Command Line Options
This section contains the following Command Line Option categories:
Command-Line Options Valid For All Services
-debug <integer>
-debug <facility> <integer>
Turn on debug, either for all facilities or for the specified facility.
-pgtiming on
Turn on process group timing debug.
Specify name of logical RDBMS.
Add SQL timing information to the log file. At level 1, all SQL commands (queries/updates) are printed. At higher levels, all SQL commands that take more than the specified number of milliseconds are printed. For example, -debugSqlTiming 500 prints all SQL commands that take more than 500 ms.
Sets the cursor_sharing option to FORCE for all RDBMS connection sessions managed by this instance of DBService.
-maxconnections <N>
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent RDBMS sessions (dbrdwr processes) to support.
-process_name <name>
Use process name other than DBService.
Writes queries to standard output. If no option is passed, DBService toggles the flag.
-service <service_name>
Specify name of database service. Default is ops.
Writes update statements to standard output. If no option is passed, DBService toggles the flag.
-alarmUncontrolledZones <number>
Activate the generation of alarms when DDService detects control zones without a controller or subscriber. This option takes an optional argument which is the rate (in seconds) at which to re-generate an alarm if the zone is still unsubscribed.
Create a new alarm for any of the following actions. Note that these options can be used in any combination and do not affect one another, although there is some occasional overlap. Also note that the alarmDigital SRS_RULES entry controls whether DDService creates alarms for changed non-status digitals. This is separate configuration and not included with the ALL option below.
CONDITIONS all tag, note, and other condition actions
EVENTS controls sent to the SCADA system
EXP Centricity device operations
UNEXP SCADA device operations
MEASURES measurements and overrides
MANUAL Centricity device operations (same as EXP)
ABNORMAL Abnormal device statuses
SMS SMService-initiated alarms (like service failures)
ALL All of the above
ALL is the default value, when -alarms is used with no arguments
SCADA_OFF_NOMINALOff-nominal SCADA Pseudo Alarms. Non-product and not included with the ALL option
Allow a full model reset to be performed, for testing and/or training. This should NEVER be specified on a production system.
This option specifies whether DDService should sort zones alphabetically by zone name before sending them to the authority tool for display.
Without this option, DDService sorts zones by the CONTROL_ZONES.sequence number. This column is populated implicitly by the nms‑parse‑zones script, and follows the ordering in the control_zones.dat file. Projects can choose to reset the sequence column to change the order of the zones if the so choose.
-czTimeOut <number>
Set the time out as the number of seconds for control zone transferring. If one user sends out a request and the other user doesn't response in the number of seconds, it will be time out. The default number is 300 seconds or 5 minutes. 
Note: The option is only useful with -zones and without -subscribezone.
-dbname <name>
Connect to the DBService started with the -service <name> option. For example, if you started:
DBService -service dd -process_name DDDBService
Then you would specify:
DDService -dbname dd
to connect to it.
Do not automatically remove the Instruct conditions when a requested SCADA control response is received. This is not recommended behavior.
-delegate <ncg|crew>
Allows DDService to process delegated zones. Without any parameters, defaults to exclusive owner mode in each delegated zone, where only the user who created the zone may operate devices in it.
With -delegate ncg, allows all users with authority over the NCG to operate interior devices. With -delegate crew, prevents all users from operating devices in the zone while a crew is assigned. Once a crew has been released, authority falls to an authorized operator, either the one specific owner (if simply -delegate crew is specified), or to the group of authorized users (if -delegate ncg crew is used).
-lookAheadIgnoreClasses <note,drawing,etc>
Condition classes to skip when populating the Look Ahead Conditions table.
-maxStudySessions <number>
This option will set the maximum number of study sessions allowed. Since each study session takes MTService and PFService memory to hold the Network solution, this number should be set to a point before the services become too large for the operating system. Defaults to 50 if not specified.
Disables condition co-ordinates if they are not configured in the system
By default FLM history is purged at 15 minutes past midnight. Setting this option will stop purging of FLM history.
Do not generate alarms for SCADA events. Use this option to avoid duplication when the SCADA interface passes all alarms to DDService.
This option will override the wait period for a telemetered device when it has been opened/closed. The telemetered device is defined as having an entry in the digital_measurements table, but not in the controls table.
