not.
The following buttons are available:
Save Changes: Saves the alarm priority and closed the dialog.
Cancel Edit: Cancels the action and closes the dialog.
Understanding the Classes Tab
The Classes tab defines the available alarm classes in the system. The classes allow alarms to be broadly grouped into sensible classifications that can then be filtered on.
The Classes table has the following columns:
The Name column defines the name of the class.
The Active column defines whether the class is active or not.
The following right click options are available:
Add New Class…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Class dialog box to allow a new row to be created.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Class dialog box to allow the selected row to be edited.
Remove: Removes the alarm class.
The following buttons are available:
Add …: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Class dialog box to allow a new class to be created.
Remove…: Deletes the selected class.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Class dialog box with the selected rows values.
Refresh: Refreshes the screen.
Recache Services: Causes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services to recache with the new alarm classes you configured; otherwise, saved changes will not be recognized until Oracle Utilities Network Management System services are restarted.
Export Table…: Displays the SQL needed to create the data displayed in this table.
Using the Add / Edit Alarm Classes Dialog Box
The Add / Edit Alarm Classes dialog box allows you to create or edit existing alarm class. The tool has the following fields:
The Name column defines the name of the class
The Active column defines whether the class is active or not.
The following buttons are available:
Save Changes: Saves the alarm class and closed the dialog.
Cancel Edit: Cancels the action and closes the dialog.
Understanding the Categories Tab
The Categories tab defines the available alarm categories in the system. The categories allow alarms to be further categorized within an alarm class.
The Categories table has the following columns:
The Class column defines the alarm class the category is associated with.
The Name column defines the name of the category
The Active column defines whether the category is active or not.
The following right click options are available:
Add New Category…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Category dialog box to allow a new row to be created.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Category dialog box to allow the selected row to be edited.
Remove: Removes the alarm category.
The following buttons are available:
The Add … button opens the Add / Edit Alarm Category dialog box to allow a new category to be created.
The Remove… button deletes the selected category.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Category dialog box with the selected rows values.
Refresh: Refreshes the screen.
Recache Services: Causes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services to recache with the new alarm categories you configured; otherwise, saved changes will not be recognized until Oracle Utilities Network Management System services are restarted.
Export Table…: Displays the SQL needed to create the data displayed in this table.
Using the Add / Edit Alarm Categories Dialog Box
The Add / Edit Alarm Categories dialog box allows you to create or edit existing alarm categories. The tool has the following fields:
The Class column defines the alarm class the category is associated with.
The Name column defines the name of the category.
The Active column defines whether the class is active or not.
The following buttons are available:
Save Changes: Saves the alarm categories and closed the dialog box.
Cancel Edit: Cancels the action and closes the dialog box.
Understanding the Attributes Tab
The Attributes tab contains metadata on the SCADA measurements within the system that is used by the alarm engine when grouping alarms and applying special meaning to a SCADA measurement.
The Attributes table has the following columns:
The Attribute column defines the name of the SCADA measurement.
The Phase column defines the phase associated with the SCADA measurement.
For the Topology Status measurement, this is set to ABC.
For analog measurements, this is set to the phase or phases associated with the measurement.
The Unganged column defines whether this measurement should be treated as ganged or un-ganged by the alarm engine.
By default, the Topology Status measurement should be configured as ganged. The alarm engine will determine whether a switch is ganged or un‑ganged based on its device class and the ganged SCADA measurement.
For analog measurements, if the measurement is associated with all phases this column should be set to No. If the analog is associated with a specific phase, then this should be set to Yes.
The Tag column allows the alarm engine to group similar SCADA measurements together into parent and child alarms.
By default, the Topology Status measurement will automatically be grouped if it is un‑ganged and this column should be left blank.
For analogs, associated SCADA measurements should be assigned the same tag. For instance, all amps SCADA measurements for each phase should be assigned the same tag (for example, Amps).
The Product column is used to assign special meaning to a measurement. The following values are applicable:
Blank: the SCADA measurement has no special meaning in the alarm engine.
0: The SCADA measurement is the Topology Status measurement.
35: The SCADA measurement is the Gang Operation Mode SCADA measurement.
The Active column defines whether the attribute is active or not.
The following right click options are available:
Add New Attribute…: Opens the Add / Edit Attribute dialog box to allow a new row to be created.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Attribute tool to allow the selected row to be edited.
Remove: Removes the attribute.
The following buttons are available:
Add…: Opens the Add / Edit Attribute dialog box to allow a new attribute to be created.
The Remove… button deletes the selected attribute.
Edit...: Opens the Add / Edit Attribute tool with the selected rows values.
Refresh: Refreshes the screen.
Recache Services: Causes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services to recache with the new attributes you configured; otherwise, saved changes will not be recognized until Oracle Utilities Network Management System services are restarted.
Export Table…: Displays the SQL needed to create the data displayed in this table.
Using the Add / Edit Attributes Dialog Box
The Add / Edit Attributes dialog box allows you to create or edit existing attributes. The dialog box has the following fields:
The Attribute column defines the name of the SCADA measurement.
The Phase column defines the phase associated with the SCADA measurement.
The Unganged column defines whether this measurement should be treated as ganged or un‑ganged by the alarm engine.
The Tag column allows the alarm engine to group similar SCADA measurements together into parent and child alarms.
The Product column is used to assign special meaning to a measurement. The following values are applicable:
The Active column defines whether the attribute is active or not.
The following buttons are available:
Save Changes: Saves the attribute and closed the dialog box.
Cancel Edit: Cancels the action and closes the dialog box.