When manually operated, the digital measurement of attribute 0 remains the status reported via the SCADA interface.
Prevents removal of tags from devices in a grounded (or earthed) segment.
Activate automatic purging of FLM history. By default purging of FLM history occurs at 00:15am each day. This option takes an argument of the format hh:mm allowing the time at which FLM history will be purged to be changed. If the time supplied is after the time that DDService is started then purging will follow at the specified time next day.
example: 0:23
which will cause the FLM history to be purged at 23 minutes past midnight.
Use this option to enable web service based SCADA interfaces. These have to be asynchronous messages because they cannot subscribe to isis process groups.
Set the control zone management mode to subscription mode which allows multiple users to own a zone. The default mode without this option is exclusive mode which means any time any zone can only owned by one user.
Switch on summary objects - conditions can be then be mapped to more a second device for the purpose of summarizing conditions on  objects held on other maps.
-systemNCG <integer>
The NCG to use for system alarms.
Check that device CLOSE operations will not connect two hot phases.
Note: This operation adds overhead to device operations and is only useful when cross-phase objects are present in the model.
Enable control zone authorizing in DDService.
-dbname <name>
Connect to the DBService started with the -service <name> option. For example, if you started:
DBService -service tc -process_name TCDBService
Then you would specify:
JMService -dbname tc
to connect to it.
-groupingParam <name1=value1> <name2=value2 > <etc>
Set grouping parameters for the passes name/value pairs. This configuration is uncommon. Available names:
GRPQ_BLOCKSIZE_HIGH - The number of calls we try to process per grouping iteration when group queue is congested. Default: 350.
GRPQ_BLOCKSIZE_LOW - The number of calls we try to process per grouping iteration. Default: 200.
GRPQ_USER_REQ_HIGH -The minimum number of calls processed before allowing user requests when group queue is congested. Default: 25.
GRPQ_USER_REQ_LOW -The minimum number of calls processed before allowing user requests. Default: 5
GRPQ_CONGEST_LEVEL -The size of the grouping queue at which point it is considered congested. Default: 5000
GRPQ_MAX_USER_REQ - The number of user_requests before JMService breaks out of the grouping thread immediately. Default: 2.
GRPQ_WAIT_TIMEOUT -The number of milliseconds the grouping thread will wait for user_requests to get down to GRPQ_MAX_USER_REQ. Default: 120000
MAX_SRSOUTPUT_BYTES – The maximum message size for broadcasts. Default: 120000.
STABLE_WAIT_THRESHOLD – The low and high broadcast threshold. Value is in the form of <low number, high number>. Default: 2,3
Do not automatically calculate ERTs for jobs. Only allow users and/or interfaces to assign ERTs.
Do not broadcast outages. Only used when interfacing with external OMS interfaces.
Do not group outages. Only used when interfacing with external OMS interfaces.
-dbname <name>
Connect to the DBService started with the -service <name> option. For example, if you started:
DBService -service mb -process_name MBDBService
Then you would specify:
MBService -dbname mb
to connect to it.
-deleteConditions <inc PO RO <condClass>>
Allow devices with conditions to be deleted and reported. If not set, the build will abort when attempting to delete devices with conditions. Takes a space-separated list of condition names.
Allow devices which are off-nominal to be deleted and reported. If not set, the build will abort when attempting to delete devices with off-nominals.
-deleteOffNominalCls < <device class> <device class>>
Allow devices of the configured classes which are off-nominal to be deleted and reported. If not set, the build will abort when attempting to delete devices with off-nominals. Takes a space-separated list of device class names.
Specify destinations to be used for error logging.
A list of desired error logging destinations. Options:
D - database
E - standard error (MBService log file)
F - patch file (in $OPERATIONS_MODELS/errors/)
B - CMMS message broadcast
S - System log (syslog directory)
N - No destinations
The various destinations should be strung together: SED
When performing model builds, don't assign new generic nodes when the number of connections to a node changes.
Use the feeder_ncg table to identify a new NCG value if an alternate view with a new partition is promoted
Signifies that JMService is not being used in this system. Also used for model build environments, or for initial builds.
MBService is in an initial model build where all services are not required.
Generates preliminary maps after a patch is applied.
Generate a report of all changes made for the patch.
If this option is not on the command line, no report will be made. The report will be in readable form and found in file "data/reports/".
As the Model Build Service (MBS) updates the model and generates updated map files (.mad files), if -export is set, MBService will also generate export .mb files for external systems to pick up the latest model definition. These export files will be placed in the $OPERATIONS_MODELS/export directory and there will be a 1:1 relationship to the MBS generated .mad files.
If -export is set, a second option, -exportxml, is available to include an .xml formatted export file in the same location, $OPERATIONS_MODELS/export. An xml schema file for the .xml export is available in this location $NMS_BASE/product/sql/mb.sql.
Both -export and -exportxml only export electrical maps Background maps are excluded from this processing.
Auto-populate the SORT_ID attributes of all switches in each feeder-based geographic partition.
That is, starting from the FID object, MBService will assign integers to each downstream switch, and populate the SORT_ID attribute with the switch ID and the parent switch’s ID, separated by the ‘‑’ sign.
For example, a breaker would be ‘00000‑00000,’ a downstream recloser would be ‘00001‑00000,’ and a fuse downstream of the recloser would be ‘00002‑00001,’ and a transformer downstream of the fuse would be ‘00003‑00002,’ and so forth.
The appropriate columns must be in the attribute tables, and the DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES must be configured correctly to save the SORT_ID attribute. The customer must also have feeder-based partitioning.
-dbname <name>
Connect to the DBService started with the -service <name> option. For example, if you started:
DBService -service mt -process_name MTDBService
Then you would specify:
MTService -dbname mt
to connect to it.
This flag allows projects to propagate the GROUND color through feeder heads. Note that grounded and energized produces a FAULT color, whose behavior is undefined about feeder heads. Also note that this decreases MTService performance, as it now potentially needs to solve an entire island, instead of a single feeder.
Loop processing is a significant expense during topology processing. If loop colors are not necessary, this option is used to disable all loop processing.
Add any SND connected to a device to the list of downstream affected customers in Look Ahead.
Accepts a space-delimited list of device classes attached to SNDs, which MTService will test against the nominal model. If any instance of the listed classes is found to be partially energized, MTService will print a log warning describing the problem, along with the alias into the log file.
MTService will then continue to operate under the assumption that the devices are incorrectly modeled and should only have the hot phases available. This prevents difficult situations within outage management where SNDs can never be reenergized after outages, due to modeling errors.
This option should be removed as soon as the model has been cleaned, since it impairs MTService startup and model recache performance considerably.
Disable complex HV/LV network protector processing.
Cache aggregate definitions for performance in the Feeder Focus operation.
-cache <classes>
Builds an AliasCache of the specified devices.
-db_types <type type etc>
ALIAS_MAPPING.DB_TYPE values to load.
Used to allow the system to start up before loading device alias information. For example, if the services take 8 minutes to launch, then a -delay 10 could be used to delay alias caching.
Specifies the "db_types" to ignore when caching aliases; db_types include DNO, OPS, DDB, and RTI_SP.
Cache object locations.
-mru <n>
(Most Recently Used) Creates an array of size (n) to store device aliases. This helps when the same alias is looked up repeatedly. If not specified, n defaults to 10.
Note: The process for determining an alias is to first check the MRU cache, then check the general cache, then finally execute a DBService query if an alias has not been found.
-noAliases <class class etc>
Do not query aliases for the specified class names.
-period <n>
Seconds for initialization retry (minimum 5 seconds).
Enable debugging of mru cache statistics.
-outgoingURL <NMS switching web service URL>
The URL of the switching web service in NMS.
This URL has the following format
https://<WebLogic server host>:<WebLogic server port>/ExternalSwmanServiceImpl
where <WebLogic server> is the server where cesejb.ear is deployed.
-wallet <path to wallet folder>
The full path to the filesystem folder containing credentials information for accessing switching web service.
-sslCert <path to SSL certificate>
The full path to the SSL certificate use to secure access to the switching web service.
-connectRetry <N>
Number of retries to attempt when accessing switching web service fails due to network error. The amount of time between the attempts starts at 1 second and doubles with each subsequent attempt until it reaches 32 seconds. The valid values for this option are from 0 to 8 (inclusive) with default being 0 (no retries).
-process_name <name>
Use process name other name SwService.